New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 05/07/22, 17:12

inventor a écrit :Could someone haul me an iceberg in the ocean to the shore for me to convert it to electricity? After all, it has melted uselessly so far ... :D

Andrew :cheesy:

Well, what if, apart from water, you could get electricity that could also be used to power the tugs? And if there was a lot of it, you can also make gas from it .. But you would have to stop playing hide and seek and enter the appropriate name in the Encyclopedia .. Well, unless you still want to pretend to be smarter.. ... -to-africa

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 08/07/22, 18:17

inventor a écrit :Could someone haul me an iceberg in the ocean to the shore for me to convert it to electricity? After all, it has melted uselessly so far ... :D

Andrew :cheesy:

Well, what if, apart from water, you could get electricity that could also be used to power the tugs? And if there was a lot of it, you can also make gas from it .. But you would have to stop playing hide and seek and enter the appropriate name in the Encyclopedia .. Well, unless you still want to pretend to be smarter.. ... -to-africa

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/07/22, 02:27

This year, they also participate in such a competition .. There are several links together too .. ... oke-engine

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 17/07/22, 03:55

Congratulations, I like this kind of events.

That help and very good for the feeling... When the event ending people are full of energy, hope, enrichment and happiness.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/07/22, 22:43

Obamot a écrit :Congratulations, I like this kind of events.

That help and very good for the feeling... When the event ending people are full of energy, hope, enrichment and happiness.

Yes, I even participated in it once, and last year there were other pictures .. But a lot of visits .. ... oke-engine

Unfortunately, understanding this engine and its amazing parameters is impossible with such short descriptions. Also watching the animation does not say much more .. because, for example, the animation shows that the motor has a simple way of changing the angle between the shafts, a variable degree of compression? No one is able to notice this, and this is one of the significant advantages of this engine .. To get to know the basic advantages, you need about 6 months of my lectures to listen to it, to understand it well .. and then it turns out that 90 % of the news about the current engines must be rejected ...
I myself designed that the engine would have 100 horsepower, and as it turned out, it was only when the engine started to work, that after 3 months it turned out, which surprised me very much, that it had 250 horsepower at 10,000 rpm. then, in 1985, there was no internet yet and I sent the engine cuts with an invitation to see my work to Krakow for Renault companies, but after two months I got the returned photos and one sentence, "that their one-man studies are not interested .."
And I, in turn, know that no larger group is able to invent a new, round internal combustion engine, because everyone sits in a closed "box" / and in order to do this, God has to point someone with his finger, quite sooner, because I at the age of 12, with my father's help, was making equipment for the school's physical laboratory in the field of electrics ... (eg Morse telegraph)
And to this day, many cannot understand it and develop this engine further, because it is possible, just like over the years, to develop existing engines ...

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 18/07/22, 00:23

There was a time when I was looking for simple and affordable ways to get the most realistic sound from vinyl records. For fun, I would do comparative listening with other people on different equipment, and ask them which of these sound reproductions they liked best and why? And this went on for a few years, and then I realised (thanks to a match) that this was not what people were looking for: "the truth of sound".
And that people in general "didn't necessarily like the truth" (often without even knowing it), which prevented them from progressing.
To be in the research and development, one must not lie, nor lie to oneself, otherwise one will never find anything.
You have to keep your soul pure.

The guy from Renault must have been far from such a narrative.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/07/22, 07:48

Obamot a écrit :There was a time when I was looking for simple and affordable ways to get the most realistic sound from vinyl records. For fun, I would do comparative listening with other people on different equipment, and ask them which of these sound reproductions they liked best and why? And this went on for a few years, and then I realised (thanks to a match) that this was not what people were looking for: "the truth of sound".
And that people in general "didn't necessarily like the truth" (often without even knowing it), which prevented them from progressing.
To be in the research and development, one must not lie, nor lie to oneself, otherwise one will never find anything.
You have to keep your soul pure.

The guy from Renault must have been far from such a narrative.

Yes, thanks to Obamot .. This pure soul is the most important ...
I have been dealing with sound professionally since 1969 .. Also for a few years I was looking for the right apparatus and finding the value of what is the most important in sound ... let's just say after 15 years I set a pattern for myself, now after 50 years I basically do not detach any new matters in the sound. what I know is enough for a very professional work with teams .. but I have not been doing it for a few years, among others because of the fact that unas in Poland are very disastrous cultural relations, and one star does not change anything in the overall market .. But also my abilities are rated much more low than they should be .. But unfortunately, musical too .. Such a policy, which for sure will not lead to anything good in total .. And once in the 70s, we went with the band to the USSR and so, among other things, we played vovery of western artists, which maybe the Cold War lost some power .. and there were hundreds of concerts in large sports halls .. in my profession I learned a pure soul because at every concert I was censored, which required diligent work .. Here is such a recording with hall 11,000 people 30 meters in front of the stage, to the microphone of the cassette recorder standing next to my console.

While working on the engine, I also made a few mistakes, but it happened that while fixing them, I found out very interesting things. Some things I could not improve as I wanted, but it turned out that this is how it is supposed to be
how is such a mistake .. .. Even in my bolder dreams I did not foresee such parameters of the engine, and learned about them, I did not lose my life .. despite the fact that I am a very careful person by nature ..
But when I found out, I started looking for an explanation as to why this is so ..
Therefore, I am not surprised, for others that the reserve is approaching my engine, because I myself did not know so many great parameters ...
And in addition, these other "inventions" that describe the issue very honestly, do not help in building trust for innovation .. I even think that as much as 99.9% are simply unfair of these new proposals .. Therefore, one honest one has a poor chance of easy to come into existence, although it is 100 percent reliable ..
And the engines, however, are not simple things .. I also learned a lot, which also mattered in the next inventions .. Well, I learned to think my own way without fear .. And thanks to the fact that he still keeps a pure soul, new ones appear. .

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 18/07/22, 10:01

inventor a écrit :[…] And the engines, however, are not simple things .. I also learned a lot, which also mattered in the next inventions .. Well, I learned to think my own way without fear .. And thanks to the fact that he still keeps a pure soul, new ones appear

Thank you very much for sharing all this about creativity process. You have also given me an explanation that I didn’t expect (and that I had not asked for). One must also have a certain amount of humility and understand that one does not control all the processes of thought: to explain that it's a long way from “home”...... sometimes (...a long way from initially conceived thoughts) :lol:

In others words, it happens that — after thinking about a specific problem for a long time and then forgetting about it — we can make a particular discovery without even having consciously sought to make it. This creative process is quite mysterious, because it comes from nowhere (and it goes beyond the framework of what I wanted to express before) it tends towards the whole range of things possible.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 18/07/22, 17:13

Obamot a écrit :
inventor a écrit :[…] And the engines, however, are not simple things .. I also learned a lot, which also mattered in the next inventions .. Well, I learned to think my own way without fear .. And thanks to the fact that he still keeps a pure soul, new ones appear

Thank you very much for sharing all this about creativity process. You have also given me an explanation that I didn’t expect (and that I had not asked for). One must also have a certain amount of humility and understand that one does not control all the processes of thought: to explain that it's a long way from “home”...... sometimes (...a long way from initially conceived thoughts) :lol:

In others words, it happens that — after thinking about a specific problem for a long time and then forgetting about it — we can make a particular discovery without even having consciously sought to make it. This creative process is quite mysterious, because it comes from nowhere (and it goes beyond the framework of what I wanted to express before) it tends towards the whole range of things possible.

It's good that you appreciate my willingness to explain ... and indeed, since we cannot fully control our mental processes, we probably owe only to the Finger of God where he will lead us ... Certainly it is deeply in our subconscious, which must also be pure in order to receive access to it ..
therefore, for many it may be interesting as it shows historically how the process of creating a new engine was going, with the desire only for an existing engine, I wanted to "convert it" to new4stroke. Anyone can trace these stories and the end result is a 100 times smaller engine with the same usable power. to find out about it, you only need to be able to calculate geometry and basic mechanics ..
Maybe something unwanted again? But there are probably those who will interest them .. ... 0pivot.htm

Andrew :cheesy:
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Andrew Feliks
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 18/07/22, 18:52

It’s more than words friend.

In any case, we must be proactive in the process of life that inhabits each of us. It’s up to each of us, guided by goodwill, to see, evaluate and make our own choices (according to).

In any case, if we are inhabited by good vibes, it's more than words but we are strong and we do not feel "alone".

In any case, do what you have to do and heaven will help you...
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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