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par elephant » 14/11/11, 11:55

Tu n'aurais pas une source de ce document ?
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par dedeleco » 14/11/11, 12:26

Cela ressemble aux transformateurs très large bande en HF ou UHF, utilisé pour les amplificateurs de puissance large bande bien connus des électroniciens HF, et qui ont leurs pertes dans le tore de ferrite et dans la surface des conducteurs.
On bobine des câbles coaxiaux intelligemment sur tore de ferrites.
Pleins d'articles sur le sujet en électronique, mais il reste des pertes.
Les téléphones portables s'en servent !!
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par tagor » 14/11/11, 16:38

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par tagor » 17/11/11, 14:37

elephant a écrit :Tu n'aurais pas une source de ce document ?

traduction en anglais du brevet

UKRAINE (19) UA (11) 30 011 (13) U
(51) IPC (2006)
H02K 57/00
To patents
For utility model
issued under responsibility owner patent
(19) UA (11) 30 011 (13) U
February 1
(21) u200709881
(22) 03.09.2007
(24) 11.02.2008
(72) KUHUSHOV Alexander S., UA
(73) KUHUSHOV Alexander S., UA
(57) 1. The cooling system of the generator that contains a generator (1), transformer load
(4) and throttle (7) of the coil current 8, which connected in series with the cargo and transformer winding voltage (9), which connected in parallel with the generator, which characterized in that the throttle is mounted in freezer-thermos (10) with liquid gas (Hydrogen) (13), the temperature of which -239,9 ° C.
2. The cooling system of the generator according to claim 1, which
characterized in that the phase coil windings (2) generator and the primary winding (5) load transformer with an extra shell (3) and (6) with hrafitovoloknystyh materials
Series "graphite reactor," which maintains a negative temperature fields in the current body of wire coils and leaves the initial winding temperature load transformer within 0 ... +20 ° C.
The proposed model is useful to the field of cooling systems of electric machines (Generators).
Known systems have hydrogen cooling windings on modern thermal and nuclear power generators in which hydrogen (liquid) moves through ducts made in the cores of the stator and rotor generator (G), which allows cool windings (metal) of the generator outside. Disadvantages:
external cooling system is not able to cooling of the current, not leaders
current, namely the field current. Vidchoho and thermal effects current destroys henerattsiyu and liquid petroleum gas (hydrogen). The basis of the utility model given the task direct negative effect of the temperature of liquid hydrogen on the external cooling coils generator, and electric field current. That is, cold should appear in the middle of the wire, not from the outside.
In order to perform the task, need air to liquid hydrogen entered PA interaction with the field current, ie to ionize it. For this purpose, in the chain between generator (G) and cargo transformer (May) turn throttle (DR) with windings on current, which is connected in series with May and voltage, which is connected in parallel to G, in which moving
all electricity produced by G and which built-in freezer with liquid gas (Hydrogen), where Dr. relies on the grid, under which is liquid hydrogen, from which
vyparovuyetesya air temperature -239,9 ° C. Thus, the magnetic field effect on air Dr.
liquid gas, which passes from department electrons from gas molecules, while molecules
converted into additional ions that composed of negatively charged particles
field current and thus the temperature field current is equal to -238 ...- 239 ° C.
To suspend from wire windings heat exchange with the adjacent metal and to
leave output winding of May in a foreign Wednesday, with additional temperatures, the coils phase windings of the coil D and the primary winding May as well as the wire that connects the H-DR-May, applied membrane with hrafitovoloknystyh materials, a series of "Graffiti reactor", which can isolate the temperature difference of 600 ° C.
Thus, a task useful SOH model is solved by the ionization air liquid gas (hydrogen) and approaching adiabatnoho process in the middle of the wire windings of What temperature output windings in May remains within 0 ... +20 ° C.
Fih.1. Cutting by the coil phase (primary) winding D (May).
The diagram shows: stator generator 1, the wire reel 2, cover with hrafitovoloknystyh
material 3, the series "Graffiti reactor."
Fih.2. Schematic diagram of the system cooling generator (SOH) in the chain of G-Dr.-May (The diagram shows part of the generator - stator) 3 30011 4
The cooling system of generator SOH contains the generator stator (D) 1, coil phase
windings 2, 3 containment, cargo transformer (TR) 4, the coil primary windings
5, protective cover 6, throttle (Dr.) 7 of the winding current 8, which is connected in series with May and winding voltage 9 which is connected in parallel with D, freezer, vacuum flask 10 shell 11, grid 12, which is based and Dr. to dismiss G from contact with liquid gas
Liquid petroleum gas (hydrogen) 13. Dr. windings 8 and 9 are connected so that their phase consistent in direction. The winding current is made of eight parallel connected by wires, the total cross section which is equal to tire cross section G. Work in SOH tsepi Mr Dr-Tr. At the bottom of the camera 10 is liquid gas (hydrogen) 13. The magnetic field
Dr. AC 7, according to electricity, which produces G 1 and is driven by winding 8 and 9 in Dr. one way, affect the air liquid gas ie pidmahnichuye it. As a result, air ionized, ie, molecules of liquid air conduit converted to ions with additional charges and therefore consist of negative current charges of electromagnetic fields. By thereby, the temperature field current is ...- 239 to -238 ° C, which is immediately distributed entire length of the conductor circuit G-PL-May, but membrane phase and the primary coil windings D and
May 3 and 6 protects the coil from the heat of adjacent bodies of metals and retains a negative current temperature fields in the body wire coils, with than the initial temperature of the winding remains within 0 ... +20 ° C. Instead hrafitovoloknystyh materials can be
other use, such as balaltovoloknysti materials series "Vulkanychni breed "or basalt fibers that wrap on the wire and varnish. For highest SOH, advisable to arrange a static G samozhyvylnyy on the patent of Ukraine № 26261 and energy saving May on the patent of Ukraine № 24101, because they input and output windings are separate core.


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par elephant » 17/11/11, 14:56

"hrafitovoloknystyh materials "

Oulah ! Ce ne serait pas mieux en perlimpinate d'escampette ou en kryptonite ? :D
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par moinsdewatt » 20/11/11, 12:09

tagor a écrit :étrange coincidence


ceci est un tissus d' absurdité.

Gogos, par ici. :cheesy:
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par elephant » 05/12/11, 14:12

Encore une trace de transmutation à des températures relativement basses:

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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par dedeleco » 05/12/11, 14:39

Très jolie antiquité de un siècle, à vérifier dans les bibliothèques, et à refaire, comme des expériences de Kervran !!

Seul moyen de savoir si faux ou vrai, et alors indice essentiel à creuser !!!
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Econologue expert
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par elephant » 12/12/11, 11:19

Un très intéressant document sur les LENR, publié par la Nasa

http://newenergytimes.com/v2/government ... rkshop.pdf

dommage que, selon eux, le seul truc qui marche ( Widom larsen ) nécessite un laser "accordable". Pas grand monde qui ait sa dans le fond de son garage :cry:
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éléphant: suprême éconologue honoraire..... pcq je suis trop frileux, pas assez riche et trop paresseux pour économiser vraiment le CO2 ! http://www.caroloo.be
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par bambou » 12/12/11, 11:32

Je suis sceptique face à ce document.
On nous fait croire que c'est la NASA qui l'a produit grâce à la 1ère page.
Mais, la NASA ne rédige pas de documents où il est écrit (entre autres choses) "Not recommended for people who follow dogma [...]".
Autrement dit : qu'est ce qui vient de la Nasa dans ce PDF hormis la 1ère page ?
Peut être quelques photos.

Ce type de document, qui essaie de faire passer un document amateur pour un document venant de la NASA ne peut pas inspirer de respect. En tout cas, pas de ma part. :evil:

elephant a écrit :Un très intéressant document sur les LENR, publié par la Nasa

http://newenergytimes.com/v2/government ... rkshop.pdf

dommage que, selon eux, le seul truc qui marche ( Widom larsen ) nécessite un laser "accordable". Pas grand monde qui ait sa dans le fond de son garage :cry:
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Production solaire + VE + VAE = l'électricité en cycle court


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