bonjour à tous,
je pense comprendre que Tomsid a imaginé un STIRLING "double module à palettes" et souhaite notre avis ....
Je ne suis pas un spécialiste des machines STIRLING mais je pense qu'au cour du cycle des volumétries, plus les volumes mini sont petits (voire nul) mieux c'est : c'est CARNOT qui impose ses lois ?
Qu'en pensez vous Robert SYCOMOREEN....
"and for Tomsid : if you are english ...write in english, you are on an international forum between the CANADA and the CHINE"
Pascal HA PHAM
Stirling à Pistons Rotatifs Annulaires Trilobiques (SPRATL)
- pascal HA PHAM
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 1461
- Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
- Localisation : soleil
- x 25
stirling à palette
0 x
All around my work, full vidéos on the web : ... 80&bih=672 ... 80&bih=672
I have trouble navigation this list as i do not read any french, sorry.
The picture represents my current thinking on rotary stirling engines
Hear two vane rotors are connected by regenorators in the rotating hub. This gives a four alpha stirling configuration. the conections between sectors need to be established for this to work properly.
To increse the amount of heat that can be transfered a sprayed liquid would be used . The heat transfer in a stirling is proportional to the surface area. incresing the size of the engine gives gas volume cubed and surface area squared . this means small engine are usualy more efficent . With liquid spray this means any size engine will have the same efficency.
This form of rotary stirling is diffrent from SPRATL in that the regenorators are conventional forward/reverse flow instead of the HX tubes you use.
I thought you would like to see a conventional representation of rotary stirlings.
hope this is of interest
yours tomsid
[quote="Remundo"]Hi Pascal, Hi Tomsid,
I don't know your country and your language, I don't understand well your question (as there was no question :D ), altough I've well seen your picture.
It would be a hot air engine...
There is no problem to speak in English.
Read you soon, bye ![/quote]
I have trouble navigation this list as i do not read any french, sorry.
The picture represents my current thinking on rotary stirling engines
Hear two vane rotors are connected by regenorators in the rotating hub. This gives a four alpha stirling configuration. the conections between sectors need to be established for this to work properly.
To increse the amount of heat that can be transfered a sprayed liquid would be used . The heat transfer in a stirling is proportional to the surface area. incresing the size of the engine gives gas volume cubed and surface area squared . this means small engine are usualy more efficent . With liquid spray this means any size engine will have the same efficency.
This form of rotary stirling is diffrent from SPRATL in that the regenorators are conventional forward/reverse flow instead of the HX tubes you use.
I thought you would like to see a conventional representation of rotary stirlings.
hope this is of interest
yours tomsid
[quote="Remundo"]Hi Pascal, Hi Tomsid,
I don't know your country and your language, I don't understand well your question (as there was no question :D ), altough I've well seen your picture.
It would be a hot air engine...
There is no problem to speak in English.
Read you soon, bye ![/quote]
0 x
- Remundo
- Modérateur
- Messages : 17275
- Inscription : 15/10/07, 16:05
- Localisation : Clermont Ferrand
- x 5816
Hear two vane rotors are connected by regenorators in the rotating hub. This gives a four alpha stirling configuration. the conections between sectors need to be established for this to work properly.
Yes, the drawing should be precised for the conections.
To increse the amount of heat that can be transfered a sprayed liquid would be used . The heat transfer in a stirling is proportional to the surface area. incresing the size of the engine gives gas volume cubed and surface area squared . this means small engine are usualy more efficent . With liquid spray this means any size engine will have the same efficency.
Exactly, I add that for the hot side, one has to insulate it because there are thermal losses by conduction and radiation.
This form of rotary stirling is diffrent from SPRATL in that the regenorators are conventional forward/reverse flow instead of the HX tubes you use.
Right, you've well thought about it. I think that continuous and unidirectionnal flowing is better. It makes a nearly perfect thermal exchanger, and thus a very good regenerator.
I thought you would like to see a conventional representation of rotary stirlings.
Thanks, indeed there are not a lot of rotary Stirling engines. This one one with rotary blades is interesting.
Bye !
0 x
le temps du retrait est venu
- pascal HA PHAM
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 1461
- Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
- Localisation : soleil
- x 25
machines ZZ en STIRLING
Bonjour Raymond,
J'ai parcouru votre site SYCOMOREEN et vous reparlez du SPRATL : merci à vous, c'est bien !
Mais hé hé ....: "the new concept ZZ" à la mode STIRLING surtout les ZZ 1 C et ZZ 2...ce serait top non ?
Immaginez un ensemble thermo dynazmique au sein duquel le concept sphéro-cinématique 3 D du ZZ fusionne avec le concept thermo dynamique de notre cher pasteur Ecossais Robert STIRLING .....cela ferait naître d'étonnantes machines rotatives uniques au monde, du must de technologie non ?
J'ai parcouru votre site SYCOMOREEN et vous reparlez du SPRATL : merci à vous, c'est bien !
Mais hé hé ....: "the new concept ZZ" à la mode STIRLING surtout les ZZ 1 C et ZZ 2...ce serait top non ?
Immaginez un ensemble thermo dynazmique au sein duquel le concept sphéro-cinématique 3 D du ZZ fusionne avec le concept thermo dynamique de notre cher pasteur Ecossais Robert STIRLING .....cela ferait naître d'étonnantes machines rotatives uniques au monde, du must de technologie non ?
0 x
- Remundo
- Modérateur
- Messages : 17275
- Inscription : 15/10/07, 16:05
- Localisation : Clermont Ferrand
- x 5816
Bonjour les Econologues,
C'est la rentrée, Sycomoreen vous invite à visiter la FAQ du SPRATL qui a été mise à jour de manière significative...
Vous y découvrirez le SPRATL : le Stirling par Sycomoreen, ses domaines d'applications et l'historique du concept SPRATL
Bons visionnages !
C'est la rentrée, Sycomoreen vous invite à visiter la FAQ du SPRATL qui a été mise à jour de manière significative...
Vous y découvrirez le SPRATL : le Stirling par Sycomoreen, ses domaines d'applications et l'historique du concept SPRATL
Bons visionnages !
0 x
le temps du retrait est venu
- pascal HA PHAM
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 1461
- Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
- Localisation : soleil
- x 25
tiens : nous sommes le 7 janvier !
coucou : Bonne Fêté RAYMOND !
avec la question pour un champion :
pensez vous que le concept abouti de TTVR de Jean Claude pourrait être repris "cinématiquement" pour une adaptation du fonctionnement en mode STIRLING ?
Ha ?
avec la question pour un champion :
pensez vous que le concept abouti de TTVR de Jean Claude pourrait être repris "cinématiquement" pour une adaptation du fonctionnement en mode STIRLING ?
Ha ?
0 x
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