Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce la fusion froide ?

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par dedeleco » 16/09/11, 00:15

le conteneur va se perdre

mais il pourra toucher l'assurance élevée alors ????
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par elephant » 16/09/11, 08:59

Très juste, ce conteneur aurait bien pu faire l'objet d'une démo ( éventuellement partielle, 1 MW, ça cogne ) avant expédition. On ne va pas me faire croire que des éléments soumis à 20-30 bars ne sont pas testés avant livraison.
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par plouffe » 16/09/11, 15:40

le gag de la semaine :

l'adresse e-cat.com redirige vers... exxon mobil :cheesy:

l'adresse meme inutilisée existe depuis des lustres (bien avant que Rossi invente son machin) tout comme les autres E-cats, ce qui est moins clair est pourquoi elle redirige vers Exxon maintenant (elle etait encore parquée en debut d'année)...

Bon vivant rime avec prévoyant ? 8)
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par elephant » 16/09/11, 16:58

Excellent travail !
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par elephant » 16/09/11, 19:29

Une lueur d'espoir sur e-cat world ?

The recent video taken by Mats Lewan has sparked a lot of interest among people following the E-Cat story, and there seems to be a particular interest in the portion of the test where the electrical heat was turned off and the E-Cat ran in self-sustain mode.

A major question that some observers are focusing on is whether ‘thermal inertia’, i.e. the heat stored in the metal reactor following the switching off of the electrical heater could account for the measured temperature levels measured by Lewan during the 35 minutes that the E-Cat ran without any power input. There was a slight drop in temperature following the power shut-off, but later a slight increase in temperature was also measured.

It is very difficult to get a precise picture of the details of this test from an online video, and it seems that there will be continued debate amongst those who are trying to analyze Mats Lewan’s test.

Perhaps to put some of these issues to rest, Andrea Rossi has said that there will soon be another test conducted at the University of Uppsala, in Sweden. About this test Rossi states:

“Yes, we will organize e new very important test in Uppsala, and this time we will make the calorimetric measurements in a new way, suggested by the Professors: the steam circuit will be a closed circuit with a condenser and will exchange heat with a flow of liquid water: basically, we will have a primary circuit of the E-Cat and a secondary circuit through a radiator, and the energy will be calculated not from the delta T of the input/output of the reactor, but from the delta T of the secondary, which will exchange the heat by means of a heat exchanger. Of course the calculation of the energy produced will be in our disadvantage, because the heat exchange system has not a 100% efficiency, but I can accept it, because our energy gain is very high. The operation will be made also with self sustaining mode. We are already making this test in our factory, and the results of the energy gain are very close to the measurements we made in past. I am very satisfied.”

It’s interesting that Rossi would schedule this test soon before the launch of the 1 MW plant. Perhaps it will help generate interest as a sort of warmup or ‘pre-game’ show. I expect Rossi and those who will carry out the test will be paying attention to the questions being raised, and perhaps this, and other tests will make things clearer.

la vidéo dont il est question:

http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_m ... 264362.ece

et d'autres osent se mouiller:

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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par tagor » 17/09/11, 12:28

un nouveau test prevu par rossi

Quote from a facebook page posting on (Prof. Sergio Focardi)
"Andrea Rossi" September 16th, 2011 at 3:07 AM

" Yes, we will organize e new very important test in Uppsala, and this time we will make the calorimetric measurements in a new way, suggested by the Professors: the steam circuit will be a closed circuit with a condenser and will exchange heat with a flow of liquid water: basically, we will have a primary circuit of the E-Cat and a secondary circuit through a radiator, and the energy will be calculated not from the delta T of the input/output of the reactor, but from the delta T of the secondary, which will exchange the heat by means of a heat exchanger. Of course the calculation of the energy produced will be in our disadvantage, because the heat exchange system has not a 100% efficiency, but I can accept it, because our energy gain is very high. The operation will be made also with self sustaining mode. We are already making this test in our factory, and the results of the energy gain are very close to the measurements we made in past. I am very satisfied.
Warm Regards, A.R. "

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par elephant » 17/09/11, 16:48

Ben, t'as répété la fin de mon dernier post !
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par tagor » 17/09/11, 18:21

elephant a écrit :Ben, t'as répété la fin de mon dernier post !

désolé je n'avais pas vu en entier
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par moinsdewatt » 18/09/11, 19:49

tagor a écrit :un nouveau test prevu par rossi

Quote from a facebook page posting on (Prof. Sergio Focardi)
"Andrea Rossi" September 16th, 2011 at 3:07 AM

" Yes, we will organize e new very important test in Uppsala, and this time we will make the calorimetric measurements in a new way, suggested by the Professors: the steam circuit will be a closed circuit with a condenser and will exchange heat with a flow of liquid water: basically, we will have a primary circuit of the E-Cat and a secondary circuit through a radiator, and the energy will be calculated not from the delta T of the input/output of the reactor, but from the delta T of the secondary, which will exchange the heat by means of a heat exchanger. Of course the calculation of the energy produced will be in our disadvantage, because the heat exchange system has not a 100% efficiency, but I can accept it, because our energy gain is very high. The operation will be made also with self sustaining mode. We are already making this test in our factory, and the results of the energy gain are very close to the measurements we made in past. I am very satisfied.
Warm Regards, A.R. "

:mrgreen: c'est ce que je préconisait dans ce post : https://www.econologie.com/forums/post211744.html#211744
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par elephant » 18/09/11, 23:34

Qui vivra verra !
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be

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