New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Ahmed » 11/12/21, 10:04

It's always interesting to learn that all of us are dead from the fact that carbon dioxide stay on the ground and doesn't mix in the atmosphere... :roll:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 12/12/21, 01:55

Ahmed a écrit :It's always interesting to learn that all of us are dead from the fact that carbon dioxide stay on the ground and doesn't mix in the atmosphere... :roll:

You Ahmed, before you make a fool of someone, learn yourself first .. I understand that you want Grete, but it does not exempt you from learning .. because you are a couple of "ecological experts" ... :lol:

Well, because, unfortunately, not everyone managed to survive and get smart :(

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par GuyGadeboisLeRetour » 12/12/21, 02:06

(Serait-il sérieux ???) :shock:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/01/22, 22:12

It is very rude to put your questionable quality philosophies in a language other than this thread, forcing us to use a translator. :lol:

Well, I noticed that a little knowledge of mathematics can result in people becoming "poor fools", focusing their hard work out of place .. and thus becoming "poor" instead of "rich" .. It also has a relationship. with my projects, which, of course, aims to become "richer". As you can see, not everyone appreciates it, but it's nothing, because "there is no bad thing that would not turn out to be good".
So, as I have just stated, the evil lies (on the side of the unskillful use of mathematics), so in line with my nature, I decided to use my first math lesson to start thinking for myself. And people should not be fooled by untrue stories ... :roll:
Well, I will ask the first math question to be solved .. "On what island in the sea, all the people of the World can fit, standing next to each other, with the need for a standing space for a person, measuring 0.7 x 0.7 meters (0 , 5 m ^ 2). " ? ? 8)
This is a task in which mathematics will broaden our imagination ..
Alternatively, please enter the name of this island. This solution will stimulate you to think ... ..and will open the way to the second math lesson related to it ..
But I can see something that is hard to count what kind of island it is ..:cool2:
Really, they would put everything on Gotland in the Baltic Sea ... A little closer to UK and Poland ...
Well, now it's time for the second math's lesson ... If you can already find such an island on the Globe ... and estimate its size compared to the whole world ..
Well, now it is known that all people in the world have an average dose of 6 tons of CO2 A YEAR ... 1 cubic meter of CO2 weighs 2 KG. So now 6,000 KG will be divided by 2 tp gives 3,000 meters of height above each square meter of the island. Since the slack is on average 0.5 meters each, it means that the CO2 produced by each of them will occupy a volume of up to 6,000 meters in height and the area of the island. ( ANNUALLY ):stirthepot:
Now let's say the globe has a radius of 50 cm, so one centimeter represents 50/6378 = 0.0078 cm its 1 kilometer, or 6 km x 0.0078 = 0.047 cm on the globe, or 0.5 mm. Of course, 90% of this is absorbed by the oceans and vegetation. there is still 0.07 mm in height. Certainly, you will not feel such a height on this globe above this island by moving your finger over it (even a fingernail) ... Now you understand how it relates to the entire globe .. Do you think that someone is telling you a false war go to you? With this false war, you surely won't be rich .. Now you understand why it's worth knowing math's ..

It's hard to find Gotland in the Baltic Sea on this world map ..


Anndrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 21/01/22, 22:22

Hey Andrew ! Welcome back !

It’s been a long time ! :lol:

(I’m sorry but I didn't understand what your point was)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 24/02/22, 15:49

Here's more about this dynamic engine boost: ... induction/

So now I will try to authenticate the received power of my prototype ..
Well, in my opinion, you should simulate all the capacities of all 3 cylinders with pistons, because they are involved in every engine cycle, in its entirety.
we have this - The main piston has a capacity of 297 cubic centimeters
The suction piston has a capacity of 181 cubic centimeters
The exhaust piston has a capacity of 79 cubic centimeters
i.e. the sum of one engine cylinder is 297 + 181 + 79 = 557 cubic centimeters, i.e. with two cylinders, as in the prototype it is 1114 cubic centimeters.

Now, due to the very quick opening of the ports, the forces resulting from the induction frame (dynamic boost) are much greater than those of classic valves. Therefore, the entire space as shown in the drawing is perfectly "flushed" with fresh load, up to the maximum capacity of all cylinders. So it is possible to fill this 1114 cm volume completely ..



But now we have the displacement of the pipe between the carburetor tank and the cylinder, which, due to its inertia, will also fall into these cylinders and will not be retracted as with a classic cylinder, and will supplement the already sucked load.



The capacity of this pipe for one cylinder is about 400 cubic centimeters (diameter 5 cm and length 22 centimeters), i.e. for two cylinders it is 800 centimeters, which will be added to the previously calculated displacement, i.e. 1114 + 800 = 1914 cubic centimeters. that is, my prototym really sucks about 2 liters in capacity, it is no wonder that at 10,000 revolutions per minute, it will give us a power of about 250 KM .. (BMW 2002 ti at 10 000 rpm)


Now do you believe so much is possible ? 8)

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 24/02/22, 16:18

Hi !

Great come back !

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/03/22, 05:49

Well, since no one wants Russian gas, it needs to be replaced with something .. Well, with such vessels, Trawlers - FELIX processing plants ... :idea: On such trawlers, you need to put a few such barrels on board (and also below the deck). They can be after beer. .. :cheesy: Swaying barrels on ships, on the Waves of the North Sea, will give electricity ... The electricity will be electrolysis to produce hydrogen, Hydrogen will be mixed with freely available CO2, which will make a gas very similar to natural gas .. Then gas will liquefy ... And a few of these "processing plants" will refuel the mother's ship - an ordinary gas carrier ...

Trawler - FELIX processing plant. in this way, it can produce synthetic natural gas from this hydrogen for liquefying and converting it into a liquid received by ordinary gas tanks and released into existing gas systems. ... on_Company

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 17/03/22, 10:07

LOL, why not ?

Just a question, what are you going to do with a possible gas/explosion backlash that the separation between the 2 upper combustion chambers will inevitably contain? (And cause a loss of power, or even a counter movement of back arousal exhausting gaz?).

Just a question, what are you going to do with possible interactions that your system suppose, such as
1) a comeback movement of exhausted gaz what could create a counter reaction?
2) turbulences that the separation between the 2 upper combustion chambers will inevitably provoke?
3) residual gas/explosion backlash?

(And I imagine that theses phenomenon can cause a loss of power,)

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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/03/22, 19:13

Obamot a écrit :LOL, why not ?

Just a question, what are you going to do with a possible gas/explosion backlash that the separation between the 2 upper combustion chambers will inevitably contain? (And cause a loss of power, or even a counter movement of back arousal exhausting gaz?).

Just a question, what are you going to do with possible interactions that your system suppose, such as
1) a comeback movement of exhausted gaz what could create a counter reaction?
2) turbulences that the separation between the 2 upper combustion chambers will inevitably provoke?
3) residual gas/explosion backlash?

(And I imagine that theses phenomenon can cause a loss of power,)


Well, I see that you are trying to discuss the engines, having a little idea about them ... because, for example, turbulences are very beneficial, a man like Ricardo built his engines with chambers that caused especially these turbulences ..
The residual traffic is also explained with the dynamics of the chlorine pipes, remove it, and even help to flow new charges .. I made two prototypes, which I tested and suddenly it turned out that the second prototype has 250 HP instead of the assumed 100 .. (original 126 p has 24 hp.). But if you'd like it, unfortunately you would have to listen to 6 months of lectures on new knowledge, .. It is not enough just to color the drawing, to objectively criticize .. here you have your first lecture .. how will it interest you .. ... e-pp-00116

Andrew 8)
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