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par Christophe » 17/05/15, 17:14

Cela ne seraient pas des éoliennes Vestas?

Voir leur cours en bourse qui a explosé depuis 2 ans!
Ça c'est de l'éconologie, de la vraie !
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par moinsdewatt » 25/05/15, 14:00

E.ON va investir 1.9 milliards € dans la construction du parc offshore de Rampion (cotes du Sussex).
116 éoliennes de 3.45 megawatt chacune.

E.ON to invest €1.9 bln in U.K. offshore wind farm

May 18, 2015 evwind

E.ON will invest approximately 1.9 billion euros ($2.2 billion) in the construction of offshore wind farm Rampion in the U.K.

Situated 13 kilometers off the Sussex coast at its nearest point, the project is comprised of 116 3.45 megawatt wind turbines, associated foundations, an offshore substation and cabling. It will have the capacity to generate 400 megawatts of electricity and is expected to generate 1,300 gigawatt hours of renewable energy annually, enough to supply the equivalent of up to 300,000 homes and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 600,000 metric tons a year, E.ON said.

E.ON will provide construction, operations and maintenance as well as energy management services to the project. This includes the delivery of the connection to the National Grid with marine export cables to shore, approximately 26 kilometers of onshore cables and onshore grid substation assets. E.ON will divest these offshore transmission assets under a regulated sales process.

U.K.’s Green Investment Bank PLC, or GIB, a leading investor in the U.K.’s offshore wind industry, has acquired a EUR327 million stake in the project, E.ON said.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/05/18/e-on-to ... farm/52204
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par moinsdewatt » 05/07/15, 13:52

Les éoliennes géantes ne restent pas que des prototypes, ça entre dans les nouveaux projets de pars éolien, ici avec les modèles de 8 MW pour l 'energéticien Vattenfall !
Il en faudra 50 pour faire les 400 MW annoncé pour le parc au large du Danemark !
Mise en service prévu début 2020.

Vattenfall has selected MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to supply V164 8MW wind turbines for its 400 MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm

June 29, 2015 evwind

Vattenfall has selected MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to supply V164 8MW wind turbines for its 400 MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm off the Danish coast.

Head of Vattenfall wind power Gunnar Groebler said: “We are very pleased to be able to appoint MHI Vestas Offshore Wind as preferred supplier of turbines for Horns Rev 3, and look forward working jointly on realising our firm belief of cost reduction in the offshore wind sector.

“The concession agreement with the Danish government states that the wind farm should be operational by 1 January 2020 and today’s announcement combined with the soon to come geotechnical investigations on site and procurement of foundations and cables assures that Vattenfall stays on track towards this deadline.”

MHI Vestas chief executive officer Jens Tommerup said: “We are proud to announce that Vattenfall have appointed MHI Vestas Offshore Wind as preferred supplier for the Horns Rev 3 project.

“We are looking forward to working together on realising our firm belief of cost reduction in the offshore wind industry.”

http://www.evwind.es/2015/06/29/vattenf ... farm/53039
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par moinsdewatt » 12/07/15, 14:19

SIEMENS gagne 580 MW de commande en éoliennes de 6 MW de la part de DONG Energy pou équipper le parc offshore de Race Bank.
D'apré un analyste de Bloomberg ca pourrait représenter une commande de 1.2 milliards de $.

Siemens Awarded Possible $1.2 Billion Wind Turbine Order

July 7th, 2015 by Joshua S Hill cleantechnica.com

Siemens has been awarded a wind turbine order for 580 MW by DONG Energy for the Race Bank wind power plant which could be worth up to $1.2 billion.

Siemens will provide 91 of its 6 MW direct drive wind turbines to the Race Bank offshore wind power project, set to be located approximately 32 kilometers off the British eastern coast. Upon completion, which is set for the beginning of 2018, the 580 MW project will generate enough electricity to supply approximately 400,000 British households.

siemens offshore wind turbineThe 154 meter turbines are slated to undergo installation beginning spring 2017, with the Race Bank park spreading out over a 62 square kilometer area, in depths between 6 and 26 meters.

“We are pleased that DONG Energy has once again chosen our 6 MW direct drive wind turbine, the workhorse for offshore wind power plants,” said Michael Hannibal, CEO Offshore of the Wind Power and Renewables Division at Siemens. “We are working hard to bring the costs of offshore wind energy down to make it competitive with other sources of power generation.”

Specifically, Siemens notes that recent analysis shows the cost of offshore wind energy has fallen by 11%, according to a study published by RenewableUK. “Thus, the offshore industry is fully on track to meet the 2020 cost targets,” added Hannibal.

Commenting on the project, a Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyst suggested that the deal between Siemens and DONG Energy could be worth as much as $1.2 billion. Tom Harries, a BNEF analyst, said that the total project cost could be as much as $2.6 billion, with the specific deal between Siemens and DONG Energy for the wind turbines accounting for $1.2 billion “on today’s costs.”

http://cleantechnica.com/2015/07/07/sie ... ine-order/
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par moinsdewatt » 26/07/15, 12:39

La Grande Bretagne qui a 4.8 GW d' offshore installé fin 2014 passerait à 23 GW en 2025.

UK to Remain Top Offshore Wind Power Market by 2025, with Capacity Exceeding 23 Gigawatts

July 22, 2015 evwind

The UK will remain the leading offshore wind power market globally by 2025, with its installed capacity increasing from 4.5 Gigawatts (GW) in 2014 to 23.2 GW by the end of the forecast period, representing an impressive Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 30.5%, says research and consulting firm GlobalData.

The analyst concludes that the UK possesses the largest offshore wind resources in Europe, with the North and Irish Seas providing high-potential areas for offshore wind farm developers.

Siemens remained the UK’s leading offshore wind market player in 2014, boasting a 76.2% share of the country’s cumulative capacity. Vestas was a distant second, with 19.9%, followed by Senvion and Samsung with 3.8% and 0.2%, respectively.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/07/22/uk-to-r ... atts/53461
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par moinsdewatt » 27/09/15, 13:23

Mise en service du champs eolien offshore géant Baltic-2.
80 turbines de Siemens de 3.6 MW. Total 288 MW. Installés sur 27 km2.

Offshore wind farm EnBW Baltic 2 officially put into operation

Karlsruhe/Stralsund - 2015-09-21

In the presence of the Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Erwin Sellering, and numerous guests from the worlds of business and politics, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG has officially put its second offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea into operation.

EnBW Baltic 2 is located 32 kilometres to the north of the island of Rügen. 80 wind turbines with a total output of 288 megawatts have been installed over an area of 27 square kilometres. The offshore wind farm will generate 1.2 billion kilowatt hours of electricity per year and cover the aggregate requirements of 340,000 households while saving 900,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2).

The 80 Siemens SWT-3.6-120 wind turbines rise 138 metres above the surface of the water. Depending on the depth of the water, they have been erected on different foundations: Monopiles have been used for water depths of up to 35 metres, while three-legged jackets have been utilised at depths of over 35 metres. The substation forms the heart of EnBW Baltic 2. The electricity from the individual wind turbines flows into the substation where it is transformed to a higher voltage and transported to the mainland to be fed into the integrated German electricity network. The yellow substation is 15 metres high, 25 metres long and weighs a total of 4,500 tonnes including the foundations. More than 83 kilometres of undersea cables connect the individual wind turbines to the substation.

http://renewable-energy-industry.com/ne ... ewsid=4642
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par moinsdewatt » 18/10/15, 11:13

L 'Allemagne inaugure encore un autre champs éolien offshore comparable à celui 2 posts au dessus.
Le champs de Borkum Riffgrund 1 avec 78 turbines Siemens de 3.6 MW, soit 280 MW.

Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind power plant officially inaugurated

October 12, 2015 evwind

Today marked the official inauguration of the Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind power plant: 78 Siemens wind turbines, each with a capacity of 3.6 megawatts and a rotor diameter of 120 meters, will supply around 320,000 German households with ecofriendly electricity. Siemens is also providing service and maintenance for the turbines for an initial period of 10 years. Borkum Riffgrund 1 has been developed and constructed by DONG Energy and is today owned by DONG Energy (50 percent) and the investors Kirkbi Invest A/S and William Demant Invest A/S (50 percent together). Borkum Riffgrund 1 is the sixth offshore wind project to be handed over to the respective customer by Siemens in this last fiscal year. The total capacity of all of these wind projects is sufficient to supply nearly two million households with clean electricity.


http://www.evwind.es/2015/10/12/borkum- ... ated/54385
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par moinsdewatt » 25/10/15, 11:13

Un consortium portuguais et chinois va construire un parc éolien offshore géant de 1116 MW qui sera le plus grand d' Ecosse.
186 turbines de 6 MW chacune

Chinese and EDP Renováveis join forces to build wind farm capable of supplying power to 700,000 homes

October 21, 2015 evwind

The largest offshore wind farm so far authorised for Scottish waters is to be jointly developed by a state-owned Chinese company and Portugal’s largest renewables firm. EDP Renováveis, a subsidiary of power firm Energias de Portugal, has announced it has signed an accord with China Three Gorges Corporation for the joint development of the huge wind farm project planned for the Outer Moray Firth in the North Sea.

China Three Gorges is already the biggest shareholder in EDP, the largest industrial company in Portugal with 12,000 employees. Now the two firms will jointly invest in Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd (MORL) which has Scottish Government consent for the construction and operation of 1,116 MW of offshore wind generation in the Telford, Stevenson and MacColl offshore wind farms in the Outer Moray Firth.

Once fully operational, the three farms will be capable of supplying power to the equivalent of around 700,000 homes, making it currently the second-largest offshore wind farm in the UK to have received consent.

Up to 186 giant wind turbines are planned for the farms some 14 miles (22km) from the Caithness coastline, with up to 2,400 jobs being created at the peak of construction.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/10/21/chinese ... omes/54492
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par moinsdewatt » 29/10/15, 19:54

Siemens décroche un premier contrat pour son éolienne de 7 MW

Publié le 29/10/2015 lemarin.fr

Mise sur le marché en mars dernier, l’éolienne de 7 MW (mégawatts) de Siemens vient d’être choisie par l’énergéticien danois Dong pour équiper la partie est de l’extension de son parc de Walney en mer d’Irlande.

http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activite ... ienne-de-7
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par moinsdewatt » 01/11/15, 11:15

Encore un prochain champs géant.
660 MW à venir en mer d' Irlande (pour 2018).
Un mix de turbines géantes :
- 40 turbines 8 MW de MHI Vestas
- 47 turbines 7 MW de Siemens

Dong Energy to build world’s biggest wind farm off UK coast

October 29, 2015 evwind

Dong Energy is to build a 660-megawatt wind farm in the Irish Sea. The final investment decision for Walney Extension has been made after securing all necessary consents from authorities and signing most of the supply and installation contracts for the project.

The 660MW Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, to be located in the Irish Sea, approximately 19 km off the west coast of Britain, will be the biggest offshore wind farm in the world when it is expected to be fully commissioned in 2018, surpassing the 630MW London Array Offshore Wind Farm which was commissioned in 2014 by DONG Energy and its partners.

The wind farm will be constructed and operated under the UK’s EMR FID-enabling regime with a fixed price for the first 15 years of production, the company said in a press release.

DONG Energy has decided to apply two different turbines — 40 8MW turbines from MHI Vestas Offshore Wind and 47 Siemens 7MW offshore turbines.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/10/29/dong-en ... oast/54592
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