The "FF" engine by SHI ZHE

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
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J'apprends l'éconologie
Messages : 48
Inscription : 08/03/10, 13:42
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par FUHANDAIGOU » 08/04/10, 12:47

Hi my friend
Could you help me send some videos and pictures to this FUHANDAIGOU Forum? maybe my region net have problem.
else,I can't log in dailymotion.

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En lien avec le team Yves SAUGET, SYCOMOREEN, Pascal HA PHAM
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
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par pascal HA PHAM » 08/04/10, 13:31

Hi Zhé,

I think there are 2/3 options to post your VIDEOS :

- 1)° one by one by my E-Mail Adress or Raymond's one (in this périod Yves have not the time to do that)

- 2)° by using a CD ROM postal sending = after receiving Raymond or me take all Your VIDEOS for a quikly post, first on SYCOMOREEN and ECONOLOGIE after DIALYMOTION, YOUTUBE or others FORUMS...

- 3)° can you find a sérious correspondant in CHINA TOWN of PARIS ? why not ?

I am sorry for the big internet problème of your contry but very happy to read you much !

What think Raymond about that ?

Have a great day my friend Zhé (now I send 3 vidéos for you by E mail to test the first solution)


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All around my work, full vidéos on the web : ... 80&bih=672
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J'apprends l'éconologie
Messages : 48
Inscription : 08/03/10, 13:42
Localisation : CHINE

par FUHANDAIGOU » 10/04/10, 06:40

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En lien avec le team Yves SAUGET, SYCOMOREEN, Pascal HA PHAM
J'apprends l'éconologie
J'apprends l'éconologie
Messages : 48
Inscription : 08/03/10, 13:42
Localisation : CHINE

par FUHANDAIGOU » 10/04/10, 12:26

FUHANDAIGOU a écrit :Image[/url]

It's a FF rotary internal combustion engin
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En lien avec le team Yves SAUGET, SYCOMOREEN, Pascal HA PHAM
Econologue expert
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Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
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par Obamot » 11/04/10, 09:43

Hello SHI ZHE,

It's an honour for this forum to have this amazing contribution. Your patent it's not only genius but tell to me he could make a good challenge for some students in some branch such as the state of the art of "linear algebra" ...microtechnics or something (it remember me when I study the orthographic projections). Thus, there may be some interest for some teachers about your work, under various technical aspects.

Did you try to contact some university in your beautifull country or another? For exemple in Switzerland, some high schools help to develop some project like this and provide some support. The recent project of Solar impulse ...> it's an aspect of it. With participation of the Micro Technic Institute of Neuchâtel University ...>, Polytechnical University of Lausanne ...>, Lucerne University of applied Science and Arts ...> and Zurich University of Applied Sciences ...>.
Many school are open minded for international collaboration (not only in Switzerland of course).

I'm very glad to see your new design.

Image Have a great day !

[EDIT] Sunday 11 April 2010, 9:44 AM.
Dernière édition par Obamot le 11/04/10, 09:44, édité 1 fois.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
J'apprends l'éconologie
J'apprends l'éconologie
Messages : 48
Inscription : 08/03/10, 13:42
Localisation : CHINE

Hi Obamot

par FUHANDAIGOU » 11/04/10, 10:04

Hi Obamot

Thank you for your comment! I am very glad!
Could you help me to contact some engine's institution or some technology college?


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En lien avec le team Yves SAUGET, SYCOMOREEN, Pascal HA PHAM
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 29540
Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
Localisation : regio genevesis
x 5838

par Obamot » 11/04/10, 10:13

:D Why not?!! I used to study about Solar Impulse for my personnal interest. But as a teacher you probably know that a teacher pool need to have a complete folder, right?! That I don't already have. So you can ask my mail address by MP if you would like to send it to me. BTW, I'm sure you would like to count by your own, then I can do some contacts here in Switzerland, their after you continue by yourself, right.
Image Shiny regards,
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
Grand Econologue
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Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
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Nice :

par pascal HA PHAM » 12/04/10, 08:53

Hi everybody
Nice Shi Zhé and Obamot !
I am very happy to read all these post !
"now we can work together !"

have a great day.


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All around my work, full vidéos on the web : ... 80&bih=672
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 29540
Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
Localisation : regio genevesis
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par Obamot » 12/04/10, 11:08

Well, my participation will be (possibly) quite modest in comparaison of some specialists, Pascal... Image

But yes, thank's to the good and vibrant atmosphere of everybody about differents aspects of this engeenering outcome.

Be enthusiastics and have a great day to all !
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
J'apprends l'éconologie
J'apprends l'éconologie
Messages : 48
Inscription : 08/03/10, 13:42
Localisation : CHINE

par FUHANDAIGOU » 12/04/10, 17:33

Hi Obamot

Because my net problem,I cant contact with you by mp,you can send e-mail( to me, or write you words on this FF forum!

have a nice day!
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En lien avec le team Yves SAUGET, SYCOMOREEN, Pascal HA PHAM


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