Niveau à laser: How to leveling w/crossed line laser level?

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
Je comprends l'éconologie
Je comprends l'éconologie
Messages : 50
Inscription : 13/08/12, 01:50

par alterEco » 17/04/13, 15:57

avec le retour du soleil les travaux vont reprendre.
des pieux en métal c'est pas l'idéal dans une eau saline.
des pieux béton sont pas mieux?
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Econologue expert
Econologue expert
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Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
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par Obamot » 05/05/13, 01:18

Concret piles VS steel piles?

Here it's the english section. So I try to give my two cents in english:

— what you ask for is easy to do if you have the knowledge.
— the concret resist very well to the compression efforts, by nature.
— just what you need to do is to fill-in hydraulic-concret, encased inside a tub (easy, because a fresh concrete mixture is like a "plastic" (fluid) mass that can be molded (virtually into any shape). The tub to fill and protect the concret can be made with a plastic pvc sanitary pipe or something imho.
— for a building, we suggest steel-encased concrete piles.

But all that must be calculated by engineering.

Hope that can help.
0 x
“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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