izentrop a écrit :Spécial Vetus
izentrop a écrit :S'auto censurer c'est se complaire dans l'ignorance non ?
GuyGadebois a écrit :izentrop a écrit :S'auto censurer c'est se complaire dans l'ignorance non ?
Non, c'est le contraire. L'auto censure est un signe de bonne santé mentale.
“The properties that we now see in the virus, we have yet to discover anywhere in nature. We know that these properties make the virus very infectious, so if it came from nature, there should also be many animals infected with this, but we have still not been able to trace the virus in nature.
“The only place we are aware of where an equivalent virus to that which causes Covid-19 exists, is in a laboratory. So the simplest and most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory. Those who claim otherwise, have the burden of proof,” Sørensen says.
https://www.minervanett.no/corona/the-m ... Qe_7u4Bjdo
VetusLignum a écrit :Le virologiste norvegien Birger Sørensen rejoint les rangs de ceux qui pensent que le SARS-CoV-2 vient d'un laboratoire.“The properties that we now see in the virus, we have yet to discover anywhere in nature. We know that these properties make the virus very infectious, so if it came from nature, there should also be many animals infected with this, but we have still not been able to trace the virus in nature.
“The only place we are aware of where an equivalent virus to that which causes Covid-19 exists, is in a laboratory. So the simplest and most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory. Those who claim otherwise, have the burden of proof,” Sørensen says.
https://www.minervanett.no/corona/the-m ... Qe_7u4Bjdo
Coronavirus: Washington salue l'enquête lancée par l'OMS sur les origines du virus en Chine
Deux experts de l'organisation mondiale de la santé sont attendus ce week-end à Pékin
Obamot a écrit :VetusLignum a écrit :Le virologiste norvegien Birger Sørensen rejoint les rangs de ceux qui pensent que le SARS-CoV-2 vient d'un laboratoire.“The properties that we now see in the virus, we have yet to discover anywhere in nature. We know that these properties make the virus very infectious, so if it came from nature, there should also be many animals infected with this, but we have still not been able to trace the virus in nature.
“The only place we are aware of where an equivalent virus to that which causes Covid-19 exists, is in a laboratory. So the simplest and most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory. Those who claim otherwise, have the burden of proof,” Sørensen says.
https://www.minervanett.no/corona/the-m ... Qe_7u4Bjdo
Il n’est pas banal que les seuls chercheurs “qui osent parler” sont ceux qui sont à la retraite ou en fin de carrière!
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