Ce sont des °C, pas Farenheits !! !!
Donc plus d'eau pour refroidir même en arrosant au hasard, par caléfaction (voir ce mot sur google) qui supprime tout contact entre l'eau (vaporisée) et le combustible dégradé et compacté du réacteur !!
L'eau est devenue inefficace pour refroidir.
Mais vaporisée et fuyant, elle disperse la radioactivité fort loin sans cesse, comme en témoigne les nuages filmés s'échappant ces jours derniers de Fukushima.
La T au fond du réacteur sans eau (plus de 100°C) va augmenter inexorablement !!!
Donc le syndrome chinois a bien débuté, et on risque de savoir à Fukushima réellement, si Tchernobyl pouvait exploser, sans les travaux énormes et très rapides entrepris par L'URSS sous le réacteur de Tchernobyl!!
TEPCO est complétement dépassé, incapable de respecter son planning de retour à une situation maîtrisée, décidée le 17 avril et de refroidir les réacteurs correctement sans fuites radioactives.
TEPCO slipping behind schedule to contain accident
Japan:TEPCO to begin pipe work for No.3 reactor
http://laaska.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/ ... 3-reactor/
The operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is to begin construction work on pipes for the No.3 reactor to make sure that all cooling water being pumped in is actually reaching the reactor.
Tokyo Electric Power Company has been pumping 9 tons of water per hour into the reactor since last Wednesday after its temperature began rising earlier this month.
That was an increase from 7 tons per hour. But the temperature at the bottom of the reactor stood at 150.6 degrees Celsius as of 5 AM Tuesday, marking a rise of 34.1 degrees over the past 10 days.
The power company suspects that not all the water was reaching the reactor because some of it may have been entering a pipe that branched off.
So it decided to pump water through another pipe that had been used to inject water into the reactor before.
The construction work to change pipes for water injection is to begin on Tuesday afternoon. If all goes smoothly, the water will be pumped through the pipe starting on Thursday.
The water level inside a tunnel connected to the reactor was 76 centimeters from the tunnel opening on the ground surface as of 7 AM Tuesday–a 16 centimeter rise over the past 10 days.
The level continues to exceed the 1 meter mark, which the utility firm has set as the benchmark to begin transferring contaminated water.
The firm plans to quickly prepare to transfer contaminated water from the No.3 reactor turbine building and the tunnel.
High radiation may slow down TEPCO’s repairs