avec le retour du soleil les travaux vont reprendre.
des pieux en métal c'est pas l'idéal dans une eau saline.
des pieux béton sont pas mieux?
Niveau à laser: How to leveling w/crossed line laser level?
- Econologue expert
- Messages : 30165
- Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
- Localisation : regio genevesis
- x 6009
Concret piles VS steel piles?
Here it's the english section. So I try to give my two cents in english:
— what you ask for is easy to do if you have the knowledge.
— the concret resist very well to the compression efforts, by nature.
— just what you need to do is to fill-in hydraulic-concret, encased inside a tub (easy, because a fresh concrete mixture is like a "plastic" (fluid) mass that can be molded (virtually into any shape). The tub to fill and protect the concret can be made with a plastic pvc sanitary pipe or something imho.
— for a building, we suggest steel-encased concrete piles.
But all that must be calculated by engineering.
Hope that can help.
Here it's the english section. So I try to give my two cents in english:
— what you ask for is easy to do if you have the knowledge.
— the concret resist very well to the compression efforts, by nature.
— just what you need to do is to fill-in hydraulic-concret, encased inside a tub (easy, because a fresh concrete mixture is like a "plastic" (fluid) mass that can be molded (virtually into any shape). The tub to fill and protect the concret can be made with a plastic pvc sanitary pipe or something imho.
— for a building, we suggest steel-encased concrete piles.
But all that must be calculated by engineering.
Hope that can help.
0 x
“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”
Liste de vrai second-nez potentiels suspectés: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
Liste de vrai second-nez potentiels suspectés: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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