L'indépendance énergétique de l'UE grâce à la Mer du Nord

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par RégsB » 03/08/14, 12:50

moinsdewatt a écrit :...
L'énergie produite annuellement a été estimée à 750 GWh pour une durée d'utilisation comprise entre 3.500 à 4.000 heures. L'investissement aura nécessité 800 millions d'euros de capital.

Soit un peu plus de 1000€ le MWh ?

Edit par Remundo pour RegisB afin de faciliter les citations

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[quote="Toto"]Blabla Blibli[/quote]

Toto a écrit :Blabla Blibli
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par moinsdewatt » 03/08/14, 20:29

RégsB a écrit :
moinsdewatt a écrit :...
L'énergie produite annuellement a été estimée à 750 GWh pour une durée d'utilisation comprise entre 3.500 à 4.000 heures. L'investissement aura nécessité 800 millions d'euros de capital.

Soit un peu plus de 1000€ le MWh ?


les 800 millions d' euro c' est pour l' investissement qui va pemettre de faire environ 750 GWh chaque année PENDANT 20 ans.
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Je comprends l'éconologie
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Inscription : 26/04/14, 13:33

par RégsB » 04/08/14, 11:18

Oups, :oops: , merci de me reprendre.

C'est donc du 50€ le MWh ; autant mon premier chiffre me paraissais trop haut, autant le deuxième m'apparais trop bas. Mais tant mieux si les estimations correspondent à la réalité ...
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par moinsdewatt » 04/08/14, 21:54

RégsB a écrit :Oups, :oops: , merci de me reprendre.

C'est donc du 50€ le MWh ; autant mon premier chiffre me paraissais trop haut, autant le deuxième m'apparais trop bas. Mais tant mieux si les estimations correspondent à la réalité ...

Ah mais si ca apparait trop bas c'est parce que vous ne comptez que l'investissement initial.

Chaque année vient compter des dépenses de:
- enretien courant + personnel
- interets des emprunts du financement initial
- réparation imprévues + personnel
- location des parcelles aux cultivateurs
- impots et taxes
etc etc .....
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par aliamoi » 13/08/14, 10:44

Vous avez raison. :cheesy:
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par moinsdewatt » 26/10/14, 12:48

Encore de gros projets offshores en Allemagne, sans oublier l' interconnexion électrique, pour un total de 1.5 GW :

Germany has assigned connection capacity for eight offshore wind farm projects

October 24, 2014 reve

Germany has assigned connection capacity for eight offshore wind farm projects in the North Sea totalling 1.5GW and rejected three, in a major grid allocation process.

Strongest demand was registered in cluster number eight, where BorWin 3 is expected to be operational in 2019.



http://www.evwind.es/2014/10/24/germany ... ects/48301
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par moinsdewatt » 18/01/15, 12:31

La barre se 1 GW d' éolien offshore vient d' être franchie en Allemagne.
Ca leur à coté toute de même 4 milliards d' €.

Et à la fin de 2015 ils en seront à 3.0 GW

Germany’s offshore wind power sector has surpassed the 1 GW milestone

January 15, 2015 evwind

At the end of last year, 258 offshore wind turbines – located in the country’s North and Baltic Seas – generated a total of 1,049.2 MW into the grid, according to the Deutsche WindGuard.

In 2014 alone, the offshore wind power sector installed 528.9 MW of installed capacity – more than doubling the amount from the previous year.

“Out at sea, we have now officially broken through the gigawatt barrier for installed capacity,” says Norbert Giese, board member of the German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation. “This corresponds to an investment volume of around 4 billion euros. In addition, turbine, foundation and grid technology exports are also in the billion-euro range.”

Last year’s capacity increase was more than symbolic, however. Giese says technological improvements and stable policy will continue to propel the offshore wind market.

Further, Giese expects up to 2 GW of offshore wind capacity to be connected to the grid this year, which would bring the country’s offshore wind installed capacity to 3 GW.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/01/15/germany ... tone/49944
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par moinsdewatt » 26/04/15, 13:31

Les Allemands prévoient encore 7 GW de plus en parc éolien offshore, pour un cour prévisionnel de 29.3 milliards €
Pour fin 2019.

7 Gigawatts of new Offshore Wind Power Approved in Germany

April 17, 2015 reve

The European Commission has found that German plans to support the building of 20 offshore wind farms are in line with EU state aid rules. Seventeen wind farms will be located in the North Sea and three in the Baltic Sea.

The Commission concluded that the project would further EU energy and environmental objectives without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.

In October 2014 Germany notified plans to support the construction and operation of several offshore wind farms. Aid would be granted to operators in the form of a premium paid on top of the market price for electricity.

The size of each wind farm ranges from 252 megawatt (MW) to 688 MW and, in total, the projects will make available up to 7 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy generation capacity. The total investment costs amount to € 29.3 billion. All wind farms are planned to start producing electricity by the end of 2019 at the latest. In total, they are expected to generate 28 terawatt-hours (TWh) of renewable electricity per year amounting to almost 13% of Germany’s 2020 scenario for renewable energy given in the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP).

The Commission assessed the projects under its Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy that entered into force in July 2014 The Commission found that the projects contribute to reaching Germany’s 2020 targets for renewable energy without unduly distorting competition in the single market. In particular, the Commission verified that the state aid is limited to what is necessary to realising the investment. The rates of return that investors would achieve thanks to the premium were limited to what is necessary to implement each project and in line with rates previously approved by the Commission for similar projects. The Commission also took into consideration that these projects will enable new electricity providers to enter the German generation market. This will have a positive effect on competition.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/04/17/7-gigaw ... many/51561

Ca fait du 4.2 k€ par kWc installé en offshore.
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par moinsdewatt » 03/05/15, 14:32

Inauguration du champs offshore DanTysk '(Allemagne) avec 80 machines de 3.6 MW.
Total 288 MW !

Germany’s DanTysk Offshore Wind Power plant inaugurated with 80 Siemens wind turbines

April 30, 2015 reve

DanTysk offshore wind power plant in the German North Sea was officially inaugurated today.

Siemens has supplied, installed and commissioned 80 wind turbines for the 288-megawatt project, each designed to generate 3.6 megawatts of power and equipped with a 120-meter rotor.

http://www.evwind.es/2015/04/30/germany ... ines/51807
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par moinsdewatt » 17/05/15, 14:11

Inauguration du parc éolien offshore de 295 MW au Nord de Hambourg dit Nordsee Ost .
1 milliard d ' € investi par RWE.
48 turbines, dans 25 métres d' eau.

Germany opens 295 MW offshore wind farm

May 11, 2015 evwind

A new 295 MW wind farm off the German coast has officially been opened.

German energy company RWE invested more than €1 billion (£720,000 million) in the project located in the north of Hamburg,

The Nordsee Ost wind farm has 48 wind turbines, which will produce enough green power to supply around 320,000 households annually.

Sigmar Gabriel, German Minister of Economics: “Offshore wind energy is a strategically important element of Germany’s energy and climate policy and is key to the success of the energy transition.

“Thanks to its continuous input into the grid and its high electricity yields, offshore power generation makes a crucial contribution towards a diversified and reliable energy supply system.”

http://www.evwind.es/2015/05/11/germany ... farm/52022

Image: Nordsee Ost wind farm (RWE)

RWE cuts Nordsee Ost ribbon


RWE will today officially inaugurate the 295MW Nordsee Ost wind farm, which is located 35km north of Heligoland.

The inauguration, which will coincide with the meeting of the G7 Energy Ministers in Hamburg, will be attended by the German Minister of Economics, Sigmar Gabriel, and his fellow ministers from the G7 states, as well as RWE chief executive minister Peter Terium, RWE Innogy CEO Hans Bünting, and Tennet CEO Mel Kroon.

The 48-turbine wind farm covers approximately 24km2 and is situated in water depths of up to 25 metres.

Terium said: “The expansion of renewable energy is one of our main growth areas and offshore wind energy will play a vital role.

“RWE will become the third largest player in the European offshore market this year. And we are growing further: In only one month’s time, we will be commissioning another wind farm, Gwynt y Môr, located off the coast of Wales.”

RWE invested more than €1bn in the construction of the wind farm, with the European Union contributing a €50m.

Construction was carried out from the base port in Bremerhaven. The foundations, tower segments, nacelles and rotor blades were stored, pre-assembled and loaded onto the installation vessels Victoria Mathias and Friedrich Ernestine at the Eurogate Container Terminal.

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