Ce n'est pas plus écologique en Anglais mais :
notre système immunitaire fait de l'eau de Javel et donc n'est pas pas plus écologique !!
In response to infection, the human immune system will produce a strong oxidizer, hypochlorous acid, to kill bacterial invaders.......
A recent European study indicated that sodium hypochlorite and organic chemicals (e.g., surfactants, fragrances) contained in several household cleaning products can react to generate chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs).[6] These chlorinated compounds are emitted during cleaning applications, some of which are toxic and probable human carcinogens. The study showed that indoor air concentrations significantly increase (8-52 times for chloroform and 1-1170 times for carbon tetrachloride, respectively, above baseline quantities in the household) during the use of bleach containing products. The increase in chlorinated volatile organic compound concentrations was the lowest for plain bleach and the highest for the products in the form of “thick liquid and gel”. The significant increases observed in indoor air concentrations of several chlorinated VOCs (especially carbon tetrachloride and chloroform) indicate that the bleach use may be a source that could be important in terms of inhalation exposure to these compounds. While the authors suggested that using these cleaning products may significantly increase the cancer risk,[7] this conclusion appears to be hypothetical:
* The highest level cited for concentration of carbon tetrachloride (seemingly of highest concern) is 459 micrograms per cubic meter, translating to 0.073 ppm (part per million), or 73 ppb (part per billion). The OSHA-allowable time-weighted average concentration over an eight-hour period is 10 ppm,[8] almost 140 times higher;
* The OSHA highest allowable peak concentration (5 minute exposure for five minutes in a 4-hour period) is 200 ppm,[8] twice as high as the reported highest peak level (from the headspace of a bottle of a sample of bleach plus detergent).
Utilisez de l'eau de Javel pure sans autre produit avec, parfums, gels, etc.. , qui aident à dégager du chlore, bien plus violent et toxique et surtout dehors et pas dans la maison, en n'ayant pas la manie de tout nettoyer et désinfecter avec ces produits ordinaires toxiques chez soi !!
Un peu de saleté est meilleur pour la santé que de désinfecter sans arrêt, comme quelques insectes et araignées qu'une maison pleine d'insecticides parfumés !!!
Le tetrachlorure de carbone et le chloroforme sont un poison vrai !!
et on en fait avec l'eau de javel du commerce mélangée avec d'autres produits !!
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A9tra ... onnelle%29http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_tetrachloridehttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloroformehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChloroformThe haloform reaction can also occur inadvertently in domestic settings. Sodium hypochlorite solution (chlorine bleach) mixed with common household liquids such as acetone, butanone, ethanol, or isopropyl alcohol can produce some chloroform, in addition to other compounds such as chloroacetone, or dichloroacetone.