janic a écrit :reste donc les bains de vapeur et cryothérapies alternées, et le virus n'a plus qu'à bien se tenir!
A condition que le gel le tue...je n’ai pas encore trouvé l’info...
janic a écrit :reste donc les bains de vapeur et cryothérapies alternées, et le virus n'a plus qu'à bien se tenir!
Christophe a écrit :Ma question n’est pas innocente: c’est samedi soir et je viens d’acheter des canettes de bière!! Si je les mets au congélo, l’éventuel virus sera flingué?![]()
sicetaitsimple a écrit :Christophe a écrit :Ma question n’est pas innocente: c’est samedi soir et je viens d’acheter des canettes de bière!! Si je les mets au congélo, l’éventuel virus sera flingué?![]()
C'est une bière "normale"?
Parce que si c'est de l'alcool frelaté, y'en a qu'on essayé, ils ont eu des problèmes....
a rumour has lingered in Iranian society following the spread of the coronavirus that drinking alcohol helps those who have contracted the disease.
According to Mohammad Javad Moradian, director of Fars' emergency service centre, Covid-19 had claimed 13 lives in the province.
The drinking of industrial-strength alcohol had killed 66 people during the same period, he told the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA).
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new ... g-21730956
Christophe a écrit :Nan c’est surtout pour savoir si le corona résiste au gel...et visiblement pas facile de trouver l’information...
Christophe a écrit :Bon go in english
Currently, there are investigations conducted to evaluate the viability and survival time of SARS-CoV-2. In general, coronaviruses are very stable in a frozen state according to studies of other coronaviruses, which have shown survival for up to two years at -20°C. Studies conducted on SARS-CoV ad MERS-CoV indicate that these viruses can persist on different surfaces for up to a few days depending on a combination of parameters such as temperature, humidity and light. For example, at refrigeration temperature (4°C), MERS-CoV can remain viable for up to 72 hours. Current evidence on other coronavirus strains shows that while coronaviruses appear to be stable at low and freezing temperatures for a certain period, food hygiene and good food safety practices can prevent their transmission through food. Specifically, coronaviruses are thermolabile, which means that they are susceptible to normal cooking temperatures (70°C). Therefore, as a general rule, the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products should be avoided. Raw meat, raw milk or raw animal organs should be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods.
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