This page allows you to choose the region for which you wish to display the energy output of PV systems.
The average MONTHLY output is calculated by taking the average energy output of PV systems considered as having a normal output.
The output of the 12 PREVIOUS MONTHS is calculated by taking the median value of the PV system energy outputs that have generated a full output over the past 12 months.

La valeur "-" indique qu'il n'y a pas assez d'installations dans la région pour pouvoir calculer la production.
Vous pouvez accéder au classement détaillé des installations par région en cliquant sur les valeurs de production moyenne du mois ou de production des 12 mois précédents.

Current year : 2025 Previous year -
Mois courant : February Previous month -
Quick access to country :  France - Swiss - Belgium - United Kingdom


RegionsAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 56 Wh/Wp 1032 Wh/Wp
Bourgogne-Franche-Comte 52 Wh/Wp 951 Wh/Wp
Bretagne 50 Wh/Wp 940 Wh/Wp
Centre-Val-De-Loire 50 Wh/Wp 910 Wh/Wp
Corse- 1006 Wh/Wp
DOM-TOM- 1381 Wh/Wp
Grand-Est 47 Wh/Wp 910 Wh/Wp
Haut-de-France 42 Wh/Wp 858 Wh/Wp
Ile-de-France 45 Wh/Wp 854 Wh/Wp
Normandie 53 Wh/Wp 923 Wh/Wp
Nouvelle-Aquitaine 61 Wh/Wp 1021 Wh/Wp
Occitanie 64 Wh/Wp 1110 Wh/Wp
Pays-de-la-Loire 47 Wh/Wp 946 Wh/Wp
Provence-Alpes-Cote Azur 60 Wh/Wp 1209 Wh/Wp


CantonAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Suisse - (AG) : Argovie- 860 Wh/Wp
La broye- 1069 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (GE) : Genêve- 795 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (JU) : JuraClick to compute-
Suisse - (NE) : NeuchâtelClick to compute-
Suisse - (VD) : Vaud- 1021 Wh/Wp
Suisse - (ZH) : ZurichClick to compute-


ProvinceAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
Anvers- 670 Wh/Wp
Brabant Flamand- 906 Wh/Wp
Brabant Wallon 48 Wh/Wp 857 Wh/Wp
Bruxelles- 803 Wh/Wp
Flandre occidentale- 972 Wh/Wp
Flandre OrientaleClick to compute-
Hainaut 43 Wh/Wp 806 Wh/Wp
Liege 49 Wh/Wp 866 Wh/Wp
Limbourg- 932 Wh/Wp
Luxembourg 49 Wh/Wp 849 Wh/Wp
Namur 45 Wh/Wp 818 Wh/Wp

United Kingdom

ProvinceAverage performance
last month
Yield over the past 12 months
UK - (England) : BedfordshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Berkshire- 890 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : BuckinghamshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Cambridgeshire- 880 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : CheshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : CornwallClick to compute-
UK - (England) : CumberlandClick to compute-
UK - (England) : DerbyshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : DevonClick to compute-
UK - (England) : DorsetClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Durham- 871 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Essex- 959 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Gloucestershire- 745 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Hampshire- 906 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : HerefordshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Hertfordshire- 888 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : KentClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Lancashire- 844 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Leicestershire- 784 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Lincolnshire- 794 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : MiddlesexClick to compute-
UK - (England) : NorfolkClick to compute-
UK - (England) : NorthamptonshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Northumberland- 740 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : NottinghamshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Oxfordshire- 878 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Shropshire- 838 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Somerset- 729 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Staffordshire- 815 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : Suffolk- 797 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : SurreyClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Sussex- 794 Wh/Wp
UK - (England) : WarwickshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : West MidlandsClick to compute-
UK - (England) : WestmorlandClick to compute-
UK - (England) : WiltshireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : WorcestershireClick to compute-
UK - (England) : Yorkshire- 873 Wh/Wp
UK - (Northern Ireland) : DownClick to compute-
UK - (Northern Ireland) : FermanaghClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : AberdeenshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Angus/ForfarshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : AyrshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : BanffshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : CaithnessClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : DumfriesshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Dunbartonshire/DumbartonshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : East Lothian/Haddingtonshire- 921 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : Fife- 782 Wh/Wp
UK - (Scotland) : Inverness-shireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : LanarkshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Midlothian/EdinburghshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : PerthshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : RenfrewshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : Ross-shireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : StirlingshireClick to compute-
UK - (Scotland) : West Lothian/LinlithgowshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : Anglesey- 975 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : CaernarfonshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : DenbighshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : GlamorganClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : Monmouthshire- 896 Wh/Wp
UK - (Wales) : MontgomeryshireClick to compute-
UK - (Wales) : PembrokeshireClick to compute-