VetusLignum a écrit :pedrodelavega a écrit :VetusLignum a écrit :Mais non, puisqu’il s’agit de comparer, sur une population composée de cas positifs symptomatiques,
- L’Irlande, avec paracétamol à la maison, et hospitalisation uniquement en cas d’insuffisance respiratoire => létalité = 6.7%
- L’IHU, avec hospitalisation (pour la plupart des gens, très courte), et avec HCQ +AZI => létalité = 0.55%
- Islande: 0.54% ... -200-uses/
D’abord, parmi les positifs en Islande, il y a 50% d’asymptomatiques, ce qui ramène de taux de létalité sur les symptomatiques à environ 1%.
Ensuite, la politique islandaise contre le virus a été tellement efficace que le personnes âgées ont été globalement protégées de l’infection, donc la population (de positifs symptomatiques) est relativement jeune, et n’est de ce fait pas comparable à celle de l’IHU ou de l'Irlande.
Le graphe que je montre compare aux Pays-Bas, qui n’ont testé que ceux qui avaient des symptômes sévères (comme en France), donc finalement, il ne prouve pas grand-chose ; et comme je n’ai pas réussi à trouver des statistiques à jour sur les cas positifs par groupe d’âge sur l’Islande, je suis obligé de renoncer à cet argument.
Par contre, j’ai trouvé des informations intéressantes concernant la manière dont ils ont traité les positifs symptomatiques (environ 950). Ils se sont tenus au courant de leur état de santé, et ont donné un traitement à ceux dont les symptômes ont commencé à s’aggraver.
„Á sama tíma held ég að Covid-göngu¬deild¬in sem hef¬ur fylgt sjúk¬ling¬um eft¬ir heima hafi skilað mikl¬um ár¬angri. Göngu¬deild¬in hef¬ur tryggt góða yf¬ir¬sýn og eft¬ir¬lit með sjúk¬ling¬um í heima¬húsi. Þeir hafa svo kallað til sín fólk sem lýs¬ir versn¬andi líðan og ein¬kenn¬um og veitt meðferð á göngu-deild¬inni. Frá göngu¬deild¬inni hafa svo sjúk¬ling¬ar verið lagðir inn á sjúkra¬húsið ef þeir þarfn¬ast frek¬ari mats og meðferðar, í sam¬ræmi við verk¬ferla sem sett¬ir voru upp í aðdrag¬anda far¬ald¬urs-ins,“ seg¬ir Mart¬in."At the same time, I think the Covid outpatient department, which has been following patients at home, has been very successful. The outpatient department has ensured a good overview and supervision of patients in the home. They have then called themselves people who describe worsening feeling and symptoms and provided treatment at the outpatient ward. From Ambulatory have so patients have been admitted to the hospital if they require further assessment and treatment, in accordance with the procedures that were installed in anticipation of the epidemic , "says Martin. ... elikvarda/
Résultat : 27 patients seulement ont eu besoin des soins intensifs, dont seulement 4 sont morts (les 6 autres morts ne sont pas passés par les soins intensifs, pour des raisons diverses).
Maintenant, quel était le traitement des patients dont les symptômes se sont aggravés ?
Engin lyfjameðferð var til við veirusýkingunni en ýmislegt hafði verið prófað úti í heimi og ráðleggingar voru gefnar í samræmi við bestu þekkingu hvers tíma. Sýklalyfjameðferð, sem hafði verið mjög fjölbreytt á smitsjúkdómadeildinni hingað til, fólst í þessum faraldri eingöngu í gjöf azithromycins og lítillega af rocephalini sem var prófað fyrst um sinn að gefa sjúklingum er grunur var um bakteríulungnabólgu. hydroxychloroquine, sem var algengt gigtar- og malaríulyf, var prufað að nota á marga sjúklinga en vegna aukaverkana þurfti að fylgjast vel með einkennum frá hjarta og því voru sumir sjúklingar settir í „monitora“. Tveir „monitorar“ voru fengnir á deildina í byrjun faraldurs. Einnig var þörf á að taka hjartalínurit við komu og daglega vegna þessara lyfja. Í dag hefur notkun þessara lyfja verið hætt vegna þess að engar rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á virkni við covid.There was no drug treatment for the viral infection, but various things had been tested around the world and recommendations were given in accordance with the best knowledge of each time. Antibiotic therapy, which had been very diverse in the infectious disease ward to date, included this epidemic solely with
azithromycin administration and little of
rocephalin, which was first tested for the first time in patients suspected of bacterial pneumonia.
hydroxychloroquine, a commonly used anti-rheumatic and malaria drug, was used in many patients, but due to adverse reactions, cardiac symptoms had to be carefully monitored and therefore some patients were placed on monitora. Two "monitors" were hired at the ward at the beginning of the epidemic. There was also a need for cardio on arrival and daily for these drugs. Today, the use of these drugs has been discontinued because no studies have shown efficacy with covid. ... 2_2020.pdf
Dans votre lien, il est dit que moins de 200 patients ont reçu de l’hydroxychloroquine ; je crois que ce nombre colle avec le nombre de patients dont on s'attend statistiquement à ce que les symptômes s’aggravent (cela représente un peu plus de 20% des symptomatiques).
Alors, même s’ils ont cessé de donner de l’hydroxychloroquine (à un moment où ils n’avaient quasiment plus de malades) suite à des études bidon comme celle du Lancet, ce traitement, semble pourtant bien avoir été une des clés de leur succès.