Et ce qui faisait peur aux Etats-Unis, c’était la prochaine mise en fonction du Nord Stream 2.
L’article ci-dessous date d’il y a 2 semaines :
There it is in black and white. The Biden team wants to “goad Russia into a military response” in order to sabotage NordStream. That implies there will be some kind of provocation designed to induce Putin to send his troops across the border to defend the ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. If Putin takes the bait, the response would be swift and harsh. The media will excoriate the action as a threat to all of Europe while leaders around the world will denounce Putin as the “new Hitler”. This is Washington’s strategy in a nutshell, and the whole production is being orchestrated with one goal in mind; to make it politically impossible for the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to wave NordStream through the final approval process. ... t-germany/
Et ce qui était annoncé dans cet article est en train de se produire : ... a-12548612
Du coup, l’Europe va devoir importer davantage de gaz (de schiste) américain : ... ff3f7dbad0
Notons que la question de l’approvisionnement en gaz de l’Europe était aussi (en partie) à l’origine de la guerre en Syrie : ... age-95.htm