Lowracer Hybrid Speedbike (made in Luxembourg)

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Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
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Lowracer Hybrid Speedbike (made in Luxembourg)

par Christophe » 08/01/11, 16:11

Entre le vélo à assistance électrique caréné et la micro voiture électrique. 270 km d'autonomie. Full options "audionic" dont 3 caméras anti vol (?!?) !

A découvrir ici: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE7lmnl-NlM

Du "bricolage" haut de gamme!

Commentaires de l'auteur:


Which distance was your last bike/trike ride? 50Km or 70Km?
With the "LowRacer Hybrid" I can ride up to 270Km in only one day!

Okay, I must admit freely that I've got excellent motor assistance,
it's not fair-minded to compare it together with conventional bikes.....
I only pedal my 65-70rpm on the crank and always the same load.
So really a mountain never exists!

I've worked out system with an air cooled hubmotor, in the year 2009 I removed the 4 dc-motors and all the relays! Instead of the 4 motors I've got now a little 75liter "trunk" and then a separated engine compartment.
Instead the relais I'd a programmable 50A MosFET controller, so I can reprogram "via USB" every wish I want!
The controller has got a oversized tunnel heatsink and it's the only part that getting warm in this system,
so I use this as an air heater too. Additional in this latest version I have a seperated air-heat-booster!

To shift the gears I've got a "TipTronic", that means, one button upshift and the other shift down a gear.
To speedup I need only a very short time, but here the problem, to speedup without a "burn out"!
I'd programmed the ideal value now.
For a quick slow down I have 2x 210mm Magura hydraulic disc brakes in the front and for a soft slow down the motor recuperation in the back!
I don't coupled the recuperation with the front brakes, I only stop pedaling and press the slower&faster shift button together! With that configuration I can select if I need the recuperation or not. I only need to take a look to the display, here I see the battery voltage. If there are ****** then I've got over 40Volt and I don't need a recuperation!

To bridge a long standing time, I charge it with my own wind turbine and with the solar roof.
I decided to be independent from all other power stations. Of course 100% eco-friendly!!!

The weather doesn't matter, I can drive 24h&7d.....
The range is only limited by myself and not from the vehicle, filling stations or pit stops!
Now, it's realized and it takes 4683hours before I made the first handshake!
This bike has got everything whatever a bike can have, heater, air condition, anti-theft system, fully insulated&silent cockpit, MP3-music system, navigation, video surveillance, lower beam&high beam, crash protection, solar-roof and a wireless info-system!

Now the bike knows when it's day or night, because the solar roof is not only connected to the battery.
But I have 2 modes, summer and winter! The reason, in cold seasons it's cloudy, foggy, rainy and stormy outside. So I've got only 11Volt instead 18Volt on one module.
For summer I've connected 3 solar modules serial, the result 54Volt X 0.6Amps = 32Watt
For winter I've connected 6 solar modules serial, here the result 67Volt X 0.3Amps = 20Watt
The solar power is integrated in the whole system, so I can automate a lot of processes!
With the info-system I can get many informations about the bike in a range of 2Km radius.
For example, if somebody has tried to steal the bike...
The bike has 3 hidden cameras with endless motion detection to recreate all cases.
With a 32GB SD card I can look up to some weeks back, of course with a "TimeStamp"!!!

To complete all the safety around the bike, I decided me for a fixed hand-held fire extinguisher and a first aid box!

If you think a kind of "free energy" exists, there you're mistaken! I am the battery charger! This version (12/2010) of the Lowracer Hybrid has got enormous amounts
(LiPO/37V/27Ah/66C) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl9ACAbocZ0 of energy reserves, but if I don't pedal energy over a considerable time, anytime soon the best amount is used up!

I would even go so far as to say that A REAL PERPETUUM MOBILE DOESN'T EXIST!!!


Check it out now...
In this video you'll see my finished hybrid recumbent, an unlimited range vehicle!

THANKS for watching!!!


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Messages : 79888
Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
Localisation : Planète Serre
x 11333

par Christophe » 08/01/11, 16:25

Vidéo des précédentes étapes de la fabrication (dans l'ordre):



Franchement bleufant !

Surtout la partie électronique...

On attend les vidéos "on road" !
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par dedeleco » 08/01/11, 23:19

Phénoménal, à lui tout seul un laboratoire d'études et réalisations toutes spécialités !!!!!!!!

Un vélo voiture ulra-légère !!!

Mais on se demande pourquoi il a besoin d'un moteur vu la vitesse de son vélo tricycle très au point !!!

Il faut lui faire réaliser une voiture électrique de pointe !!!

Vu sa musculature aussi pas besoin de moteur !!!
Et il n'arrête pas de construire :

Certains sont hyperactifs sans déficit d'attention !!!
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Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
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par Christophe » 09/01/11, 16:28

Phénoménal, à lui tout seul un laboratoire d'études et réalisations toutes spécialités !!!!!!!!

N'est ce pas?

Message de l'auteur,


Merci pour le presentation a la www.econologie.com

Pour un autre presentation en francais regarde ca:

http://velorizontal.bbfr.net/t12224-pre ... e-lowracer



Et une autre sur les accus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl9ACAbocZ0
Une marrante (résistance des matériaux fait maison): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYRycGnyGRU
Une sur la fabrication du plateau: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZ-_ClKRmg
Une générale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H34LnwuIHw
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Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
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par dedeleco » 09/01/11, 17:12

Avec son site :
http://zeus2.zap.lu/page/YQXLbAjjIt/1dv ... EngKRVyFx0
http://zeus2.zap.lu/page/YQXLbAjjIt/1dF ... EngKRVyFx0
Une éolienne :
http://zeus2.zap.lu/page/YQXLbAjjIt/1dF ... EngKRVyFx0

http://zeus2.zap.lu/page/YQXLbAjjIt/1db ... EngKRVyFx0

mais comment fait il pour faire tout cela en 24h par jour ????????

mais il n'a pas l'air de manquer de moyens intellectuels et matériels !!
Preis wird nicht gesprochen!!!

Ses réalisations sont certainement commercialisables !!!
Dernière édition par dedeleco le 09/01/11, 18:46, édité 1 fois.
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par vinzman » 09/01/11, 17:56

'tain, son tour à métal dans l'atelier est magnifique!
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Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
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par Christophe » 09/01/11, 18:05

Je sais: c'est peut être un ancien trader en "repentance" :)
Donc il a les sous et le temps :mrgreen:

Bah la réponse bientôt puisqu'il vient de s'inscrire sous le pseudo Lowracer https://www.econologie.com/forums/membre13071.html

Il comprend le français mais ca doit pas être sa langue natale. Soyez indulgent.
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Econologue expert
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Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
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par dedeleco » 09/01/11, 18:51

Il est pas mal multi-langue : Allemand, Anglais, hollandais, Français, etc.. !
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Je découvre l'éconologie
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Inscription : 09/01/11, 00:20


par LOWRACER » 09/01/11, 23:06

Voila, c'est comme ca...

Merci, à toi , Christophe!
Il est tellement rapide que je ne peux pas le suivre.

C'est mon tour maintenant,
Je créer un profil de utilisateur...

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Je découvre l'éconologie
Je découvre l'éconologie
Messages : 4
Inscription : 09/01/11, 00:20

Re: Lowracer Hybrid Speedbike (made in Luxembourg)

par LOWRACER » 10/01/11, 00:39

Christophe a écrit :Entre le vélo à assistance électrique caréné et la micro voiture électrique. 270 km d'autonomie. Full options "audionic" dont 3 caméras anti vol (?!?) !

A découvrir ici: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE7lmnl-NlM

Du "bricolage" haut de gamme!

Commentaires de l'....

Yes, that's correct!
If I compare the stored electric power with my muscle power, then I must work very strong. Under good conditions I can pedal 120Watt constant. So in the battery are 9hours pedal power stored.
The battery has got 1kWh, that means 1000Watt a hour long.
The data LiPO/37V/27Ah/66C means:
LiPO - Lithium Polymer
Voltage - 37V * A/h - 27Ah * 37V x 27Ah=1000Wh
Discharge rate - 66C = 27A x 66=1782A (for a short time)

After 270Km the bike could run anymore, but I'm to tired.
Here the (PEDELEC) regulation, I must pedal to ride the bike.
If I don't pedal the assistance of the motor stops. So I don't need an assurance or to pay any taxes.

The "3 caméras" are a video control for my evidence, only in a case of an accident. Example: A crash with an off-leashed dog...
The "anti vol" is nothing else than a converted motorcycle alarm system.
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