New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 17/03/22, 21:18 was just my two cents, something I had in mind.

...thanks for your answer.

I clicked your link by the way Andrew, and you wrote:

You are the inventor of a new type of four-stroke engine. I graduated from the department of combustion engines at the Cracow University of Technology in 1979. I made the first prototype of such an engine for my own money, which worked well and encouraged me to further research. In 1982 I started to build a second prototype, which after it was completed with its research in 1985, surprised me with its qualities more than I expected. Here is the first basic description of this engine

I suppose you meant to write:

— “I am the inventor”


Cheers !
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 20/03/22, 23:36

Obamot a écrit was just my two cents, something I had in mind.

...thanks for your answer.

I clicked your link by the way Andrew, and you wrote:

You are the inventor of a new type of four-stroke engine. I graduated from the department of combustion engines at the Cracow University of Technology in 1979. I made the first prototype of such an engine for my own money, which worked well and encouraged me to further research. In 1982 I started to build a second prototype, which after it was completed with its research in 1985, surprised me with its qualities more than I expected. Here is the first basic description of this engine

I suppose you meant to write:

— “I am the inventor”


Cheers !

Yes you are right, but I didn't write this Abstract and I can't edit it .. Of course it should be as you say ..
Today is the first day of spring, and here is a song about that first spring day of my band with whom I worked for 20 years. :)

Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 21/03/22, 00:07

I try this translation to you:
Jesteś prawdziwym wynalazcą i twórcą, Andrew. Gratulacje od członka innej rodziny wynalazców (także muzyków).

Przypuszczam, że lubisz zespół Pink Floyd. Jest coś z tego w Twojej pięknej muzyce. Nie próbując oceniać Twojej sztuki muzycznej, wyczuwam coś podprogowego, magicznego i fajnego, subtelne współgranie klawiszy/tonów i melodii, osadzone w soulowo-rockowym schemacie muzycznym. To wspaniała podróż. Dziękuję!

You are a true inventor and creator, Andrew. Congratulations from a member of another family of inventors (and musician too).

I suppose you like the band Pink Floyd. There is something of that in your beautiful music. Without attempting to judge your Musical Art, I can feel something subliminal, magical and cool, a subtle interplay of keys /tones and melody, set within a soul-rock musical scheme. It’s a wonderful journey. Thank You!
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/03/22, 03:42

Obamot a écrit :I try this translation to you:
Jesteś prawdziwym wynalazcą i twórcą, Andrew. Gratulacje od członka innej rodziny wynalazców (także muzyków).

Przypuszczam, że lubisz zespół Pink Floyd. Jest coś z tego w Twojej pięknej muzyce. Nie próbując oceniać Twojej sztuki muzycznej, wyczuwam coś podprogowego, magicznego i fajnego, subtelne współgranie klawiszy/tonów i melodii, osadzone w soulowo-rockowym schemacie muzycznym. To wspaniała podróż. Dziękuję!

You are a true inventor and creator, Andrew. Congratulations from a member of another family of inventors (and musician too).

I suppose you like the band Pink Floyd. There is something of that in your beautiful music. Without attempting to judge your Musical Art, I can feel something subliminal, magical and cool, a subtle interplay of keys /tones and melody, set within a soul-rock musical scheme. It’s a wonderful journey. Thank You!

Ok, thank you, here are some similar trainings that we played in 1978 in the USSR. Recording on the microphone of the cassette player, 11,000 people from the sports hall ..., 30 meters from the stage,
Thanks to these concerts, Cold War softened a little then ..The song is called "Creation of the World, Part One", and lasts 30 minutes. ... 0world.mp3

and here is Edyta Geppert from Cologne ..

Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 01/04/22, 18:40

Well, all the Great Politicians give their opinion on energy .. But I also published such a film .. It follows that the first, second and third Principles of Thermodynamics are NOT TRUE .. Because its basic equation that the efficiency of the engine = T1-T2 / T1, it would have to be negative .. it follows from this experience in the video .. So when are we melting the ice of Greenland to get an electric current? They too have now become renewable energy ..

Andrew :idea: :idea:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 05/04/22, 12:44

inventor a écrit :
ABC2019 a écrit :[if you transform a quantity of heat “Q” from a monothermal source at temperature “T” into work ”W” , the entropy of the Universe decreases by -W/T. But the second principle says that it cannot decrease.

Well, all the Great Politicians give their opinion on energy .. But I also published such a film .. It follows that the first, second and third Principles of Thermodynamics are NOT TRUE .. Because its basic equation that the efficiency of the engine = T1-T2 / T1, it would have to be negative .. it follows from this experience in the video .. So when are we melting the ice of Greenland to get an electric current? They too have now become renewable energy ..

Andrew :idea: :idea:
Ask ABC2019, he pretended to be a physicist last time :lol:

inventor a écrit :Ok, thank you, here are some similar trainings that we played in 1978 in the USSR. Recording on the microphone of the cassette player, 11,000 people from the sports hall ..., 30 meters from the stage,
Thanks to these concerts, Cold War softened a little then ..The song is called "Creation of the World, Part One", and lasts 30 minutes. ... 0world.mp3
What a great musical achievement and sophisticated composition! Solos of violin, keyboard, and drums are amazing... Today, (without wanting to judge) we call this mix of different styles "Fusion" (in reference to Frank Zappa and George Duke) and I felt it with a pinch of classical music, + Celtic, clearly funk (organ) and symphonic rock influences (& maybe more). I have never heard such a musical experience... We must listen to it more than once to really appreciate it...!
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par ABC2019 » 05/04/22, 15:39

inventor a écrit :Well, all the Great Politicians give their opinion on energy .. But I also published such a film .. It follows that the first, second and third Principles of Thermodynamics are NOT TRUE ..

Well obviously you found the right place to post. On this forum, you can tell almost any BS you want, without risking any objection from the moderation, and even getting a strong support from the usual idiots.
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Remundo » 05/04/22, 21:09

and ABC2019, you are invited to shut up and respect this forum, or leave it.

you got a warn for your offending behaviour
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 06/04/22, 22:58

I also help Wojciech in such my musical achievements ..
Recently I helped to publish his "Prayer for Peace"

These laws of thermodynamics need to be rethought because they are simply incomplete ..

Andrew 8)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 12/04/22, 03:27

Here again, I will remind you of my newest engine and describe how you should use it:
You buy a Tesla car without a battery for 1/4 of its price, you assemble it for several dozen dollars, my last engine to give electricity to Tesla from pieces of ice that you take from your refrigerator .. and you go away. When the ice runs out, you buy it at the gas station and feed it to Tesla again .. No idiotic waiting for it to recharge ..

Well, why would someone need an outdated gasoline engine? :D

Andrew :idea: :idea:
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Andrew Feliks

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