Hi Andrew,
Thanks for this precisions.
That's an ideal to recycle old containers. But it seems to me to be careful to delimit areas where it will forbiden for boats to sail, unless to have tragic sinking.
New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)
- inventor
- J'ai posté 500 messages!
- Messages : 570
- Inscription : 02/03/05, 11:51
- Localisation : Krakow,Poland
- x 82
Remundo a écrit :Hi Andrew,
Thanks for this precisions.
That's an ideal to recycle old containers. But it seems to me to be careful to delimit areas where it will forbiden for boats to sail, unless to have tragic sinking.
Yes you right
next develop my container swimmer:
That if to fill all unused spaces up on ships or boats with this polystyrene foam, most probably they stood unsinkable .
Thanks to the fact that it wouldn't be possible to sink them,
a lot of people so that it is possible to rescue.
And next
then to the shipyard it would be possible to tow away .
0 x
Andrew Feliks
- inventor
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- Messages : 570
- Inscription : 02/03/05, 11:51
- Localisation : Krakow,Poland
- x 82
Remundo, sometimes not worked on improving the marine torpedoes? . Because if so, this weapon is no longer valid, because the ships will not want to drown, even as they will be in several pieces.
If you have worked to improve these tubes, you are very sorry that your work in vain....
Recently I noticed ,that the aircraft would be very useful by the ability to swimming.
Two days ago :
If such a shortcut poliuretane foam for construction of such parameters:
Specifications specific gravity after hardening 11 - 16 ,3 kg/m3* Base polyurethane Productivity of 825 ml – 66 litres * c 100 mb of the stream about the diameter of 5 2 cm * Pyłosuchość 8 - 10 minutes * Time of processing 15 - 30 minutes * Time of hardening from 5 up to 48 h (full mechanical load capacity) * a free access of air is Necessary. One should not apply foam in rooms closed tightly. Resistance to UV rays weak in outside applications one should shelter the surface of foam from the UV radiation. Structure of cells of c 70 % smoothed, evenly closed cells thermal Resistance after hardening from – 40 ° C to + 90 ° C (short-term to + 140 ° C)
15 bottle give 1 m^3 (1000 litres) cost about 80 $ , this can swimm 1 tones
Tupolew 142 have 80 ton weight 80 x 15 = , need 1200 pieces bottles this foam .
All cost of foam 80 x 80 $= 6400 $.
Whole weight of the foam to allow the total buoyancy such an airplane is 1200 KG
It is only 1% of the total weight of the aircraft.
Wig area is 311 m^2 , 80 m^3/ 312 m^2 = 0,25 m the average amount of surface foam on the inside wings. I think that in this plane is so much unused space.
And such buoyancy of the aircraft would also be found useful for Airbus over the Atlantic, as well as the Boening over Hudson.
Regards Andrew
If you have worked to improve these tubes, you are very sorry that your work in vain....
Recently I noticed ,that the aircraft would be very useful by the ability to swimming.
Two days ago :
If such a shortcut poliuretane foam for construction of such parameters:
Specifications specific gravity after hardening 11 - 16 ,3 kg/m3* Base polyurethane Productivity of 825 ml – 66 litres * c 100 mb of the stream about the diameter of 5 2 cm * Pyłosuchość 8 - 10 minutes * Time of processing 15 - 30 minutes * Time of hardening from 5 up to 48 h (full mechanical load capacity) * a free access of air is Necessary. One should not apply foam in rooms closed tightly. Resistance to UV rays weak in outside applications one should shelter the surface of foam from the UV radiation. Structure of cells of c 70 % smoothed, evenly closed cells thermal Resistance after hardening from – 40 ° C to + 90 ° C (short-term to + 140 ° C)
15 bottle give 1 m^3 (1000 litres) cost about 80 $ , this can swimm 1 tones
Tupolew 142 have 80 ton weight 80 x 15 = , need 1200 pieces bottles this foam .
All cost of foam 80 x 80 $= 6400 $.
Whole weight of the foam to allow the total buoyancy such an airplane is 1200 KG
It is only 1% of the total weight of the aircraft.
Wig area is 311 m^2 , 80 m^3/ 312 m^2 = 0,25 m the average amount of surface foam on the inside wings. I think that in this plane is so much unused space.
And such buoyancy of the aircraft would also be found useful for Airbus over the Atlantic, as well as the Boening over Hudson.
Regards Andrew
0 x
Andrew Feliks
- inventor
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- Messages : 570
- Inscription : 02/03/05, 11:51
- Localisation : Krakow,Poland
- x 82
Straight structure of dynastarter brought the thought to mind for me in order on the similar principle to do electric brakes and the electric assisting engine on the not-drived pivot of the car .
Instead of the flywheel I used the brake disc from one side having small teeth made an incision.
They are also put on the PCB plate green "pins" in the bulk. http://www.new4stroke.com/greenpin.jpg
Such an arrangement allows on not-drived pivot to carry the electric brake out also. Yeah but very much work opportunities of such an arrangement are also an important case on not-drived pivots, as the electric motor driving wheels directly. Perhaps it won't be such an excellent drive as classical 4 x 4, but in critical situations can replace such a four-drive arrangement. I think that it is possible to name him 2 + 2.
And have a electronic lock.... simile ABS
Regards Andrew
Instead of the flywheel I used the brake disc from one side having small teeth made an incision.
They are also put on the PCB plate green "pins" in the bulk. http://www.new4stroke.com/greenpin.jpg
Such an arrangement allows on not-drived pivot to carry the electric brake out also. Yeah but very much work opportunities of such an arrangement are also an important case on not-drived pivots, as the electric motor driving wheels directly. Perhaps it won't be such an excellent drive as classical 4 x 4, but in critical situations can replace such a four-drive arrangement. I think that it is possible to name him 2 + 2.
And have a electronic lock.... simile ABS
Regards Andrew
0 x
Andrew Feliks
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 848
- Inscription : 19/11/09, 13:24
Neant a écrit :Heu, l'energie pour comprimer les ressorts des soupapes est jamais perdue, puisqu'elle est renvoyée quand les ressorts se décompriment. Et puis ça représente pas grand chose en perte, c'est ridicule.
Tu n'as sans doute jamais démonté de moteur: je peux t'assurer que (bougies démontées pour éliminer l'effet de la compression) l'effort nécessaire pour virer à la main un moteur chaine de distribution démontée est incomparablement inférieur! La distribution absorbe plusieurs cv...
et pour répondre à un autre message:
Le rendement du wankel le plus perfectionné au meilleur régime est d'~15% inférieur à celui d'un moteur à pistons conventionnel, donc pas si mauvais que ça...d'ailleurs le Wankel est toujours utilisé pour certaines applications particulières (militaires)...
Quand à la Quasiturbine qui "soit disant" est meilleure que le Wankel et même que le moteur à pistons (en mode combustion), on attend toujours...à mon avis trop de frottements dans ce principe, même par rapport à un Wankel...pas près de fonctionner correctement...
0 x
- Remundo
- Modérateur
- Messages : 17273
- Inscription : 15/10/07, 16:05
- Localisation : Clermont Ferrand
- x 5817
Hi Andrew
And what about an hybrid braking system ?
One disk : traditionnal mechanical rubbings
The other disk: induction to load supercaps or batteries.
It can be separated among the wheels (simple), or integrated on the same wheel (more complex)
Braking in 2 steps: prior braking with the induction, final braking until stop with rubbiing, when most of the kinetic energy has been recovered...
About kinetik energy recovery, I have recently translated one of my works to English.
Other nice files to see in the Sycomoreen's Space of Downloadings
Bye !
And what about an hybrid braking system ?
One disk : traditionnal mechanical rubbings
The other disk: induction to load supercaps or batteries.
It can be separated among the wheels (simple), or integrated on the same wheel (more complex)
Braking in 2 steps: prior braking with the induction, final braking until stop with rubbiing, when most of the kinetic energy has been recovered...
About kinetik energy recovery, I have recently translated one of my works to English.
Other nice files to see in the Sycomoreen's Space of Downloadings
Bye !
0 x
le temps du retrait est venu
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 848
- Inscription : 19/11/09, 13:24
inventor a écrit :Yes Remundo, good pilot do it.
I see a few places where you can be put the foam.....
1% of the weight is almost the same as error weighting.
No, foam is no usable but:
-inspection not more possible (corrosion for exemple)
-low air pressure in altitude= expansion from the closed cell foam...
-modify the rigidity from the structure (can broke at effort concentration point)
-cost much more than 1% of the weight= unnacceptable
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