New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par Obamot » 28/08/22, 00:33

inventor a écrit :Simply put, Obamot, you have mixed up all concepts, engine, sun, boat, ice etc.
You have forgotten that the second rule of thermodynamics no longer applies in its entirety ..

Since in this engine there is no loss of the working medium, we can use various, even more expensive liquids. It can be Methanol with a boiling point of 60 degrees Celsius, or even diethyl ether with a boiling point of 36 degrees Celsius .. these temperatures are for normal pressure, i.e. 1 atmosphere. When the pressure drops, so does its temperature. We can even reach 10 degrees for ether, but we have a problem with cooling the distillate should be at least 0 degrees, which we can only achieve in winter, by cooling it with the temperature of ice or negative air temperature.


You have 100,000 MW of thermal power plants in France .. If my method, not too expensive, to produce electricity from waste heat, it would be 120,000 MW extra ..
Well, I think it would be fair that I should get a reward, the annual amount of fuel used in them ... Don't you think?

Andrew :D

Oh yes, I forgot Andrew, thx. I’m lazy these times :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 29/08/22, 06:56

Obamot a écrit :
inventor a écrit :Simply put, Obamot, you have mixed up all concepts, engine, sun, boat, ice etc.
You have forgotten that the second rule of thermodynamics no longer applies in its entirety ..

Since in this engine there is no loss of the working medium, we can use various, even more expensive liquids. It can be Methanol with a boiling point of 60 degrees Celsius, or even diethyl ether with a boiling point of 36 degrees Celsius .. these temperatures are for normal pressure, i.e. 1 atmosphere. When the pressure drops, so does its temperature. We can even reach 10 degrees for ether, but we have a problem with cooling the distillate should be at least 0 degrees, which we can only achieve in winter, by cooling it with the temperature of ice or negative air temperature.


You have 100,000 MW of thermal power plants in France .. If my method, not too expensive, to produce electricity from waste heat, it would be 120,000 MW extra ..
Well, I think it would be fair that I should get a reward, the annual amount of fuel used in them ... Don't you think?

Andrew :D

Oh yes, I forgot Andrew, thx. I’m lazy these times :D

Yes, that will explain why I am making fun of this Yamaha and how they apply peltiers. (not only she does the same thing) Well, first of all, the Peltier element, it is a SEMICONDUCTOR .. and it is commonly known that semiconductors, but above the temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, are damaged. But apparently, on a special and very expensive order, such Peltiers were produced, which withstand a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius ... in addition, they measure their 5% weldability, but it is not clear what to what. Well, let it be. These high-temperature Peltiers have been made to have a large temperature difference, then there will be a great feasibility then. Well, pears on the willow, because it is not a heat engine .. I will explain - it thinks that if it heats the cells to 400 degrees Celsius, they will give more electricity .. Obviously not true, because in photovoltaics electricity is created on a different principle, and basically it is independent of the cell temperature. You can spoil them only by heating them up. It is quite the same with the Peltiers. Instead of cooling the exhaust pipe with water and putting a Peltier on the water, such incredible things are made and advertised with their "wisdom". The current on the peltier does not arise only because there is a temperature difference, a phenomenon more similar to photovoltaics .. Of course, the temperature difference is needed but within a reasonable range for Peltier, i.e. 70 degrees Celsius ..

So much for the deserved Yamaha company and other wise ...

Well, since I have so much money, then I schematically drew my Half Rotate for Newcomen, rework two "cylinders" so that atmospheric pressure had free access to "pistons"


Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 31/08/22, 15:43

inventor a écrit :So outside the box, only the water to be cooled is transmitted to the cooler and back and the resulting electric current. The heat can be supplied outside the box at normal atmospheric pressure. The efficiency of the device increases 10 times (or 100).
The steam does not go anywhere, because it is in a closed circuit, and the water is similar, it does not need to be topped up, but only cooled ..
Such "boxes" can be installed downstairs in mines to produce electricity .. with high efficiency .. But basically any source of heat can be used ..
The second law of thermodynamics, she forgot to say that the efficiency of a heat engine depends not only on the temperature difference, but also largely on the pressure at which the system works.
The Feliks-Newcomen formula.


Andrew :D

Well, don't worry All, I'll post the next steps ...
so that there was no shock therapy, with my inventions, I also started publishing, so that everyone could easily understand what it is because they know Boyle a little and know what pressure P is. then the engine will have 5 times more torque .. increasing the temperature of steam conversion only by 30 degrees Celsius .. And this is understandable, although the proportions are already fundamentally different than in the second law of thermodynamics .. But now, as already is quite understandable, we will not associate this efficiency with pressure,
a weight that can easily replace this pressure .. and perhaps is less technically troublesome ..
Well, now the calculation of one of my Half Rotate cylinders, 400 x 1000 = 400,000 square cm, will give us 2,000,000 KG at 5 atm (2000 tons), i.e. the average torque x 2 meters = 4,000,000 kgm and at a speed of 30 rpm min = 123 MW of electric power from one space ..
And that's it, with a childish temperature of only 130 degrees Celsius, 5 atmospheres of pressure .. and a completely closed medium circulation.
Well, everyone can see that in such an engine, it really does not depend on heat, which has increased by 30 degrees .. the motor torque has increased five TIMES !
for nuclear power plants, such a system of energy production from a reactor can also be used.
Write whether you have easily understood the emergence of energy from ... weight ... :lol:


Andrew :D :D

This is my way to "help" the atmosphere... :lol:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par GuyGadeboisLeRetour » 31/08/22, 16:31

inventor a écrit :This is my way to "help" the atmosphere... :lol:

With combustion/vapor machines ? Thanks ! :)
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 01/09/22, 01:43

GuyGadeboisLeRetour a écrit :
inventor a écrit :This is my way to "help" the atmosphere... :lol:

With combustion/vapor machines ? Thanks ! :)

No, in pressing the piston... :lol: :lol:

besides, as the same amount of fuel burned in a power plant is still twice as much electricity from "waste" heat, I think you should say thanks once again. :cheesy:

Andrew :D :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par GuyGadeboisLeRetour » 01/09/22, 01:54

Thanks once again, so. :cheesy:
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 05/09/22, 01:50

On another maritime forum:
Well Merlyn, I see Half Rotate being adapted for marine use. long shafts with propellers at the end must be attached to each wheel with the weight.
This type of engine does not become popular quickly, because no one has shown its good technology .. I show possible technology, because it is possible, because the "cylinder" and the piston are relatively separated by the distance, and in a small sonic it can be 1 mm , but even larger, even 5 millimeters. and such a row may be imperfections of the "cylinder" .. Besides, the "cylinder" will not wear out, so nothing threatens a bolted joint with a double head, similar to classic solutions .. Probably now you will look at it with a more kind eye .. Of course it can They can be steam or diesel versions, as well as Newcomen waste heat recovery, which will also recover all heat from the exhaust gas cooling from the conventional engine.
I think this is the next small step in developing this structure ..


Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/09/22, 23:55

Well, that's how you go beyond your imagination ... that's real new inventions ...
It will have this power for several reasons. Namely, in the figure you can see that the new engine with the same displacement as the 109,000 shp has much smaller dimensions and weight .. its weight is about 70 tons, which is almost 20 times less than this engine produced ..
And as a result of this, many times smaller weight, its masses of inertia are also many times smaller (second power). And since they are smaller, its rotational speed may be higher, well, these 4 times, they were somewhere up to 400 rpm, and if this is the case, the resulting power will be 109,000 X 4 = 436,000 horsepower.
when we take into account that there is no 15% loss, due to the lack of a crosshead we will get the 500,000 SHP .....
The ship will be the same, only it will go ... twice as fast to the port ...
Everything on the shaft itself, only 4 times faster, i.e. 400 rpm.
The engine yen has dimensions of 2 x 2 meters, so in a larger garage I can build it smoothly and on a ship connect it with the grippy connecting rod already on the drive shaft.
I don't know if you noticed that we lack the traditional Engine Block here.
And everything works like the best Swiss clock ..



Andrew :D
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Re: New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

par inventor » 21/09/22, 23:56

Yes, along the way .. I am a member of the Organization of which the Queen's Husband, until his death, was the Patron . :cry: ... patron-sk/



Andrew :cry:
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