Gaz de schiste et tremblements de terre

Pétrole, gaz, charbon, nucléaire (REP, EPR, fusion chaude, ITER), centrales électriques thermiques gaz et charbon, cogénération, tri-génération. Peakoil, déplétion, économie, technologies et stratégies géopolitiques. Prix, pollutions, coûts économiques et sociaux...
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 9211
Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
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par dedeleco » 29/04/11, 12:44

Il est bon de citer les faits précis :
Les habitants de la localité de Leroy Township, dans l'État américain de Pennsylvanie, ont été évacués en raison d'un accident survenu dans un puits de gaz de schiste.

Les autorités ont indiqué que des milliers de litres d'eaux usées de forage se sont échappés du puits à la suite d'une explosion survenue durant une opération de fracturation hydraulique. Celle-ci consiste à injecter de l'eau, du sable et des produits chimiques afin de briser les roches.

Des équipes de secours travaillaient à colmater la brèche et à endiguer les eaux usées, qui ont rejoint un cours d'eau situé dans le voisinage du puits.

Les autorités locales s'inquiètent de l'impact de cet accident sur l'environnement.

commentaire :
Je ne peux pas comprendre le gouvernement et les gazières qui se foutent carrément de la santés du monde , ils ne me feront pas croire qu'ils ne savent pas ou ne connaissent pas les résultats des explorations et des fracturations des gaz de schiste, ils vont rendre tout le monde malades et mème eux vont en subir les conséquenses, quand on aura plus d'eau a boire et pour se laver et qu'on aura plus rien a manger et Q'on ne pourra Plus respirer, a quoi va leur servir leurs valises pleine d'argent, ils vont périr pareil comme nous a moins qu'ils se paye un voyage sur une autre planète, ils sont en train de contaminer la terre au complet , il faut se réveiller le monde au Québec sinon , c'est la catastrophe et irréversible en plus , il faut réveiller aussi les médias, il faut en parler et informer le monde de toute la terre entière avant qu'il soit trop tard . Amen

On évacue comme pour le nucléaire et on pourra revenir boire dans combien de temps cette eau polluée souterraine pour des décennies voire des siècles vu sa profondeur ?? ... iste.shtml
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Alain G
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 3044
Inscription : 03/10/08, 04:24
x 3

par Alain G » 29/04/11, 13:56

Un original de la nouvelle:

CANTON, Pa. -- Workers replaced a damaged portion of a natural gas well Monday night that had spilled thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water into fields and a stream last week, the well's owner said, and officials said early tests show the spill had little effect on the environment but an investigation is continuing.

Also Monday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it has directed the well owner, Chesapeake Energy Corp., to give information by Tuesday about the discharge, including details on the fluids used in the drilling process, as well as the effects on water, land and air, and any soil sampling data collected in the area before and after the spill.

Such requests are a common fact-finding tool, an EPA spokesman told the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, but this is apparently the first time the agency has made them for the Marcellus Shale, the newspaper reported.

By May 9, federal officials said, they also want to know about the history of drilling at the site, any permits or standards that may have been violated, and whether the well generated any radiological compounds.

"We want a complete accounting of operations at the site to determine our next steps in this incident and to help prevent future releases of this kind," EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin said in a statement.

State officials are leading the investigation into what caused Tuesday's equipment failure and the resulting two-day spill.

Chesapeake, which was drilling the Marcellus Shale well in Leroy Township, said in a statement that specialists replaced the damaged wellhead, thus bringing the well under control.

Brian Grove, senior director of corporate development for Chesapeake, told the Patriot-News that a full investigation would be done "to determine the root cause of the failure, evaluate best management practices and make any and all necessary corrections before returning to normal operations."

Results of tests on water samples taken by the state environmental protection department are expected this week, but an agency spokesman said last week that field checks found no cause for concern.
Story continues below

The Marcellus Shale formation lies primarily beneath Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia and Ohio, with Pennsylvania as the center of activity. More than 2,000 wells were drilled in the state in the past three years and many thousands more are planned.

Drilling a Marcellus Shale well involves pumping millions of gallons of water and sand laced with chemicals down the well bore at high pressure to break up the dense shale rock more than a mile beneath the surface and release the gas trapped inside. The process is known as hydraulic fracturing. Some of that chemical-laced water returns to the surface as a briny stew carrying sulfates, chlorides, metals and naturally occurring radioactivity that the wastewater picks up deep underground.

DEP spokesman Dan Spadoni said last week that the agency had taken water samples from Towanda Creek and a tributary to screen for chlorides, sulfates, arsenic, barium, iron, magnesium and strontium. The DEP also took samples from seven nearby private wells and from the Susquehanna River where Towanda Creek empties into it, about 16 miles from the wells, he said. ... 53726.html

Dans le dernier paragraphe on peut voir la belle soupe de mer.. de la composition de l'échantillon de l'eau!
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