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Cherchez où est l'erreur basique !!
test idéal pour savoir si on a bien assimilé la physique en trouvant l'erreur exacte de ces imaginatifs qui sortent n'importe quoi
Un brevet de mouvement perpétuel mécanique de plus dans l'armada depuis 3 siècles qui n'ont jamais marché !!Free Energy Engines Engineering
Unequality of mutual actions and powers exchanged between solids S6 et S7n
Mutual actions between both solids
It is interesting to note following both expressions :
The unequality is due to the state of permanent instability of the engine. We notice that
vectors action and reaction to contact points A7 k n
• are not equal in module,
• form a variable angle during the rotation.
We have the following unequality: r<<R, where in points A7 k n .
The punctual speed of points A7 k n is equal to V
The instant power exchanged at time t in the point A7 k 1 is then equal to:
This expression shows that the Newton's 3rd law is violated in the particular point A7 k 1 .
From this formula, we can show that at the instant t of the cycle, the power transmitted in the
point A7 k 1 fluctuates around a constant value. The maximum value of the power,
Le mien va fonctionner c'est une certitude
Ingénieur ENSAIS M79