Dans la piscinne, vu ce qui aurait déjà été récupéré, il n'y en a que juste au dessus du genou...
Bon ils ont fini de cimenter par le haut et maintenant vérifient les pressions.
Le forage continue, et ils comptent cimenter par le bas aussi.
(merci Lafarge/lol)
Subsea operational update:
The MC252 well has been shut-in since July 15; there is currently no oil flowing into the Gulf. Following completion of cementing operations as part of the static kill procedure, monitoring of the well is underway in order to confirm the effectiveness of the procedure.The relief well being drilled by the DDIII continues to progress towards intersecting the annulus.We anticipate the next update will be provided at around 10am CDT on August 7, 2010. Updated August 6 at 9:30am CDT
Official BP
- The relief well is an integral part of the kill procedure. Happy with static kill, but still want to continue with relief well. - Kent Wells 5 minutes ago reply
- We will now focus on completing pressure tests, completing the relief well, and focusing on shoreline clean up. - Kent Wells 6 minutes ago reply
- Today, we're in the middle of the pressure testing -- very encouraging that the cement job went well. - Kent Wells 7 minutes ago reply