New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Alain G
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par Alain G » 12/10/09, 14:24

Hi Remondo!

The problem is not to create the motor but the electronic which is very hard to conceive, that's why this is very expensive.
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par Remundo » 12/10/09, 15:02

Yes Alain,

and that's why I've worked hard to get hyper compact engines, in order to use one "combustion" chamber as a pneumatic chamber, which stores the kinetic energy while braking, and sends it back while relaunching...

And pneumatic devices doesn't need complex electronic or power thyristor, and is instantaneous both at storage that at expanding :idea:

It just needs a system of valves... Do you have seen the very last works of Sycomoreen on motors & pumps, the anti-friction epicyclic rotary valve ?

Nevertheless, electric recovery are a also a nice way of thinking and experimenting, because at present, there's no compact engines on the market, nor pneumatic storage for vehicles :idea:
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Alain G
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par Alain G » 12/10/09, 16:02

Hi Remondo!

The problem is that you need a bigger pump in decelerating mode than accelerating and will create much heating air that you will lose for nothing, but this heat can be stored to heated the chamber to increase the output of the air motor.

So you need 2 motors/pumps to used in serial like a 2 stage High pressure for the first stage then second stage for low pressure hooked after the first, for decelerating you use both in pump hooked in parallel.

I agree that it can work but surely not as efficient than a eletric system, the advantage is the cost which is very low in comparison to electric. :D
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par inventor » 12/10/09, 16:26

Principe oscillating disc dynamo (pendulum)

Red Pin :






Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par Remundo » 13/10/09, 09:58

and what about oscillating neurons which generate amazing ideas ? :P
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par inventor » 13/10/09, 12:56

Remundo a écrit :and what about oscillating neurons which generate amazing ideas ? :P

It is necessary to eat the collected near Czernobyl mushrooms :lol: :lol:

Many Regards Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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par Remundo » 13/10/09, 15:16

Hi Andrews, it seems to me that you're polish, not very far from Ukrain; and perhaps do you have eaten some non conventional mushrooms :P

To be more serious, I'm not quite informed about the state of the art to get power from waves in the sea... Do you have done some research about that ? How do your oscillating dynamos take place from a technological/historical point of view ?
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par inventor » 19/10/09, 04:51

Remundo a écrit :Hi Andrews, it seems to me that you're polish, not very far from Ukrain; and perhaps do you have eaten some non conventional mushrooms :P

To be more serious, I'm not quite informed about the state of the art to get power from waves in the sea... Do you have done some research about that ? How do your oscillating dynamos take place from a technological/historical point of view ?

Technological and historical view: This my personal idea , publication started at

Congratulations please to e mail : :lol: :lol:

Remundo, this view of only energic HALF rotate stepper engine (left , right,left, right) video with to bulbs .One coil have diode and capacitor., another one coil no have.

You can made this demonstrate , using old stepper engine of old computers printer. Value elements on image:


next oscillating dynamo principe , are in same diode, but valave of water, when pumps water too hight reservoir( water capacitor )

Some research need antique people ask. They are pumps water to his poles . And Arhimedes laws are explained :lol:

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 19/10/09, 04:53

Or swimmer too....


Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 05/11/09, 18:46

Now I will describe the entire technology of modification swimmer.

Made a cheap swimmer :

1.To buy old sea containers.

2. Weld some diagonals new part too to improve the stiffness,

3. To paint the container this way modified with method of the bath in rustproof paint.

4 . Put for means container maximum polystyrene foam packed into strong plastic sacks.

5. To close the container tightly.

5. Through the small hole to fill up under the pressure with the foam polystyrene foam.
(automatically expanded one's volume)

6. We have a long time live swimmer weight about 3000 kG , and volume 33 m^3
Sum we have 30 000 KG (30 Ton) displacement force each .

Redy too using In oscillatory dynamo or water pumps make energy.


Regards Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks

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