New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 11/08/22, 20:08

only one atmosphere

Andrew :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par sicetaitsimple » 11/08/22, 21:24

Well, a barrel which has never been designed to resist under vacuum condition doesn't resist under vacuum conditions.
Thank you Inventor for this impressive research result.
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/08/22, 02:55

So outside the box, only the water to be cooled is transmitted to the cooler and back and the resulting electric current. The heat can be supplied outside the box at normal atmospheric pressure. The efficiency of the device increases 10 times (or 100).
The steam does not go anywhere, because it is in a closed circuit, and the water is similar, it does not need to be topped up, but only cooled ..
Such "boxes" can be installed downstairs in mines to produce electricity .. with high efficiency .. But basically any source of heat can be used ..
The second law of thermodynamics, she forgot to say that the efficiency of a heat engine depends not only on the temperature difference, but also largely on the pressure at which the system works.
The Feliks-Newcomen formula.


Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Remundo » 17/08/22, 08:44

thank you Andrew

you put regenerator on the first picture and get back the Stirling engine. :)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 17/08/22, 23:14

Remundo a écrit :thank you Andrew

you put regenerator on the first picture and get back the Stirling engine. :)

Well, probably not really. Newcomen was 300 years ago, stirling a little later .. :roll:

This is also how they felt at English Universities that the steam atmospheric engine could be the future ... But they devoted too much attention to efficiency, which, as I have shown, can be increased even 100 times, and besides, as the heat source is unlimited, this efficiency is basically indifferent. . It's probably 2013, judging by the quoted literature :lol:
Now they have to take into account the pressure in this "atmospheric engine", because I thickened the "atmosphere", well even 100 times, in principle, inexpensive inert gas (e.g. CO2) :cheesy:
But they also did not do well with this efficiency calculation. ... 202013.pdf
Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 19/08/22, 03:21

Well, Feliks -Newcomen can also make electricity from a low-temperature heat source !
Well, for example, from geothermal energy, the cooling heat of internal combustion engines, and other industrial sources that can produce this temperature of 70 degrees Celsius .. But as we pump the air out to 1/3 of the atmosphere, the steam will be formed already at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. I am cold water, let's say 10 degrees Celsius, and the piston pushed by the force of the
"Inner Atmosphere" will go down, because there will be almost a vacuum .... As we have such energy in abundance, efficiency is in second place ..
And as you can see, the operation of a heat engine does not depend only on temperature, as suggested by the so far known second law of thermodynamics, but also on pressure too ...


Andrew :D :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/08/22, 05:00

inventor a écrit :Here is the thermodynamic problem .. We have in a box, in a vacuum is a set of thermal engines with generators ... Will this set be more efficient than it would be normally installed without a box?
it's about how laws of thermodynamics work on the Equator, and how on the Pole.
Different temperatures
on the Equator 40 degrees Celsius and at the Pole - 40 degrees Celsius also for efficiency and the layout of the engine will be important ...?

Andrew :D

As you can see, I posed such a problem two years ago ..
because I knew there is a solution other than "political correctness" "
Today it is already known that we have energy from the cold too ..
And now for the next thing. my Half Rotate engine .. And its greatest advantage.
This is the BIGGEST piston engine that is technically easy to build. My Half Rotate. Its dimensions are 10 m X 8 m in diameter. The area of one side of the "piston" is 400 X 1000 = 400,000 square cm. That is the pressure of a normal atmosphere, acts on it with a force of 400,000 KG. , that is, at the pressure from the post below, at a pressure of 0.3 atmosphere, it will be a force of 120,000 KG .. So the torque on the shaft will be equal to 120,000 X 2 meters average radius .. = 240,000 Kgm. at its rotational speed of 30 rpm, the power of such half of the engine will be 7400 KW (7.4 MW), i.e. the two halves will be around 15 MW .......
So, taking Geotermia Podhalańska, which declares 60 MW of thermal power, in the months when there is no need for heating, four such engines could also provide electricity for 24 hours a day in the amount of 60 MW .....


Andrew :D :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 21/08/22, 13:23

[le français suit]

Flytox a écrit :How about the specific fuel consumption of this engine (from the video we're talking about)? :D
You'd need a prototype, without it you'd have to do calculations, estimate the potential...

Many of these systems are judged on their efficiency, of course this allows us to compare different systems, but some could become profitable with the big energy crisis that is coming...

Already 500% in France but up to 1'200% announced, or even more... the economy on the verge of collapse will plunge into an unprecedented crisis... A clean sweep of the incompetent politicians is essential!

But there’s no escaping of it, calculation of yield will become even more essential, even in politics :twisted:


Flytox a écrit :C'est quoi la consommation spécifique de ce moteur (de la vidéo dont on parle) ? :D
Il faudrait un prototype, sans lui il faut faire des calculs, estimer le potentiel...

Beaucoup de ces systèmes sont jugés sur leur rendement, bien sûr que ceci permet de comparer des systèmes différents entre eux, mais certains pourraient devenir rentables avec la grosse crise énergétique qui s’annonce...

Déjà 500% en France mais jusqu’à 1’200% annoncé, voire plus... l’économie au bord de l’effondrement va plonger dans une crise sans précédent... Question “rendement” coup de balais des politicards incompétents s’avère indispensable!

Mais on n’y échappera pas, le calcul du rendement deviendra plus encore une donnée incontournable, même en politique :twisted:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 21/08/22, 13:53

inventor a écrit :Well, Feliks -Newcomen can also make electricity from a low-temperature heat source !
Well, for example, from geothermal energy, the cooling heat of internal combustion engines, and other industrial sources that can produce this temperature of 70 degrees Celsius .. But as we pump the air out to 1/3 of the atmosphere, the steam will be formed already at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. I am cold water, let's say 10 degrees Celsius, and the piston pushed by the force of the
"Inner Atmosphere" will go down, because there will be almost a vacuum .... As we have such energy in abundance, efficiency is in second place ..
And as you can see, the operation of a heat engine does not depend only on temperature, as suggested by the so far known second law of thermodynamics, but also on pressure too ...


Andrew :D :D
So, if we understand you well, the weak point of your engine is that he’s vulnerable to thermal (climatic) changes in the environment. 60 to 70°C difference is not negligible... As it is, it's still "fun physics" as long as you don't give the said "efficiency" as suggested by Flytox.

Here we go... you give a POTENTIAL ratio from 10 to 100, thx to atmospheric pressure. But it depends on this vulnerability, since in order for it, to continue to run, the phases of balance VS imbalance VS re-balance (etc) of temperature - from which you derive "moments" to catch movements, must be able to follow one another at will: without interruption. This might be easier to achieve on a boat, which already has natural temperature differential (air/water/sun/ice) at disposal, to which you could add a mini thermodynamic solar power plant (or whatever would recover solar heat). Could your engine should be a kind of auxiliary engine?

For short Andrew, what could be done with an engine from your ideas on a boat? Where there is plenty of ice, in the Arctic waterways? There are many variables to exploit. Moreover, with the salt in sea water, you could take advantage of the "freezing point depression" which lowers the temperature of the ice by up to 10x.

Source: ... ce-colder/
Result of this experimentation: salt doesn’t melt ice, a good example of thermodynamic equilibrium...

Some people propel tankers with sails... One can dream!
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 28/08/22, 00:13

Simply put, Obamot, you have mixed up all concepts, engine, sun, boat, ice etc.
You have forgotten that the second rule of thermodynamics no longer applies in its entirety ..

Since in this engine there is no loss of the working medium, we can use various, even more expensive liquids. It can be Methanol with a boiling point of 60 degrees Celsius, or even diethyl ether with a boiling point of 36 degrees Celsius .. these temperatures are for normal pressure, i.e. 1 atmosphere. When the pressure drops, so does its temperature. We can even reach 10 degrees for ether, but we have a problem with cooling the distillate should be at least 0 degrees, which we can only achieve in winter, by cooling it with the temperature of ice or negative air temperature.


You have 100,000 MW of thermal power plants in France .. If my method, not too expensive, to produce electricity from waste heat, it would be 120,000 MW extra ..
Well, I think it would be fair that I should get a reward, the annual amount of fuel used in them ... Don't you think?

Andrew :D
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