Ouragan Sandy, vers un Fukuschima américain?

Pétrole, gaz, charbon, nucléaire (REP, EPR, fusion chaude, ITER), centrales électriques thermiques gaz et charbon, cogénération, tri-génération. Peakoil, déplétion, économie, technologies et stratégies géopolitiques. Prix, pollutions, coûts économiques et sociaux...
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 5111
Inscription : 28/09/09, 17:35
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par moinsdewatt » 03/11/12, 12:10

Les 3 réacteurs nucléaires US qui avaient été arrétés préventivement à cause de Sandy ont redémarré leurs opérations.

Sandy-shuttered US nuclear power units back online

AFP) – 15 hours ago WASHINGTON

Three nuclear power units shut down in the US northeast due to the superstorm Sandy have restarted operations, the US Energy Department said Friday.
Two reactors in New York state and one in New Jersey were back online and had ramped up power by Friday, the department said.
"All nuclear power units in the Northeastern United States that were shut down as a result of impacts from Hurricane Sandy have been restarted and are ramping up power output," it said.
In addition, all nuclear power units whose output had been reduced as a result of the storm have been restored to 100 percent power, the department said.
The violent storm that wracked the East Coast on Monday and Tuesday forced the closure of the three reactors: the Salem 1 unit near Salem, New Jersey; the Nine Mile Point unit 1 in Scriba, New York; and the Indian Point reactor 3 in Buchanan, New York.
In its latest post-storm update, the department said that as of 7:00 am (1200 GMT), 3.6 million households in the affected area remained without power, compared with more than 8 million at the peak of the crisis.
The country's 104 active nuclear reactors supply 20 percent of the national electricity power.

http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/ar ... 27741d.401
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Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 9211
Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
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par dedeleco » 03/11/12, 13:04

Un peu plus de 100 morts USA, 3 fois moins à Cuba, mais combien à Haïti, caché, qu'on oublie totalement dans les médias, alors que Haïti à souffert encore une fois de plus, bien pire, et est incapable de s'en remettre !!
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