New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par dedeleco » 19/10/10, 02:24

Beautiful !!
It remains to make that on a bicycle with a propeler in the mistral for the Tour de France !!!
Either, the wheels propel the bicycle downwind, either, the propeler turns the wheels against the wind !!
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par inventor » 25/10/10, 03:58

This problem ereting towers
can be resolved with Jazz Big Band. Just half of the turbine rotates in one direction and half in another page.

I did this study in the Venturi nozzle turbine and the calculations have a rather surprising results. Back to front.;)


Regards Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par dedeleco » 25/10/10, 14:36

Question :
Find where is the basic error somewhere ??, but surely there is some error in this demonstration !!!

The traditional power windmil fomula is valid for any kind of windmil with or without Venturi, with efficiency up to 1, but not above !!!!

You forget that the wind will not blow inside the ventury so strongly, because the venturi looks like a nearly closed tube, so no wind inside !!
You must increase the surface of the apparent windmill with a big wall around to force the wind inside the venturi !!

Very good for a big house !!

Question :
what size of the house is necessary ??? to pas from 5m/s to 56m/s inside ????
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par inventor » 26/10/10, 19:37

The housing is proposed to perform the stinles steel.
You think that only the formula E=mc2 is the only formula of serving humanity?

Well, energy is the same at the entrance, like a normal windmill. Only I noticed that the amount of energy produced by the windmill, the third power (cube)depends on the speed of the wind.
Windmill depends on the diameter of the second power (sqare).

So I started with a lot of it is better to improve the efficiency of wind turbine using wind speed increases, and not via increasing the diameter of the fan.
Serves to increase the velocity venturi nozzle

V^3 , D ^2

As curiosity I enter the number of Hp has the arrangement of 15 m / sec. = 270 Hp

You probably use a turbine engine derived from a helicopter, to generate such energy

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 27/10/10, 12:42

dedeleco a écrit :Question :
Find where is the basic error somewhere ??, but surely there is some error in this demonstration !!!

Very good for a big house !!

Question :
what size of the house is necessary ??? to pas from 5m/s to 56m/s inside ????

Wind is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

Compare the speed with which the headrest will swim to the surface of the sail of 10 m ^ 2 and the wind of 5 m / s.

And now a windmill with a diameter D = 3m and also velocity of 5 m / s, which gives the power of 0.3 Hp.
and serve to drive the screw boat.
Now compare that with the boat that ran much faster ???


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par inventor » 28/10/10, 20:50

Compare the speed with which the headrest will swim to the surface of the sail of 10 m ^ 2 and the wind of 5 m / s.

And now a windmill with a diameter D = 3m and also velocity of 5 m / s, which gives the power of 0.3 Hp.
and serve to drive the screw boat.
Now compare that with the boat that run much faster ???

It seems to me that, however, by usin 'the wind turbines are inefficient and primitive.

But surely the best helicopter pilots know that the strength of fast-rotating propellers is huge ..

Andrew :D :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 31/10/10, 16:51

gruntguru a écrit :Try to follow the logic in my post. If you keep making the venturi constriction smaller the power goes up and up. Wrong! You cannot get something for nothing. There is only so much power in the wind flowing through a given cross section area and conservation of energy says the power will not increase as you move along a venturi. A good windmill will extract 50% of the available energy from a given cross section area of wind. There is no magic that will increase that by a factor greater than 2, in fact 59% is the (Betz's Law) limit for wind turbines of any type so modern wind turbines can achieve over 80% of the theoretical limit.

Oh yes, this theoretical limit of 80%, but for the most primitive machinery ?
And there is an error in assuming that we count the most primitive machine.
Plain sail is much more perfect than a windmill.
And here we see that the wind has a lot more energy than even 100% of the energy windmill

See how high can the waves rush in, only at the surface, blowing. The waves are also wind energy

The nozzle wenturi use all surfaces of the input, multiplied by the weight of the wind (the amount of air flow in kilograms)
And it is this mass air flow causes the nozzle is formed in high speed. Even after leaving the nozzle cone is longer than the cone input. The air mass of his "draws even more through the nozzles

This is just like a sports car exchaust tubes . When calculating the length and diameter, are taken into account also the mass of gas flowing.

And there is no mass flow of great importance in the calculation of the weight just pulls out their remnant gas from the cylinder, and even causes an inflow of fresh air. Without any widmil.
Note that in my last example, is given by the mass flow entrusted Venturi. And it amounts to 48 tonnes per second. It is the burden of two wagons loaded in 1 second.

A pipe with a length of 500 meters and a diameter of 100m, at a speed of 15 m / s
there is a 1600 tons of air, which has its energy.

This is the weight of two freight trains. Try to stop them. Ride at 50 km / h


Because if we will put a windmill in the Venturi nozzle, despite the fact that he had diameter will be only 30 meters, which is three times less, will give 2000 megawatts, so that it will be worked on wind speed 169 m / s (Half the speed of sound)

Well, that warning was fuller, that I give you that for a Venturi entrance diameter of 100 m and wind speed 15 m / s flows as much air and treatment by 230 pieces CF6 engines of Boeing.

Regards Andrew :D
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par inventor » 01/11/10, 09:26

[quote name='gruntguru' post='4676641' date='Oct 29 2010, 09:53']Read the article. This is the absolute truth and applies to any wind turbine.

It might take a while to get your head around Betz's law, but unless you do, you are not in a position to dismiss it.

EDIT. By the way, 16 MW is the TOTAL power in a 100m diameter disc in a 15 m/s wind. Any machine extracting more than that has disproved the 1st law of thermodynamics - a perpetual motion machine.

I'm not an executioner. I help people with this type of issue for a living.[/quote]

Well, that warning was fuller, that I give you that for a Venturi entrance diameter of 100 m and wind speed 15 m / s flows as much air and treatment by 230 pieces CF6 engines of Boeing.

However, one more proof that the sails are much more efficient than the windmills.
Last Polish sailing ship "Fryderyk Copin" broke the mast in the North Sea and towed to Falmouth. ... techniczne

As you can see in the data sheet, the speed of an internal combustion engine Hp Scania 538 is 9 knots.
However, a sailing speed of 16 knots. Sails area is 1,200 square meter..

Obtaining such a ship speed of 16 knots just by driving it through the internal combustion engine would involve a minimum of about 2000 Hp.

However, the speed of the ship has been on their sails, even if it sails can not be exactly perpendicular to the direction of swimming, because it would obstruct each other with the wind.
So I have to be at a high angle to the direction of flow, which also means that only part of the force obtained from the sail, pushing the ship forward.

We can assume that the pool surface that can sail power forward. That is, 600 square meters.
This ship has the speed at 12 m / s wind.

And now Let's calculate how much, under the windmill can give us an area of 600 square meters of the wheel at a speed of 12 m / s

6 About the same perpendicular usable space as the ship sails00 m / 3,14 =191 , 191 sqrt =13,8 m , 13.8 X 2 = 27 m D widmil.

About the same perpendicular usable space as the ship sails.

Well, now we calculate how much power will give us a windmill with a diameter of 27 meters and wind speed 12 m / sec.

(12 x 12 x12 x 27 x27 / 1530) 0,4 = 326 HP

As you can see from the calculations where the power produced by the windmill is several times smaller than the engine power needed to flow the speed of 16 knots. (Teoretical 2000 Hp)
So you can tell from this example that the power produced by a windmill is 6 times smaller than the power produced by the sails.
or even this theory, the 100-meter windmill has 16 megawatts of power theory is not the absolute maximum power which disposes of the wind flowing through it.
According to this calculation gave the sails to six times more, - 30 megawatts.
Yes, I recommended that slowly read the theory about the new use of the wind ...

However, the perpetual motion I would be careful. Because God every day we founded the thunderstorms. You know how much there is electricity? and does not need to use either sail or wind, in order to make electricity out of nothing.
And new dixieland:

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 08/11/10, 23:55

It is proposed to be called Venturi widmill: " The Cube Turbine "

Do you know that such a large cooling towers at power plants are made of reinforced concrete walls with a thickness of 12 cm on average?

I'm very curious if that work well, though for that tip wentturi Inject and burn some fuel.
The calculations on the calculator Venturi, that, if the temperature of the air flow would be about 60 degrees Kelvin higher, the speed of the jet that increased by 50% !

If this is not too much to add, that was such a low temperature turbine engine
During low-wind, he could give a little energy.
It was like a ramjet engine

jet helicopter

Well, such a complete install on the mountain. Would give as much energy as the whole of Poland produces.


Regards Andrew :D
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par Christophe » 15/11/10, 19:10

Dear Madams and Sirs!

Just to notice you than we have just created a new sub forum dedicated to "english speaking" sujets : ... -vf82.html

Remundo and Pascal Ham Pham are now moderators of this subforum.

This sujet has already been placed in this sub forum.

Thanks you
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