Rotary Stirling engine by Andrzej

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Rotary Stirling engine by Andrzej

par Remundo » 03/01/11, 13:14

Andrew a écrit :I agree with Christophe too!
Forum is in french-language people.
But for "others" - You could give little part too!

If You think that my idea is worth to "discuss" - I can made new "sujet" on "english part" of Forum... ... DDA0F00817

Thanks Andrew,

I hope there will be technical discussion for your Stirling engine.
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par Andrzej » 03/01/11, 13:42

Thanks Remundo for adding this sujet...
In 1978 y I was reading about Stirling engines.
I found that existing solutions are too complicated...
I've devised own type of engine ...
And I forgot about it for 30 years...
A year ago, I remembered my old idea...
I have not yet come across a similar solution
I would like to run my "patent" with your help in next month..

WASE = Wasowski Andrzej Stirling Engine (patent pending)
The new kind Stirling engine is characterized by the fact that the WASE2 consists of two sealed cylinders with specially shaped rotors (displacers) and kind of pneumatic motor on the same shaft with rotors (dsplacers).
Each cylinder consist of two parts, separated by thermal insulation. One part unit for heating the cylinder and a low-temperature cooling part for cooling the other part of the cylinder.
Rotor (displacer) is used for mixing of the working gas. The rotor rotation causes the alternating heating and cooling of gas in the area of the each cylinder. Pressure which is formed with a thermal opening part in such a way that the working gas makes direct contact with either the high-temperature heating part or the low-temperature cooling part.
Both rotors are angled 180 degrees, so that at the same time in one cylinder is the pressure in the second cylinder is vacuum.

Both the cylinders are hoses working gas inlet to the pneumatic engine, by forming a team of four pneumatic valve rectifier.
The Pneumatic rectifier consist from four non-returne valves. Alternate change of working gas pressure at the input the rectifier results in permanent over-and under-pressure in its output. This over-and under-pressure is used to spin the turbine (pneumatic motor), followed by positive feedback, dependent on the temperature difference in both parts of the cylinders.

The engine works with dual pressure as a sum over-pressure and vacuum at the same time - in that same moment one part of working gas in the first cylinder is heating, second part in second cylinder is cooling.

Single Rotary Stirling engine (WASE2) can be connected in series or in parallel, creating flat panels, similar to the solar panels.
Each such panel has an individual generator ( alternator) . The temperature difference between the surfaces causes the panel WASE2 rotation all connected motors, which in turn generates an electric current in alternator.

The difference in temperature due to cooling one side of the panel and simultaneously heating the other side. Cool we flowing air, water or other medium, a low temperature. Heat can be any heat source such as solar, steam, geothermal energy, chemical, and energy of each combustion of any fuel ...

Therefore, it seems clear the possibility of such panels:
- In co-generation systems and heat recovery in industry
- Complete as a unit of electricity in electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles
- As a small, portable electric power generator in places lacking electricity network

Idea of WASE1 - I will explain later. It has simpliest then WASE2 but must made with very good tolleraces...

Heating and cooling
If supplied with mechanical power, a Stirling engine can function in reverse as a heat pump for heating or cooling.
Experiments have been performed using wind power driving a Stirling cycle heat pump for domestic heating
and air conditioning...

I know all "problems" with Stirling engine...
I know - biggest problem is not good heat exchange in rotary displacer. My movie not showing my "patented" method of increase that exchange...
Now I'm working on prototype with two kind of displacer and chambers. I think - only practical excersise can get me information which way is better.

Thermally isolating problem was solved by me too. I have two methodes and later practical experience give me information which is better.
I have the solution on regenarotor too...
Regenerator will be inside chamber - it will be part of rotating displacer...

:) :) :)
In that moment I have one chamber, and one displacer - not finished yet...
I'm working on second chamber and displacer and on two kind of pneumatic engines. One kind is addapting from old pneumatic tool, second one is my "next patent"...

My movies show only simple "idea". Not shown very important details...

After I was finishing my engine and start to work - mayby some test I will make on Technical University in my town...

Pictures and scenes from fisth run will be soon - I think...
Best and warm regards
All videos about my invent:
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Alain G
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par Alain G » 05/01/11, 14:57

Hi Andrzej!

I does not want broken your pleasure but you will have some problems with the exchange of temperature, particulary in the half rotating cylinders then the isolating between both cold and hot parts.

The lenght of the system will also created a problem with lost of charge, I can see also a little problem with the pneumatic motor with only 2 vannes, 4 vannes will be much better.

How you think isolated both cold and hot parts as well that the rotating half cylinder?

Is a inside multi plate could not be a better solution?

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Inscription : 03/01/11, 12:02

par Andrzej » 05/01/11, 22:18

Dear Alain!

My video show only simple idea, not shown important details.

1. Thermal isolation.

I have about 95% one chamber and displacer.
Chamber / cylinder/ has about 150 mm diameter and 250 mm long.
Two part of this cylinder (hot and cold) is isolated 15 mm teflon, mayby I will take tests with another material too...

2. I know - biggest problem is not good heat exchange with rotary displacer. My movie not showing my "patented" method of increase that exchange...

I can say only in that moment on this point...
Displacer is shaped so that by the laws of aerodynamics will thoroughly mix the air in the cylinder.

I was patented few types of displacer shapes - in my tests I will find out which will be the best one...

3. Pneumatic motor on my video is only just to show the idea.

I have two little air engines from pneumatic tools, one has 4 blades, the second has 5.

I must be more to adapt to my needs...

And I have an idea to make next pneumatic engine - it is my own "patent" - in my mind in that moment, but mayby in next week I will try to starts to do this engine...

In Poland we have a proverb: "The devil is in the details"...
:) :) :)

How do I finish the first cylinder and a pneumatic motor - I will show you a video of the tests...

For sure I'll need help in solving the problems that exist and I hope that with your help I can get my engine to run successfully...

Best and warm regards
Andrew :mrgreen:

It seems to me that my most interesting idea is to get twice as much pressure than other engines.
Because we can use instead of the air motor - an ordinary actuator. Then the pressure on the piston to one side will be positive and at the same time pressure on his other side is negative!
Excuse me, but I do not know how to make displacers worked in opposite phase
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Alain G
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par Alain G » 05/01/11, 22:51


I like the principle of functioning but I can see few problems with the materials to use for insulating, the Teflon is not a isolant then must not be used, FiberGlass or phenolic for me will be the good material to use.

For the half rotator I can see a synthetic fiber like they use for plastic intake of new car, the rotating must pause on both side cold and hot and move fast for the half rotation!

Good luck with your project then if you need some infos or help with it, You can PM me!
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Faire un pas derrière parfois peut permettre de renforcer l'amitié.

La critique est une bonne chose si ajouté a quelque compliments.

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Inscription : 03/01/11, 12:02

par Andrzej » 06/01/11, 12:22

Thank You!

Best and warm regards

Something from my YT site / my hobby/

Rotary displacer I was made that methode:
I was made something like "casting mold". Inside I was
poured foam construction and later covered the epoxy resin and glass mat. Later I will paint it a special epoxy paint...

Edit by Remundo : I have put an image for your adresses. Please don't leave your mails as text on forum, unless you want to receive a lot of spams :P
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Inscription : 03/01/11, 12:02

par Andrzej » 07/01/11, 09:33

Thanks Remundo - my mistake!

Today I want to show You interesting polish Stirling patent.
Authors of invent Wolski and Nikoluk...

Picture near:
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par Remundo » 18/03/11, 22:42

Hi Andrzej,

Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to see precisely your videos and the workings of your Stirling Design before to write something right...

These are nice machines, and they may work with simple means. But I am not totally convinced about some choices you made:

1. Thermal isolation. This is not a good idea to have one cold surface directly on contact with a hot surface, even with an insulation.

It entails serious thermal flows from the heat to the cold parts which don't power the engine and are purely lost.

2. I guess that the isochoric steps take place in the half-cylinder rotators : I don't understand well the thermal flows, but you said there will be more information in your patent.

3. I can't clearly define the regenerator in your design. As you mentionned, it is a strong feature to get high efficiency and it must absolutely be well thought up.

4. In a more general way, I can't clearly see the outflows between the different modules of your design : I have noticed the rotary blade which probably does the isothermal hot expansion and cold contraction,the 2 cylindrinc rotators for the isochoric steps, and one green block, perhaps the regenerator

But I undestand you can't show everything immediately. :idea:

To conclude, I find that your design is interesting and original, but I think I need to know more about the technical details to give a pertinent opinion.

Another point that I enjoy is the modular design : it is very easy to join several of your engine whose the cost could be cut off by manufacturing it in huge quantities.

The videos you created are amazing for a Stirling's fan as me : the historical recalls, the musics and overview of applications of Stirling cycles are really nice.

Warm regards, and read you soon.

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J'apprends l'éconologie
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Inscription : 03/01/11, 12:02

par Andrzej » 18/03/11, 23:32

Tomorrow I will try to explain more...
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J'apprends l'éconologie
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Inscription : 03/01/11, 12:02

par Andrzej » 19/03/11, 15:14

Remundo a écrit :Hi Andrzej,

Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to see precisely your videos and the workings of your Stirling Design before to write something right...

These are nice machines, and they may work with simple means. But I am not totally convinced about some choices you made:

1. Thermal isolation. This is not a good idea to have one cold surface directly on contact with a hot surface, even with an insulation.

It entails serious thermal flows from the heat to the cold parts which don't power the engine and are purely lost.

2. I guess that the isochoric steps take place in the half-cylinder rotators : I don't understand well the thermal flows, but you said there will be more information in your patent.

3. I can't clearly define the regenerator in your design. As you mentionned, it is a strong feature to get high efficiency and it must absolutely be well thought up.

4. In a more general way, I can't clearly see the outflows between the different modules of your design : I have noticed the rotary blade which probably does the isothermal hot expansion and cold contraction,the 2 cylindrinc rotators for the isochoric steps, and one green block, perhaps the regenerator

But I undestand you can't show everything immediately. :idea:

To conclude, I find that your design is interesting and original, but I think I need to know more about the technical details to give a pertinent opinion.

Another point that I enjoy is the modular design : it is very easy to join several of your engine whose the cost could be cut off by manufacturing it in huge quantities.

The videos you created are amazing for a Stirling's fan as me : the historical recalls, the musics and overview of applications of Stirling cycles are really nice.

Warm regards, and read you soon.


Dear Remundo and all cross-finger friends!
(Cross-finger - for me and my idea!)

Before I answer your questions, let me explain my idea again.
And so one after another.
Classic Stirling engine we have in the figure below.

I will not explain - because everyone knows ...

The second figure - represents the "half rotary" Stirling, consisting of a rotary Displacer which is connected via a connecting rod and crankshaft of the pneumatic actuator.

It probably also is understandable?

The next figure shows the combination of the two above-drawn engines in such a way that the rotary displacers are on one axis and through the connecting rod are mechanically coupled to the pneumatic actuator.
ONE actuator connected to TWO chambers with displacers working in antiphase!

Both rotary displacers work alternately. Produce at the same time low and high pressure. When in one chamber is overpressure, in the second chamber in that same moment is underpressure!!!
This low pressure and overpressure are providing on the actuator piston to move the actuator rod and the positive feedback provided on the rod (crank) ...

And this is the idea ! Insulated from the air system of two chambers and the actuator is independent of the external atmospheric pressure, so it can work on the Moon too!

But I wanted to "disappear" rods and crankshafts.
So I invented system shown in last Figure.

In one common axis, we have two cylinders with rotating pistons working in opposition, and a pneumatic motor. This pneumatic engine is driven through a special arrangement of the rectifier pneumatic powered alternating pressure coming from the chambers.

When You see - is no rods and cranks, only one axis with two displacers and one pneumatic motor.

Alternating pressure / flow of working gas / between the two chambers is turned into a one-way pressure / flow / air in a special charger (Pneumatic Rectifier).
This pressure causes the unidirectional rotation of the air motor.

Later I will write more...


Remundo a écrit :1. Thermal isolation. This is not a good idea to have one cold surface directly on contact with a hot surface, even with an insulation.

In my engine will be thermal insulatuion!
I was made experince with few materials and I was choosen two types of them ...

Remundo a écrit :2. I guess that the isochoric steps take place in the half-cylinder rotators : I don't understand well the thermal flows, but you said there will be more information in your patent.

3. I can't clearly define the regenerator in your design. As you mentionned, it is a strong feature to get high efficiency and it must absolutely be well thought up.

Special, patented shape of displacer could give good "mixing" of working gas. Special displacer will be also as "regenerator".

I couldnt explain more because:
I'm starts procedure (a process) of patenting in all countries...
The second reason is...
In that moment I started working with scientists from the Polytechnic University. According to their suggestions will be reviewed as a regenerator of Displacer idea. But that idea is not patented yet...
Owner is proffessor from my town...

Remundo a écrit :4. In a more general way, I can't clearly see the outflows between the different modules of your design : I have noticed the rotary blade which probably does the isothermal hot expansion and cold contraction,the 2 cylindrinc rotators for the isochoric steps, and one green block, perhaps the regeneratorRemundo

"Green block" is pneumatic rectifier that converts alternating pressure flowing from both chambers of pressure / flow / uniformly oriented, which causing the air motor rotation in the positive feedback...

Dernière édition par Andrzej le 19/03/11, 21:30, édité 1 fois.
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