Cette information cruciale est cachée sur le site BP, silence total, rien le 19 jul !!
Et Google ne donne presque rien pour le 19 jul !!!
Cette info d'échec grave est connue en Europe, mais pas aux USA à cette heure !!
Cela va devenir un vrai Tchernobyl pétrolier à perpétuité insoluble, le fond de la mer mou comme une passoire à pétrole et on ne discutera plus sur l'origine abiotique du pétrole interne à la terre bourrée pétrole !!
Quelques explications et infos sur la folle manière de penser de BP à courte vue multipliant la catastrophe :
http://blog.al.com/live/2010/07/report_ ... rives.html
At the same news conference, Suttles said pressure in the capped well was at 6,778 pounds per square inch and slowly rising. That number was below targets of between 7,500 and 9,000 psi that engineers said would clearly show that the well wasn't leaking elsewhere. Suttles interpreted the rising pressure as a sign that there was no leak.
Siphoning the oil instead of forcing it to stay under the cap would relieve the pressure but also result in more oil leaking into the Gulf.
"BP does not want to do that," MacDonald said. "They're being potentially fined $1,000 a barrel or even more. ... That's millions and millions of dollars (for a few days' leakage) when you add it all up."
Daniel Keeney, president of a Dallas-based public relations firm, told The Associated Press that BP's image stands to benefit from suggesting that the well cap remained closed while the government advocates opening it. In such a scenario, the government would take a large share of the blame for more leaked oil.
"I can see why they're pushing for keeping the cap on and shut until the relief well is in place," Keeney said.
Enfin personne ne regrettera de ne pas avoir acheté des actions BP.
Cette chute de BP ne va améliorer la crise économique.