Econology forum in english lives!

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
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Econology forum in english lives!

par Christophe » 15/11/10, 19:13

Dear Madams and Sirs!

Just to notice you than we have just created a new sub forum dedicated to "english speaking" sujets : ... -vf82.html

Remundo and Pascal Ham Pham are now moderators of this subforum.

Thanks you for your (future) contribution.
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par Obamot » 15/11/10, 22:06

Hi !

Thank's for sharing!

I'am a newbies in here. :cheesy:

Can you tell us more, in few words, about the goals of this forum?!

And the mean of econology VS ecology (because of this word don't appear by "Google traduction")

Best regards,
Dernière édition par Obamot le 15/11/10, 22:11, édité 1 fois.
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par elephant » 15/11/10, 22:10

Long life to this wonderful initiative. I expect it will interrest many new particpants.
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 !
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par Christophe » 15/11/10, 22:36

Obamot a écrit :Can you tell us more, in few words, about the goals of this forum?!

Hi hi hi...
The aim is to say welcome to people dont speak or misunderstand the Molière language (i.e French). We already got 2 "bigs" sujets only in english: ... t9437.html ... t1739.html

Obamot a écrit :And the mean of econology VS ecology (because of this word don't appear by "Google traduction")

Try the Google Auto translation of this page: ... es-12.html

:arrow: ... es-12.html

Just replace econologis by econology :mrgreen:
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par sherkanner » 16/11/10, 07:38

Welcome to all the English speakers on econology \o/
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
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welcome english men, english writers and english lerners

par pascal HA PHAM » 16/11/10, 07:40

hi ,

welcome for the english people....
welcome for the world because this language is the international one !

have a great day

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par Christophe » 16/11/10, 10:12

Yes we can! :cheesy:
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Re: Econology forum in english lives!

par Remundo » 16/11/10, 10:12

Christophe a écrit :Dear Madams and Sirs!

Just to notice you than we have just created a new sub forum dedicated to "english speaking" sujets : ... -vf82.html

Remundo and Pascal Ham Pham are now moderators of this subforum.

Thanks you for your (future) contribution.

Dear Ladies. I guess the Ladies love to be called Ladies rather than Madams :oops:
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par Macro » 16/11/10, 11:05

Rupit after mii : my econo iz gii...

And whatabout the most succesfull sujet ...The ballburner

Ho shit.... :cheesy: :cheesy:
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Messages : 79851
Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
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par Christophe » 16/11/10, 11:18

Ballburner sujet? :shock: Where where is it?

Remundo, forget it: if you want to "fish for ladies", meetic or facebook is better than this forum :cheesy: :cheesy:

And all the nice ladies are first reserved to the webmaster guru :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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