New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par Remundo » 13/08/09, 14:51

Hello Inventor !

So What's Up ? Nice summer isn't it ?

I wish to say that your graphics about VCR (various compression ratio) are nice.

About my motors MPRBC and POGDC, I have preferred to have pistons with static shapes AND monoblock cover. Thus it needs an additionnal piston to regulate the compression ratio. They have also VVT...

Finally, and to change of subject, I like a lot your windy phone, especially if it is a ROBIPLAN Windy Phone :P

Read you soon.
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par inventor » 16/09/09, 15:03

Weight piston and valve same diameter - 62 mm
Right now without springs. Only retainers.


So that you get rid of the doubt next photographs with accurate data :


Diameter popped 75 mm , diameter piston 76.5 mm

Right now are you shure ?? Any washes.


Weight popped 75 mm 1000 G
weight piston & rod 76.5 mm 850 G
weight popped 62 mm 400 G
weight piston & rod 62 mm 370 G

But the window of the flight of the valve of 75 mm is only 64 mm, what is very similar to the window of the flight piston 62 mm .

That is it results from it that the valve of 75 mm is giving the same flight as the piston 62 mm that is 1000 G to 370 G !!!!!

==~~ 2.5 more weight popped to piston& rod !!

It only looks impossibly. but this way is.:D


In principle ,for them greater popped/piston diameter, it is this difference in weight will be to the benefit of pistons.

Since when the keg came into existence, for it is her shipping by ships constituted a spot of bother. That is how, they forgot to attach, while swinging the ship rolled from one side to other side, hitting in not around with great energy. There was this great danger for the crew. That is how, they forgot to attach, while swinging the ship rolled from one side to other side, hitting in not around with great energy. I decided to use this energy for the production of the electric current with the help of the oscillatory dynamo. It is a pendulum driving the oscillatory dynamo around so with keg. It will be sufficient to install shipboard or for other swimming raft, and during waving we have the electricity, rather than danger

block of osillating dynamo:


Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 16/09/09, 16:00


Regards Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par Remundo » 16/09/09, 18:12

Hi Andrew !

How are you ? The summer is over, what a pain ! :?

But Working is back and also new inventions and mechanisms :idea:

I think your cell phone is too much expensive for me :mrgreen:

And your poppet valve is big as regard to the piston's diameter ! Very good to make the engine breath...

Bye !
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par Aumicron » 17/09/09, 10:40

Bonjour Remundo

Je suis avec intérêt cette discussion et comme tu sembles le seul à ne pas avoir décroché, il serait peut être intéressant de faire le point notamment sur le moteur dont les soupapes ont été remplacées par des pistons.

Je crois avoir compris qu'il y avait un gain de poids mais je crains que les pertes par frottement soient supérieures.

Est ce qu'il existe un prototype et est ce que inventor a une idée du gain sur le rendement effectif?


Je parle de ce moteur là :

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par inventor » 17/09/09, 11:04

Aumicron a écrit :Bonjour Remundo

Je suis avec intérêt cette discussion et comme tu sembles le seul à ne pas avoir décroché, il serait peut être intéressant de faire le point notamment sur le moteur dont les soupapes ont été remplacées par des pistons.

Je crois avoir compris qu'il y avait un gain de poids mais je crains que les pertes par frottement soient supérieures.

Est ce qu'il existe un prototype et est ce que inventor a une idée du gain sur le rendement effectif?


This way, of course.


and 7 pages about it

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par Remundo » 17/09/09, 13:56

Hello Friends,

nice links, Inventor :idea:

About valves with high surface of out-flow, and integrated VVT (variable valve timing), I will publish soon some interesting news...

Bye !
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par Aumicron » 18/09/09, 10:39


OK pour le poids.

Concernant les frottements dans un moteur classique, la perte due à l'ensemble vilebrequin/piston (équipage mobile) représente 50% (hypothèse basse) alors que la perte liée à la distribution est de 25% maxi.

De ce fait, remplacer la distribution par arbre à cames et soupapes par un ensemble vilebrequin/piston me semble nuire de façon importante au rendement.

Quel est votre avis sur cette question?
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par inventor » 19/09/09, 13:30


Since when the keg came into existence, for it is her shipping by ships constituted a spot of bother. That is how, they forgot to attach, while swinging the ship rolled from one side to other side, hitting in not around with great energy. There was this great danger for the crew. That is how, they forgot to attach, while swinging the ship rolled from one side to other side, hitting in not around with great energy. I decided to use this energy for the production of the electric current with the help of the oscillatory dynamo. It is a pendulum driving the oscillatory dynamo around so with keg. It will be sufficient to install shipboard or for other swimming raft, and during waving we have the electricity, rather than danger

block of osillating dynamo:


And mutation pendulum dynamo:


Or magnet tooth plate.


So far we exploited the energy arising with the help of the pendulum only for stopping him. :roll:

Clik on picture, see animation

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par Remundo » 21/09/09, 15:37

Hello Inventor,

Nice pictures,

However, be careful about your hosts of files, sometimes they fail with "dead links" and Christophe doesn't like it :P
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