Vert : naturel
Bleu : naturel + médecine
Rouge : naturel + chimique
Noir : pur produit chimique

J'ai vérifié chez moi: j'ai 2 tubes "bleus" les vôtres?
Cela sent le hoax quand même...certainement un code couleur de fabrication...
(donc à vérifier)
The first task was to find an identifying mark that would unambiguously tell the vision system if the tube it just filled with a certain product was, in fact, labeled for that product. If not, the tube should be removed from the production line. Each tube carries such an identifying mark, which is silk-screened onto it along with the rest of the label. Called an “eye mark,” this identifying mark is a small rectangle printed at the edge of a tube’s seal end (see Fig. 1).
gildas a écrit :Bonsoir,ce serait en fait un repère pour mettre le bon produit,le tube peut servir à autre chose que le dentifrice.The first task was to find an identifying mark that would unambiguously tell the vision system if the tube it just filled with a certain product was, in fact, labeled for that product. If not, the tube should be removed from the production line. Each tube carries such an identifying mark, which is silk-screened onto it along with the rest of the label. Called an “eye mark,” this identifying mark is a small rectangle printed at the edge of a tube’s seal end (see Fig. 1). ... ality.html
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