Zena System Wind Tower Generator

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Zena System Wind Tower Generator

par Christophe » 05/01/11, 12:04

Wind is irregular. It can blow from any direction, at any strength. Zena System's research was based on how to collect efficiently this irregular souce of energy. The answer is a system that collects wind from every direction, anytime and at any speed (WIND TOWER theory).

The Wind Tower is hexagonal and can collect wind from any of its six faces, at any height, at any speed. Once inside the Wind Tower, collected wind is compressed and accelerated through the installation.

A new efficient way to capture wind gave birth to a new energy source.




1. WIND TOWER(hexagonal, 50m high, 27m in diameter)
2. Turbine Room
3. Power Storage and Control Facilities
4. Administrative and Commercial Area
5. Administrative and Commercial Area
6. Training Center
7. Total Surface:13,000 square meters

* The tower can be built any place where over 3-meter wind blows.
* The facilities may be used for commercial purposes.
The facilities built on an isolated island may have a desalination plant.

Source: http://www.zenasystem.co.jp/en/wind-tower01.html
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