Réaction de Focardi-Rossi: est-ce la fusion froide ?

Innovations, idées ou brevets pour le développement durable. Diminution de a consommation d'énergie, réduction de la pollution, amélioration des rendements ou des process...Mythes ou réalité sur les inventions du passé ou du futur : les inventions de Tesla, Newman, Perendev, Galey, Bearden, la fusion froide...
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par moinsdewatt » 05/11/11, 12:42

dedeleco a écrit :
Probably you did not understand that there is a war against us.

there still is work to do to get authorization from government regulators for the small household units to be sold.

sur ecat
donc le secret reste total par précaution !!

Et il doit y avoir des difficultés techniques restantes ?

A partir du moment, comme pour plein d'autres inventions, où il prouve que c'est réel et possible, même sans donner plus d'informations, d'autres vont chercher avec acharnement, et trouver plein de variantes fonctionnelles non envisagées par Rossi !!!
En particulier ceux ayant eu des effets de fusion froide qu'ils n'ont pas exploité correctement !!

''Probably you did not understand that there is a war against us.''

Ben c' est normal, les charlatans il faut leur faire la guerre.
Ce type il prétend vouloir vendre un systeme de 1 MW , dont personne ne peut verifier le fonctionnement en continu.
L' attaquer pour publicité mensongére sera la premier chose à faire quand il tentera de vendre une telle machine.

Et si Dedeleco pouvait arreter de citer Kevran sans arrét ca serait pas mal.
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par dedeleco » 05/11/11, 15:04

Kervran ne vend pas et chacun peut vérifier en faisant une de ses expériences, ce que je ne vois fait nulle part, ceci sur un siècle !!!

Enfin Rossi est libre de vendre, pourvu que l'acheteur soit prévenu du risque exact, ce que font pleins de sites comme celui ci et les scientifiques patentés !!!
Rossi pourrait très bien présenter une réalité !!! même si elle contredit nos connaissances actuelles !!
Des scientifiques et l'acheteur ont vérifiés et sont convaincus, selon leurs dires !!

Mais Rossi et plein d'autres, avant, témoignent d'effets étranges qui méritent d'être étudiés !!!

Donc autant, je démonte des erreurs scientifiques claires (voir nlc que j'essaye de convaincre), autant je pense qu'il ne faut pas étouffer des études qui interpellent !!
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par moinsdewatt » 05/11/11, 18:39

dedeleco a écrit : .....Des scientifiques et l'acheteur ont vérifiés et sont convaincus, selon leurs dires !!

Il n' y a que Rossi qui prédent qu' il ya un acheteur.

Je ne serais pas étonné que Rossi annonce prochainement qu' un probléme d 'ordre financier ou administratif ne permet pas la vente. :cheesy:

PS. Il a déjà fait le coup avec Defkalion. :idea:
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par dedeleco » 05/11/11, 19:06

Pas de crainte, aucun de nous, n'y avons mis un radis !!!!

Et c'est bien moins grandiose que l'arnaque des subprims, que presque toutes les banques et professionnels ont gobé !!!

L'arnaque des PACs et géothermie à 30000€ est bien pire et plus usuelle !!!
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par Christophe » 08/11/11, 09:23

Mailing du jour de Langlois...je n'ai pas suivi ce sujet en détails et j'étais plutôt sceptique mais là, je ne sais plus trop quoi penser là...

Un réacteur à «fusion froide» dégage 479 kW sans GES ni déchets radioactifs !!!‏

Bonjour à tous

Après le courriel un peu déprimant d’hier sur le documentaire End CIV, voici une très bonne nouvelle du côté des énergies nouvelles sans gaz à effet de serre ni déchets nucléaires. Je parle de ce qu’on a appelé trop rapidement la fusion froide, découverte par Pons et Fleischmann en 1989, et qu’on appelle aujourd’hui des Réactions Nucléaires à Basse Énergie (RNBÉ).

Et bien, le 28 octobre dernier, Andrea Rossi, l’inventeur principal d’un nouveau type de RNBÉ, faisait la démonstration d’un réacteur qui a produit 479 kW de puissance thermique, en moyenne, pendant 5 heures et 30 minutes (durée du test). L’énergie thermique produite pendant ce temps a été de 2635 kWh alors que l’énergie électrique consommée n’a été que de 66 kWh, principalement dans la première demi-heure pour démarrer la réaction à l’aide d’éléments chauffants. Pendant ce test, le réacteur RNBÉ de Andrea Rossi aurait donc produit 40 fois plus d’énergie qu’il n’en a consommé! Après le test, le premier client a signé le contrat pour l’achat du réacteur, et 13 autres seraient déjà dans le carnet de commande! Voir les deux articles suivants

http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/201 ... heating-up

http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_m ... 303682.ece

Notons que dans l’expression Réactions nucléaires à basse énergie (RNBÉ) les mots «basse énergie» ne signifient pas que les énergies dégagées sont faibles, mais plutôt qu’on peut déclencher ces réactions nucléaires avec très peu d’énergie, comparativement à la fusion chaude, par exemple, qui nécessite d’atteindre d’abord des températures de plus de cent millions de degrés Celsius.

Dans mon courriel du 14 avril dernier, je vous ai parlé des développements récents réalisés en 2011 par Andrea Rossi et Sergio Focardi. Or quelques jours après mon courriel Dennis Bushnell, le directeur scientifique du Centre de recherche de Langley de la NASA, déclarait dans une entrevue accordée à EV World en avril 2011 ( http://evworld.com/article.cfm?storyid=1983 ):

«I think we are almost over the "we do not understand it" problem. I think we are almost over the "this does not produce anything useful" problem. I think this will go forward fairly rapidly now. If it does, this is capable of, by itself, completely changing geo-economics, geo-politics, and solving climate issues.».

Soit en français (traduction libre) :

«Je crois que nous avons presque dépassé le problème du «on ne le comprend pas». Je crois que nous avons presque dépassé le problème du «cela ne produit rien d’utile». Je crois que cela va progresser assez rapidement maintenant. Si c’est le cas, cela est capable, en soi, de changer complètement la géo-économie, la géo-politique, et de résoudre les problèmes climatiques.».

Cette déclaration est d’autant plus pertinente que le mandat du Centre de recherche de Langley est de développer les nouvelles technologies pour le futur (nécessaires dans l’espace, sur la lune ou sur mars).

Dans cette entrevue accordée à EV world, M. Bushnell déclarait que les réactions nucléaires à basse énergie (RNBÉ) constituaient le secteur scientifique et technologique le plus intéressant et prometteur pour la production d’énergie et la réduction des gaz à effet de serre dans un avenir relativement rapproché.

Il faisait allusion aux développements récents dans le domaine des réactions nucléaires à basse énergie, notamment aux travaux de Andrea Rossi et Sergio Focardi. Rappelons que ces derniers ont fait connaître publiquement, en janvier 2011, un réacteur de RNBÉ performant qu’ils ont développé et baptisé E-Cat. Lors des multiples démonstrations qui ont eu lieu depuis, leur E-Cat a produit plusieurs kilowatt d’excès de puissance pendant plusieurs heures, sous forme de chaleur. Ces chercheurs affirment que le E-Cat peut fonctionner sans arrêt pendant des mois.

Le cœur du réacteur tient dans la main et est constitué d’une petite enceinte métallique fermée contenant de la poudre très fine de nickel, de l’hydrogène sous pression (2 à 20 fois la pression atmosphérique) et un catalyseur. On amorce la réaction en chauffant l’enceinte via une résistance électrique qui ne consomme que quelques centaines de watts (plusieurs milliers de watt de chaleur sont dégagés). Une partie du nickel se transformerait graduellement en cuivre lors de la réaction, et la quantité consommée est infime. On pourrait faire fonctionner un réacteur de 10 kW vingt-quatre heures par jour, en consommant moins de un dollar par mois de nickel et d’hydrogène! De plus, aucune radiation dangereuse n’est émise à l’extérieur du E-Cat, et il n’y a aucuns déchets radioactifs. Cette percée majeure est réellement porteuse d’espoir pour l’avenir.

Toutefois, il faut bien le dire, la description complète du réacteur E-Cat n’est pas disponible pour reproduction, pour des raisons de sécurité industrielle (les brevets n’ont pas encore été accordés, sauf en Italie), et Rossi a développé la technologie en finançant la R&D de sa poche. Par ailleurs, le premier réacteur ayant été vendu, le financement d’un programme de recherche avec l’Université de Bologne pourra se poursuivre et celui de l’Université d’Upsala démarrer, avec des ententes de confidentialité appropriées.

Et ce n’est qu’un début!

Bien cordialement

Pierre Langlois, Ph.D.
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par Christophe » 08/11/11, 09:47

Une conférence (en italien...) de Focardi : http://www.e-catworld.com/2011/11/sergi ... n-italian/

Un autre article intéressant:

Nuclear Power We Might Be Able to Live With

Open Access Article Originally Published: April 06, 2011

ll existing nuclear plants, and the planned $13 billion ITER hot fusion project, are based on the "atoms for peace" idea of adapting military bomb technology to civilian use. The tens of billions in research dollars that have been spent have clouded the judgment of leaders in the nuclear science community causing irrational denial of the work being done at low energy levels.

The disasters in Japan prove that these grandiose attempts to generate power from bomb technology are misguided.

The scientists that perform peer reviews and make up government advisory panels are all recipients of government largess. As a result, promising low energy nuclear work has been driven underground and forced to create its own journals and finance its own research.

Now, from Italy, comes the stunning news that Low Energy Nuclear Reactors (LENR) are, suddenly, a practical reality consistently generating significant power.

Focardi and Rossi recently had a public demonstration of a desktop-sized reactor that produces 11 kW of net power for extended periods of time. Both the fuel and residues are clean and free of radioactivity. The fuel is nickel powder and a tiny amount of hydrogen. A gram of nickel generates 2000 kilowatt-hours in this prototype.

On January 14, 2011 a public demonstration was held at the University of Bologna with about 50 attendees.

The U.S. press totally ignored this momentous event. It had been burned before by the “cold fusion” announcement in Utah an 1998. What most people don’t know is that the declaration that cold fusion was “junk science” was really “junk criticism,” encouraged by powerful interests. Much like the “climate skepticism” of today.

You may not have heard that the Fleischman-Pons experiment has been replicated thousands of times by many researchers and that Fleischman has greatly increased the power output in a lab supported by Toyota. In fact, in 2009, DARPA issued an analysis report reversing their previous negative position on cold fusion. Engineering has trumped science. We now know how to make low energy reactions generate power, but there are still many mysteries in the explanation.

I was originally very skeptical when I read this report on the demonstration. But, when I searched back in the literature, I found that Dr. Focardi has been publishing strong results with nickel-hydrogen fusion since 1994. A 1996 paper reported two cells that ran 300 days producing 250 and 167 kilowatt-hours of excess heat.

Andrea Rossi is an inventor and businessman who hired Dr. Focardi in 2007 as a consultant. He has been financing the entire development with his own money.

Rossi's design uses a nickel powder with catalysts instead of nickel sheets. It is therefore capable of producing much more power. In 2010 they jointly published a paper that reported six different experiments with durations of up to 52 days. The longest experiment used 19 kWh of energy input to produce 3768 kWh of output energy. Output/input power ratios as high as 415 were obtained but, in the interest of safety and stability, the device demonstrated on January 14th runs at a power gain ratio of only 15.

The blue box used in the demonstration is now being mass-produced in Florida for delivery to a Greek licensee in October 2011. One hundred such units will be connected in series/parallel arrangement to make a one-megawatt demonstration power plant. These are being produced at Rossi's expense under an agreement that the Greek customer, Defkalion, pays only if performance specifications are met.

Rossi is betting his own money on success and therefore has no incentive to mislead anyone to raise money.

Rossi has been very responsive to critics, answering questions freely on blogs. When skeptics suggested fraud, he even allowed a physicist at the University of Bologna to modify the test setup and examine the insides of the reactor. He reran the demo for 18 hours with a non-boiling output measurement setup. The 18 kW power output obtained for 18 hours neutralized the skeptics, who had suspected a hidden battery.

The University of Bologna is a top university with graduates like Copurnicus, Marconi and Galvani.

Of course, this all seems too good to be true because, if they really deliver, we will be on a path towards virtually free energy. While this will be a blessing to mankind, it is terrible news to many rich and powerful interests. To understand what I mean, please listen to this fascinating interview about the academic-government complex with Eugene Mallove, the PhD MIT graduate who blew the whistle on data manipulation in the MIT failure to replicate cold fusion. He can also be seen on this 60 Minutes show and this BBC show about cold fusion.

Be prepared for a bloody battle as the vested interests fight to keep their lock on the federal funds, expert committees and journals. This may be the “black swan” event we have been waiting for that will rescue us from disaster and significantly change our world into a cleaner, safer place.

Thomas R. Blakelees is the president of the Clearlight Foundation. He holds an engineering degree from CalTech, and is author of a number of books, as well as being a prolific inventor and serial entrepreneur.

Je ne peux pas m'empêcher, évidement, de faire le rapprochement avec le traitement que la finance internationale fait à la Grèce...mais aussi et surtout à l'Italie actuellement: et si tout était lié à ceci ????

Par contre les photos font "un peu" (beaucoup) bricolage de garage... :shock:

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Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
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par Christophe » 08/11/11, 10:00

Sur cet article cela semble (les photos) déjà beaucoup plus "sérieux" :
http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_m ... 303682.ece

TV: Half a megawatt E-cat in Bologna

Av: Mats Lewan Publicerad 29 oktober 2011 01:59

UPDATED. Half a megawatt thermal power in self sustained mode, for over five hours. That’s what Andrea Rossi obtained with his E-cat plant on Friday, according to his customer. The question now is who the customer was.

At about quarter past ten on Friday October 28, the test of Andrea Rossi’s heat plant, potentially producing one megawatt, was initiated in an industrial hangar in Bologna.

The plant consisted of more than 100 'energy catalyzers' – Rossi’s invention that possibly produces heat from a hitherto unknown nuclear reaction – connected in parallel.

Already in January 2011 when the E-cat was demonstrated publicly for the first time before a group of invited scientists and journalists in Bologna, Rossi promised the launch of a one megawatt plant in October.

The test was supposed to be performed together with the Greek company Defkalion, and later, after a breach of contract in August, in the US. Finally, as the US agreement was never put in place, the test was performed in Bologna under the control of a yet unknown customer to Rossi.

According to the customer’s controller, Domenico Fioravanti, the plant released 2,635 kWh during five and a half hours of self sustained mode, which is equivalent to an average power of 479 kilowatts – just under half the promised power of one megawatt.

Rossi explained this with the customer’s priority to achieve self sustained mode, which supposedly makes the process more difficult to control than when electrical power is supplied to support the reaction.

“We had to decrease the power during self sustained mode as the temperature rose too much”, Rossi said after the test.

Neither Ny Teknik nor any other of the guests had any possibility to check the measurements made. The invitees could only observe the plant in operation for a few brief moments.

Assuming that the report is correct (the report can be downloaded here, the temperature data here), a substantial amount of energy was released, which is difficult to explain by anything other than heat being developed inside the E-cat, even if you subtract the power input during pre-heating.

UPDATE: There are two minor errors in the report. Se below.

According to the report the test was approved and the plant would now be transported to the customer where it supposedly will be part of an agreement on further tests in order to develop the technology.

It remains unclear who the customer is. Rossi has only indicated that it belongs to a particular category of organizations. One possibility is that it’s a military organization given that the title of the controller Fioravanti in the report is “colonel”, however, scored out with a pen.

Rossi stated that an agreed contract research at the University of Bologna can now be initiated and that discussions on collaboration with Uppsala University can get started.

There’s still no clear indication of when a test performed by independent experts can be done, although this is still what both readers of Ny Teknik and most experts Ny Teknik has spoken to demand.

- - - -

READ MORE: Our complete coverage on Rossi's E-cat can be found here: http://www.nyteknik.se/taggar/?tag=Cold+Fusion

UPDATE: David Roberson who made one of three analyses that Ny Teknik published last week on the October 6 test , has made an updated analysis here, which he claims contains proof that the E-cat generated a large amount of excess energy. On Nov 2 he made a third analysis which he claims contains further proof.
Also Horace Heffner's analysis has been updated.

- - - -

UPDATE 2: There are two minor errors in the customer's report:
1. The weight of the hydrogen bottle should be in grams, not kg as indicated.
2. The indicated flow rate of the pumps at the end of the report should be 350 kg/hour, not 750 kg/hour, giving a total of 700 kg/h, not 1,500 kg/h, for the two pumps.
(The measured average flow rate of 675.6 l/h in the first part of the report should be correct).


A water leakage could be observed efter the end of the test. Foto: Mats Lewan

Two of the four heat dissipators. Foto: Mats Lewan


Rossi outside the building during the test. In the background the heat plant with pumps and water tanks to the right, additional Ecats on the top and the steam outlet to the left. Foto: Mats Lewan

Le rapport d'essais "brut" (en attendant la version "propre") : http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article ... +%28pdf%29

Mirroir: https://www.econologie.info/share/partag ... maCKAm.pdf

Les mesures de T° : http://www.nyteknik.se/incoming/article ... +%28xls%29
Mirroir: https://www.econologie.info/share/partag ... a5Q8GA.xls


Intéressant aussi, le protocole d'essais:

This is how the test was done

According to the report the plant consisted of 107 modules. Ny Teknik, however, counted 52 modules inside the container, and 64 additional modules mounted on the container roof – a total of 116.

Two pumps supplied the modules with cooling water which was heated to boiling and the steam was led out to four large fan-cooled heat dissipators. The water was then returned to the pumps through a water tank.

The customer’s controller, Domenico Fioravanti, measured the temperature of the steam at the outlet outside the container and the inlet water temperature. Andrea Rossi measured in addition to this temperature of a large number of the modules.

According to the controller Fioravanti, power from the genset was switched on to the heating resistors in the modules around 10.30, with an initial power of 120 kW, which was gradually increased to 180 kW.

At 12.30 began self sustained mode, which means that the power to the resistors which are used to "ignite" the process was shut down. The plant then ran without any energy input other than the fans and the pumps for five and a half hours.

The total energy released between 12:30 and 18:00 was calculated from the amount of water heated and evaporated. The water flow was measured with two water meters, and according to the controller’s report the energy amounted to a total of 2635 kWh.

Subtracting the energy for pumps and fans, amounting to 66 kWh, this equals a net energy of 2569 kWh, which corresponds to an average power of 467 kW.

Subtracting the energy supplied during startup, about 320 kWh at an average power of 160 kW, the net energy would still be 2249 kWh. In this case the energy output during startup should also be estimated and added.

According to measurements of radiation made by David Bianchini from the University of Bologna no radiation above background level was registered.
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par elephant » 08/11/11, 10:19

Merci, Christophe pour cette très intéressante contribution.


The longest experiment used 19 kWh of energy input to produce 3768 kWh of output energy. Output/input power ratios as high as 415 were obtained but, in the interest of safety and stability, the device demonstrated on January 14th runs at a power gain ratio of only 15.

Qui vient un peu contrebalancer les avis de sceptiques qu'on trouve sur NyTeknik et e-catworld

Quant au secret industriel, s'il agace beaucoup de monde, il est souvent le seul moyen de sauvegarder son avance.

Par contre, si le monde scientifique en savait plus, c'est actuellement plusieurs centaines de chercheurs qui travailleraient à l'élaboration d'applications, notamment à la régulation du phénomène qui semble être un élément clé de l'utilisation de l'e-cat. ( et ça ferait peut être même baisser le prix du pétrole :D )
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par Christophe » 08/11/11, 10:49

Merci elephant mais attends c'est pas fini :) et si cela fonctionne durablement cela bouleversera le monde économique (qui de toute façon est entrain de vaciller...) qu'on connait bien plus que sur le prix du baril...

Evidement ca ne va pas plaire à tous...mais les réserves de nickel sur Terre sont de toute façon limitées (quelqu'un a fait le bilan pour voir si cela suffirait, à raison de 1 g pour 2000kWh thermiques et si oui pendant combien de temps ??)

Voici le dernier article cité par Langlois: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/201 ... heating-up plus accès sur l'aspect "commercial" et "intérêts économiques"...en gras toujours les infos les plus importantes...

What to make of Andrea Rossi's apparent cold fusion success

The apparent success of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion demonstration on 28 October is starting to send ripples into the mainstream press. So what new clues do we have to settle whether it's the breakthrough of the century or the scam of the decade?

In the demonstration, overseen by engineers and technicians from Rossi's mysterious US customer, the device appeared to produce over 470 kilowatts of heat for several hours. The customer was evidently satisfied and paid for the device, though other scientists and journalists attending were not given close access to the test equipment.

Following his first sale, Rossi now says he has orders for thirteen more megawatt-class E-Cat power plants. He's offering them to anyone at $2,000 (£1,250) a kilowatt, which works out at $2 million (£1.25 million) per unit, and says he has customers in the US and Europe. Rossi says a domestic version rated at a few kilowatts is at least a year away. He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

Firstly, the demonstration should have been much more convincing. The shipping container housing the E-Cat setup should have been hoisted from a crane and visibly disconnected from any external power supply. As with all conjuring tricks, the audience should have been allowed to inspect the apparatus. And why only claim 470 kilowatts when you're supposed to be producing twice that amount? If the whole thing was set-up, and the mystery customer a fake, it was not well calculated to convince anyone else.

Secondly, this is normally the point at which a con artist starts issuing shares, asking for capital, or taking "deposits" from gullible consumers. Anything to grab some cash from those willing to offer it. Instead, Rossi is apparently only taking orders from large customers who will be checking the devices work before they take delivery. These are people with good lawyers to write contracts and deal with any complications. They are not easy targets. Whatever he's doing, he's going for the longer game.

Meanwhile, the media coverage has been shifting away from the possibility of fraud, and some mainstream commentators are toying with the idea that this might just be the big breakthrough that Rossi claims.

Fox News was first out, though they took a few days to catch on, publishing a piece on 2 November which focused on the identity of the anonymous customer. Following a hint from Rossi, Fox decided the customer is real and is the US Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR).

It's a reasonable enough guess. The US Navy is one of the few institutions where cold fusion research still continues openly, but the evidence is scant. Although a Paul Swanson from SPAWAR was present as an observer at one test, this may simply be evidence of continuing interest in the field, and the organisation will not make any comment.

Then on 3 November MSNBC ran a cautiously optimistic piece under the headline "Italian cold fusion machine passes another test", noting that although there is widespread scepticism about cold fusion, "proof is adding up" that the technology works.

More curious is the lack of a story from Associated Press. AP science reporter Peter Svensson flew from New York to attend the demonstration, and live coverage of the event was curtailed to give AP the exclusive. But Svensson has so far not written a word about it. Some online commentators suggested that he had been silenced by "Chinese-style information censorship." When challenged, AP apparently initially tried to deny Svensson was there, though photographs suggest otherwise.

This led to a campaign encouraging people to contact Svensson about the story via his Twitter feed. At first he simply replied with variations of "Sorry, there's nothing I can tell you at this point", but later changed to "All I can say is 'stay tuned'".

Our guess is that AP does not want to publish anything until it can verify the reality and perhaps the identity of the customer. This in itself suggests a degree of optimism: it's gambling that there will be a big story at the end, and it has accepted being scooped by Fox and MSNBC on the smaller story of the demonstration in order to get it.

Meanwhile, we're left waiting until Rossi delivers the next E-Cat, which will be going to a different customer, in a few months. Hopefully they will be less secretive. In fact, if interest keeps growing, they could put the machine on show and use the steam output to make froth on cups of cappuccino for paying spectators and get a quick return on their £1.25 million investment.

Bel humour en conclusion :D

Lire aussi cet article d'il y a 1 mois (avant la démo du 28 donc) : http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/201 ... old-fusion

Cold fusion rears its head as 'E-Cat' research promises to change the world

Is Andrea Rossi the messiah -- or just a very naughty boy?

Rossi, an Italian inventor, claims to have come up with the Holy Grail of power generation, an "Energy Catalyser" or E-Cat, which produces limitless energy. He has already carried out laboratory demonstrations in front of scientists and the Italian media, and in October he plans to unveil a one-megawatt power plant in the US. If it works, the E-Cat is the biggest thing since atomic power, bringing an inexhaustible supply of cheap energy. It looks much too good to be true and many dismiss it as an obvious scam, but Rossi has powerful support from some surprising quarters.

The E-Cat is deceptively simple: hydrogen is passed over a special catalyst based on nickel in a container about a litre in size, and enough heat is produced to boil water. A demonstration in January appeared to show a several kilowatts of output from a four hundred watt input. The catalyst is secret, but Rossi says it can be produced at low cost. The two questions that matter: does it really work? And what are the implications if it does?

The E-Cat is the latest incarnation of cold fusion, an area long shunned by respectable scientists. In 1989, researchers Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann claimed to have produced a small amount of energy by nuclear fusion on a lab bench via electrolysis. This was unprecedented and appeared to contradict accepted science, as fusion only occurs at temperatures of millions of degrees in the Sun and stars. Other scientists failed to replicate this cold fusion, and the whole field was soon labelled bad science at best. Few journals will cover it these days. In science terms, an interest cold fusion is up there with astrology and alchemy.

A few scientists do still work in this field, notably at the US Naval Research Laboratory. Occasional papers are published claiming positive results in the area of "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions" and "excess heat generation". Nobody calls it cold fusion, and this is an area led by experiment rather than theory. But some scientists are breaking cover.

Frank Acland has been following Rossi's work closely, and has a website, E-Cat World, tackling the latest developments. He reels off a list of scientists who have examined the E-Cat for themselves and verified what was happening.

"They have all gone on the record to say that they believe that there is a nuclear reaction taking place, " says Acland, "that the levels of energy output the E-Cat produces could not come from a chemical reaction."

The demonstrations appear to show a lot more heat is coming out of apparatus than goes in. Two Swedish scientists from NyTeknik magazine ruled out any hidden power source and concluded: "The only alternative explanation is that there is some kind of a nuclear process that gives rise to the measured energy production." Unlike the Pons and Fleishman experiments, where the excess heat was tiny, this is on a massive scale. Rossi even claims to have been heating a factory using E-Cats. It's a big effect -- or a big hoax.

Rossi's heavyweight supporters include 1973 physics Nobel prize winner Brian Josephson. Josephson also supports telepathy research. Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at Nasa's Langley Research Centre, appears to be a believer in the E-Cat, commenting in a recent interview with Electric Vehicle World that the science was being worked out and, "I think this will go forward fairly rapidly now". However, Nasa scientists are still at the stage of exploring whether there is valid physics behind the E-Cat rather than actually buying them.

Darpa, the Pentagon's advanced science wing, has also been involved in this field. Budget documents reveal a longstanding interest in low energy nuclear reactions, and the plan for 2012 includes the line "Establish scalability and scaling parameters in excess heat generation processes in collaboration with the Italian Department of Energy."

Ex-Darpa chief Tony Tether told New Energy Times that "If it is a hoax, it's a damned good one."

Inventors often complain that their technology could change the world if investors would just give them a few million to produce it. Rossi will get his chance. The one-megawatt device Rossi plans to soon demonstrate was originally meant to be made by combining 300 small E-Cats. It will now comprise 52 larger E-Cats.

What will it mean if it does work?

The E-cat will provide a lightweight source of cheap energy, without any CO2 emissions. (And unlike nuclear fission, there is also no radioactive waste.) This could turn the world upside-down, and trigger a new industrial revolution which would shift away from fossil fuels and into an era of clean, plentiful energy.

The simplest application would use the steam or hot water from an E-Cat for heating. An E-Cat could heat your home so you would never need gas, oil or coal again. It could be scaled to heat offices, factories, or other buildings. Rossi eventually hopes to make 300,000 E-Cat modules a year.

The E-Cat could also bring back the steam engine. The steam car powered by an E-Cat could replace the electric car as green transport. The idea is not as peculiar as it might sound; steam cars have a long pedigree, and speed record for this type of vehicle is held by the British Steam Car team who achieved an impressive 149 mph in 2009. It might not make the sort of noise beloved of Jeremy Clarkson, but you'd never have to stop at a petrol station again, just top up with water at intervals.

Electricity generation is more challenging. Rossi says the E-Cat only runs at about 500 degrees for safety reasons; modern power plants run at higher temperatures, which are more efficient. Rossi says he is working on the problem, and reckons that E-Cats could produce electricity for about 2,000 Euros per kilowatt initially, with costs falling dramatically when economies of scale kick in. Combined heat and power units would be most economical, and domestic E-Cats could see people selling to the grid rather than buying from it. Energy prices would plummet, and it could create a new type of economy.

"Many people go to work every day to have enough money to fuel their cars, pay the light and heat bills, and to pay for goods whose cost is largely made up of the energy required to produce and transport it," says Acland. "If energy prices go down across the board, theoretically goods will become much cheaper, and people won't need to work in the same way that they do now just to survive."

Because it does not produce carbon dioxide, the E-Cat solves the CO2 emission problem at a stroke. Transport, manufacturing and heating will all switch over to E-Cat because of the lower costs, and fossil fuels would become a thing of the past. Britain's reliance on imported gas would end, and oil imports would all but cease, being confined to a few niche applications. Oil companies, and oil-based economies, would collapse.

It's an appealing vision -- unless you happen to be working in one of the sectors that would be affected -- but until later this month we can't tell if it's for real. Skeptics point to the lack of published science, and the way that Rossi keeps details of his special catalyst secret. They also point to his past involvement in Petroldragon, a company involved in converting organic waste into fuel, which collapsed in the 1990's amidst allegations of dumping toxic waste. (Rossi maintains that he was the victim in this complex case).

And the E-Cat development has thrown up its own scandal. Until August of this year, Rossi was planning his big launch in Greece, and an E-Cat factory was being built in Xanthi. But the deal has somehow fallen through for unexplained reasons, vaguely blamed on pressure from "international energy interests" who may be threatened by the invention.

The megawatt E-Cat will be unveiled in America. Rossi has licensed the technology to a start-up called Ampenergo. Though new, the company has credentials; one of its founders is Robert Gentile, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Fossil Energy at the US Department of Energy (DOE) in the 90's.

Rossi claims the demonstration will be attended by high-level scientists and science journalists, unlike previous occasions which have had little mainstream coverage. They have not so much attacked his claims as ignored them.

Surprisingly enough, Rossi's most severe critic is Steven Krivit, editor of the New Energy Times. Krivit has had years of experience at looking at all sorts cold fusion devices which have been claimed to produce power. His team have carried out a very thorough analysis of Rossi's demonstrations and they have their doubts.

"According to my analysis, his claim has no scientific credibility," Krivit told Wired.co.uk. The device he claimed to heat a factory in Bondeno seems to exist only on paper."

Krivit's analysis looks at the amount of steam that actually comes out of the device and the way it is measured. He concludes that the E-Cat does not have nearly the output he suggests, and may not even be producing excess energy.

Krivit's answer to the question of whether Rossi's demonstrations support his claims is: "Definitely no."

There is some irony at work here: we apparently have a number of mainstream scientists backing an outlandish project which investors are putting money into, while the most vocal critic comes from the world of cold fusion.

Who's right? The only way to find out will be to watch out for what Rossi does later this month.
Dernière édition par Christophe le 08/11/11, 12:32, édité 1 fois.
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par Christophe » 08/11/11, 11:13

Bon y a déjà un "bug"...

D'après le rapport en .pdf on a "consommé" 13604.5 - 13602.8 = 1.7 kg pour 2635 kWh produits (j'ai pas vérifié le bilan thermique)...

On est donc très loin des 2000 kWh par gramme de Nickel annoncé plus haut ! Le rapport est ici de 1.55 kWh par gramme de Nickel.

Quelle est la cotation actuelle du nickel? :idea:
0 x

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