Enfin l'acide formique pur présente quelques problèmes, comme ne peut pas être conservé dans une bouteille étanche, peu compatible avec 6 ppm max de concentration dans l'air et cancérigène, etc..
L'alcool se conserve des années en bouteille fermée.
De plus il dégage plus d'énergie pour le même poids, (j'invite Obamot à chiffrer, mais on forme du CO2 en plus avec l'oxygène de l'air au lieu de conserver celui de l'acide formique )
Formic acid in 85% concentration is not flammable, and diluted formic acid is on the US Food and Drug Administration list of food additives.[19] The principal danger from formic acid is from skin or eye contact with the concentrated liquid or vapors. The US OSHA Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) of formic acid vapor in the work environment is 5 parts per million parts of air (ppm).
Formic acid is readily metabolized and eliminated by the body. Nonetheless, it has specific toxic effects; the formic acid and formaldehyde produced as metabolites of methanol are responsible for the optic nerve damage, causing blindness seen in methanol poisoning.[20] Some chronic effects of formic acid exposure have been documented. Some experiments on bacterial species have demonstrated it to be a mutagen[21]. Chronic exposure to humans may cause kidney damage. [22] Another effect of chronic exposure is development of a skin allergy that manifests upon re-exposure to the chemical.
Concentrated formic acid slowly decomposes to carbon monoxide and water, leading to pressure buildup in the container it is kept in. For this reason, 98% formic acid is shipped in plastic bottles with self-venting caps.
The hazards of solutions of formic acid depend on the concentration.