The MULTIPLAZ-3500 consists of plasma torch and electronic power module that weights only 9 kg!!!
Plasmatron’s functioning principle is as follows:
Once the torch is filled with the proper fluid, the power supply is connected, and voltage is applied to the cathode (the ON button is pressed), the operator can cause the torch to produce an arc by pressing the start button briefly. This results in the cathode shorting to the torch nozzle. As the start button is released, an electric arc is produced between the cathode and nozzle. Arc energy heats the nozzle, which in turn heats the evaporator, which causes the fluid to heat and turn into steam. Steam flows toward the nozzle outlet under internal pressure (0.4-1.2 bar). Escaping from the nozzle, steam compresses the electric arc. Arc compression increases arc temperature. Compressed electric arc heats the steam to ionization temperature.
C'est l'arc produit au niveau de la tête qui vaporise le fluide et l'enflamme, ce n'est donc pas une électrolyse, mais quand même, 8000°C !!
c'est justement une des truc que je voudrais tester avec mon poste à arc