New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 29/05/22, 18:56

Obamot a écrit :Pricey, just to catch fish...! :mrgreen: :)

So expensive .. But at the beginning, not knowing what might happen, it's better to be cautious over the top ..
But when these costs are borne, now it replaces 1 kg of aluminum .. because it is enough .. :cheesy:

Of course, no one gives you such benefits .. only your own private funds .. Compare the subsidies to CERN ..
And mine will be more beneficial to people ..
And in the winter they will have heating and private electricity, and the investment will be maintenance-free for the next 100 years .. And it will not threaten anyone ..
Only the upper heat source 20 watts per 1 square meter .. Supplemented source ice or cold air .. And the greater the frost, the more electricity .. And so God invented for people only did not know about it, and not how such Lord Kelvin what was wrong with everything ..

After all, I like these Englishmen and their unwavering faith in their Lords ...
Well, on this forum, the truth about flying machines heavier than air should be quite visible .. Because birds fly, it is only with the consent of God ... eless.html

Well, here are also a few gems from his statements ..

"X-rays will prove to be a hoax."
"Radio has no future."





Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 29/05/22, 19:29

inventor a écrit :After all, I like these Englishmen and their unwavering faith in their Lords ...
Well, on this forum, the truth about flying machines heavier than air should be quite visible .. Because birds fly, it is only with the consent of God ... eless.html

Well, here are also a few gems from his statements ..

"X-rays will prove to be a hoax."
"Radio has no future."

Andrew :D
Image Image Image

We need to resurrect Lord Kelvin from his sojourn in the multiverse of his current cosmic dimension, so he can compare today's current reality, here VS his prior expectations :D 8) :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/06/22, 06:28

Another third ilm, which will show that with COLD we can receive electric current with low efficiency .. I can determine it by the speed of the received current after cooling one side of the peltier module plate .. We get the current very quickly, despite the fact that heat is not a very fast transmitter yours.
This time we take a cold spray with the medical ICEMIX peltier available in every pharmacy.

Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 02/06/22, 10:05

That speaks !
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/06/22, 11:38

Obamot a écrit :That speaks !


Yes and it has already been said .. now you need to take the next steps, since you know it is possible ..
You should make a Stirling engine, but working on the delivered COLD ..
I can only give the direction, because I can't do it myself :cry:

Andrew :D :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 02/06/22, 18:43

inventor a écrit :
Obamot a écrit :That speaks !


Yes and it has already been said .. now you need to take the next steps, since you know it is possible ..
You should make a Stirling engine, but working on the delivered COLD ..
I can only give the direction, because I can't do it myself :cry:

Andrew :D :D

If the attendance at the forum, which is regaining a bit, continues, we can hope for a deployment of daring young scientific initiators.

It would also be necessary to redefine what is meant by "science" because for the last two years we have been witnessing a kind of censorship of young (and not so young) researchers, which are practices that have more to do with a restrictive policy than with an objective reality. And this goes against the very goals of "scientific research". So it would be better to stop focusing on these kinds of censorship, to develop RESEARCH (within the scientific process, of course) and not the censorship that blocks research.

As a famous French politician said:
— “Researchers are easy to find, but researchers who find stuffs: we’re trying to find it !”
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 02/06/22, 23:29

Obamot a écrit :
inventor a écrit :
Obamot a écrit :That speaks !

.....As a famous French politician said:
— “Researchers are easy to find, but researchers who find stuffs: we’re trying to find it !”

There are very few real researchers like this, and those who take so much money against real science silence them .. you must fight that real science and truth should be on the top .. Maybe now is a favorable time to do so ... y-12624792

Andrew 8)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 05/06/22, 22:22

It's the entire “banking, insurance and finance” sphere, which is “very chilly”(*) in general (not only DB, who had the courage to embark on Desertec project, back in the days)

I guess it’s only the consequence of this "killer phenomenon", of evaluation and permanent speculation, which only sees the potential dividends at the end of the tunnel. The system is there to deliberately destroy small teams in the perspective that large groups seize new leads launched by courageous REAL researchers, to better vampirize them by large groups (who will fill their pockets afterwards). .

(*) cautious
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Ministère de la Pravda sous divers second-nez suspects: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 29/06/22, 03:08

Well, ake here, God was not nice to Muslims .. But for me, yes, because he colored the gas yellow, which is heavier than air, and see how it behaves. CO2 behaves in the same way, despite explaining "pseudo-philosophers, that it is a greenhouse gas after all .. Thank God I didn't have to wait long for such a film .. and you can see in yellow what this philosophy of scientists is .. A simple deception :mrgreen:

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 29/06/22, 09:24

Nice find.

inventor a écrit :Well, ake here, God was not nice to Muslims .. But for me, yes, because he colored the gas yellow, which is heavier than air, and see how it behaves. CO2 behaves in the same way, despite explaining "pseudo-philosophers, that it is a greenhouse gas after all .. Thank God I didn't have to wait long for such a film .. and you can see in yellow what this philosophy of scientists is .. A simple deception :mrgreen:

Andrew :cheesy:
One thing that’s true is that laws of physics apply when the slings break (probably cables that have continued to be used far beyond the schedule planned to replace them for optimal security) and result was predictable : the charge falls, it has never been an inverted path (“down to up”, despite the gurus that try levitation)

Truck driver had a good reflex to ward off his vehicle in time, but he had to feel hot in his ass, another presumed effect of laws of physics: the dissipation of energy in his pants :mrgreen: it wouldn't be necessary to carry out a randomized study in double blind for prove it ...).

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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Ministère de la Pravda sous divers second-nez suspects: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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