Un peu de verveine, dedeleco ? Une fois calmé, on peut reprendre l'explication de Blackbird :
blackbird a écrit :Now let's tow this cart up to 20 mph in a 15 mph tail-wind and let it loose. That means it will feel a relative head-wind of 5 mph over the cart. Now I'll adjust my generator output until it produces 20 lbs of drag at the wheels. This means I'm putting power in at a rate of 20 mph x 20 lbs (400 mph-lbs). But I only get 340 mph-lbs out of the generator due to its limited efficiency. I deliver that power to the electric motor. But I only get 289 mph-lbs at the motor's shaft due to the motor's innefficiency. So I'm putting 289 mph-lbs into the prop - but it's only doing about 245 mph-lbs work on the air due to it's innefficiency.
So now lets see how much thrust I'm getting from my prop...
245 mph-lbs / 5 mph (the speed I'm moving through the air) gives 49 lbs.
So we're producing 49 lbs of thrust and only 20 lbs of drag. But we haven't yet accounted for the rolling resistance and aero drag. If we can get both of those numbers to come in at a total of less than 29 lbs (which should be a piece of cake) we'll be going 5 mph faster than the wind and still accelerating. But why?
Au niveau des roues, il dit :
Now I'll adjust my generator output until it produces 20 lbs of drag at the wheels. This means I'm putting power in at a rate of 20 mph x 20 lbs (400 mph-lbs).
Si je traduis "drag" par freinage, on a la puissance générée aux roues qui s'écrit :
PuissanceRoue = VitesseChariot/Sol x ForceFreinageChariot
400 mph-lbs = 20 mph x 20 lbs
Au niveau de l'hélice il dit :
So now lets see how much thrust I'm getting from my prop...
245 mph-lbs / 5 mph (the speed I'm moving through the air) gives 49 lbs.
Ce qui permet de retrouver :
PuissanceHélice = VitesseAir/Hélice x ForcePousséeHélice
245 mph-lbs = 5 mph x 49 lbs
J'ai seulement mis des noms que j'espérais intelligibles sur les variables utilisées.
Dans son cas, il avait pris en compte des pertes sur la transmission :
PuissanceHélice < PuissanceRoue
400 mph-lbs < 245 mph-lbs
Je les avais prises nulles pour simplifier.
Libre à vous de proposer d'autres noms aux variables, mais vous n'êtes pas obligé de dépasser les limites de la bienséance pour cela.