Heat Storage in the Earth from the Sun

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par dedeleco » 02/06/12, 20:07

This house, with, underground, a multitude of holes connected to only one, is blowing up from shale gaz underground, with a big explosion !!!

The price for a single hole is around 16000€ at what depth, but for hundred hole conected to a single hole, the price is multiplied by hundred, 16000€ x 100 = 1600000€, minimum 1,6 million€ plus all the remaining tubes and systems, all that for heat pumps for heating the building !!!

Obamot a écrit :If only one hole, it's about 20'000.— CHF,

(16'000€ I guess...)

The reference of Obamot is working only wirh heat pumps using nuclear energy from France !!

http://www.ader.ch/energieaufutur/energ ... index2.php

Pour le stockage saisonnier de chaleur et de froid, les accumulateurs diffusifs sont les plus prometteurs: ils sont composés de sondes géothermiques et de pompes à chaleur à des prix de construction compris entre 20 et 80 Fr./m3. En été, l'accumulateur, situé à une profondeur comprise entre 20 et 200 m, est rechargé par l'énergie solaire; puis en hiver, il est utilisé pour le chauffage des locaux. D'autre part, l'eau refroidie est récupérée en été à des fins de réfrigération. Les coûts d'exploitation sont estimés entre 10 et 20 ct./kWh. Au début des années 1980, le projet de recherche SPEOS de l'EPFL a permis la construction d'un accumulateur-pilote, consistant en un puits central sur lequel se raccordent des drains horizontaux rayonnants, étagés entre 7 et 24 m de profondeur. A Peseux (Neuchâtel), un collège secondaire fait d'importantes économies d'énergie au moyen d'un stock diffusif de 29'000 m3 basé sur 30 sondes géothermiques de 60 m. La recharge du stock est assurée par 306 m2 d'absorbeurs solaires et un groupe chaleur-force qui fournit 3 à 4 kW d'électricité. Dans le nord de l'Europe, notamment aux Pays-Bas et en Suède, des stocks de grande dimension fonctionnent avec satisfaction.

With heat pumps, quite unnecessary at www.dlsc.ca you pay quite a lot of electricity for this wrong solution, when at www.dlsc.ca you pay strictly nothing perpetually for heating the houses and easily you can supress the small gaz for hot water, with larger sun panel for this bathing water, or if you accept to use hot water at 30°C and not 60°C like I uise in my homes !!.
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par Obamot » 02/06/12, 20:45

Well, you just to demonstrate why you go wrong. I'm agree that dosen't work. But...

...after all, it's just a remake of dlsc. And it's nice also that you agree all my other points. Exept for Ader that I retain only the price of wellbore...

Next time, use my own links for knowing what I mean, if so... (posted here):

Thanks again to don't use my own post to telling the opposite of what I'm thinking! :mrgreen:

Despite you are an "expert" about this vicious game.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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par Remundo » 02/06/12, 21:58

The debate will be dynamic as Dédé and Obamot are practicing the cordial agreement [Entente Cordiale] 8)
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par dedeleco » 02/06/12, 22:54

Remundo a écrit :The debate will be dynamic as Dédé and Obamot are practicing the cordial agreement [Entente Cordiale] 8)

The Entente Cordiale was a series of agreements signed on 8 April 1904 between the United Kingdom and the French Republic. Beyond the immediate concerns of colonial expansion addressed by the agreement, the signing of the Entente Cordiale marked the end of almost a millennium of intermittent conflict between the two nations and their predecessor states, and the formalisation of the peaceful co-existence that had existed since the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. The Entente Cordiale, along with the Anglo-Russian Entente and the Franco-Russian Alliance, later became part of the Triple Entente among the UK, France, and Russia.

The agreement settled many long-standing issues. France recognized British control over Egypt, while Britain reciprocated regarding France in Morocco. France gave up its exclusive fishery rights on the shores of Newfoundland and in return received an indemnity and territory in Gambia (Senegal) and Nigeria. Britain dropped complaints regarding the French customs régime in Madagascar. The respective spheres of influence were defined in Siam (Thailand).

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par Obamot » 03/06/12, 00:04

Everybody can appreciate every situation by himself, don't you?

Remundo a écrit :The debate will be dynamic as Dédé and Obamot are practicing the cordial agreement [Entente Cordiale] 8)

First of all, that requires people with good faith.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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