thanks Andrzej
I will keep to pay attention for your explanations and progress.
Bye !
Rotary Stirling engine by Andrzej
My prototype
After long time, components to my engine starts coming....
I hope - in next week I'g get all parts and I will start to assemble....
Best regards
After long time, components to my engine starts coming....
I hope - in next week I'g get all parts and I will start to assemble....
Best regards
0 x
- sherkanner
- Bon éconologue!
- Messages : 386
- Inscription : 18/02/10, 15:47
- Localisation : Autriche
- x 1
I will be grateful for your any assistance and even criticism - because it will allow me to improve my design.
I was looking for a long time work on rotating displacers, I found only one - include a photo below.
Maybe someone has any information on this subject?
Or similar?
Info in attachement
I was looking for a long time work on rotating displacers, I found only one - include a photo below.
Maybe someone has any information on this subject?
Or similar?
Info in attachement
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