Hi Pascal, and everybody,
Wow Pascal, put the veils on your ROBI Wind Kart and let's rock' n roll
I apologize for Flytox, but I think English is the best language to talk with Blackbird.
And the "French" English is easy to understand by the French.
Turbine éolienne Rotative Bi Plan (ROBIPLAN)
Flytox made certainly a joke as usual!
Welcome to Éconologie!
There is many members capable of talking with you then your experience is also welcome like for many English poeples.
Flytox use this translator to understand the language of Shakespeare!
Flytox utilise ce traducteur pour comprendre la langue de Shakespeare!
Flytox made certainly a joke as usual!
Welcome to Éconologie!
There is many members capable of talking with you then your experience is also welcome like for many English poeples.
Flytox use this translator to understand the language of Shakespeare!
Flytox utilise ce traducteur pour comprendre la langue de Shakespeare!
0 x
Faire un pas derrière parfois peut permettre de renforcer l'amitié.
La critique est une bonne chose si ajouté a quelque compliments.
La critique est une bonne chose si ajouté a quelque compliments.
Alain G a écrit :Blackbird
Flytox made certainly a joke as usual!
Welcome to Éconologie!
Thank you. I was not offended because I truly do mean to be sensitive to the fact that I'm the outsider asking for special accommodation. I have no doubt he was joking. Any misunderstanding is certainly a shortcoming of my linguistic limitations.
Thanks to all for your patience. With the article being published on Friday there's been quite a bit of activity on the web once again.
0 x
- pascal HA PHAM
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 1461
- Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
- Localisation : soleil
- x 25
Hi Rick, Raymond, Alain and thank's everyone to wrote here,
this week end I was drawing the last parts of the "wind rotating plants" of my WPV...and hope to fix it on the main axle very quickly.
some pictures :
I have 3 or 4 options: for each plan (1,75 mètre x 1,5 mètre)
“hard surface Plans”, kind of mostly aluminum or composites plans. ... Or in polyester resin
cotton canvas or sail milar ?
For that there are two options:
As for the canvas covering of airplane wings of the 30s ....
or like the sails of a boat with eyelets that allow them to reach inside an aluminum tube frame and braced securely fixed on the main axis ....
The 8 nuts (each in 2 parts = 16 pièces)
The common denominator in all these versions are nuts fixing double shell that will be bolted down biplane on the axis and it’s these parts where I run now in production.
I think there is a best solution and also there is an économic solution but it’s not the same one !
have a great day
this week end I was drawing the last parts of the "wind rotating plants" of my WPV...and hope to fix it on the main axle very quickly.
some pictures :
I have 3 or 4 options: for each plan (1,75 mètre x 1,5 mètre)
“hard surface Plans”, kind of mostly aluminum or composites plans. ... Or in polyester resin
cotton canvas or sail milar ?
For that there are two options:
As for the canvas covering of airplane wings of the 30s ....
or like the sails of a boat with eyelets that allow them to reach inside an aluminum tube frame and braced securely fixed on the main axis ....
The 8 nuts (each in 2 parts = 16 pièces)
The common denominator in all these versions are nuts fixing double shell that will be bolted down biplane on the axis and it’s these parts where I run now in production.
I think there is a best solution and also there is an économic solution but it’s not the same one !
have a great day
0 x
All around my work, full vidéos on the web :
https://www.google.fr/webhp?source=sear ... 80&bih=672
https://www.google.fr/webhp?source=sear ... 80&bih=672
- pascal HA PHAM
- Grand Econologue
- Messages : 1461
- Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
- Localisation : soleil
- x 25
prendre des ris pour ne pas prendre de risques !
Bonjour Bernardd
J’envisage une option de voilure à géométrie potentiellement variable pour la surface, c'est-à-dire que pour des vents extrêmement véloces, et comme en voile traditionnelle, je doit pouvoir diminuer la voilure / "prend des ris" en ne conservant que les surfaces actives les plus éloignées de l’axe principal de rotation….. à l’inverse, pour des vents très faibles je garde la surface maxi !
for Rick :
I am considering an option of potentially variable geometry wing for the surface, that is to say that for extremely fast winds, as traditional sailing, I should be able to decrease the wings surfaces / no risk taking, retaining only the active surfaces farthest from the main axis of rotation ... .. Conversely, for very light winds, I keep the maximum wings surfaces!
see also :
Bonjour Bernardd
J’envisage une option de voilure à géométrie potentiellement variable pour la surface, c'est-à-dire que pour des vents extrêmement véloces, et comme en voile traditionnelle, je doit pouvoir diminuer la voilure / "prend des ris" en ne conservant que les surfaces actives les plus éloignées de l’axe principal de rotation….. à l’inverse, pour des vents très faibles je garde la surface maxi !
for Rick :
I am considering an option of potentially variable geometry wing for the surface, that is to say that for extremely fast winds, as traditional sailing, I should be able to decrease the wings surfaces / no risk taking, retaining only the active surfaces farthest from the main axis of rotation ... .. Conversely, for very light winds, I keep the maximum wings surfaces!
see also :
0 x
Salut Pascal!
Dans un projet futur tu pourrait couplé la turbine et l'entrainement des roues avec ton moteur/compresseur trilobique à air qui aurait pour but de lisser la puissance disponible!
Ce serait peut-être une bonne utilisation de l'air!
In a future project you could bind the turbine and the driving of wheels with your trilobique engine / compressor in air which would aim at smoothing the available power!
It maybe a good use of the air!
Dans un projet futur tu pourrait couplé la turbine et l'entrainement des roues avec ton moteur/compresseur trilobique à air qui aurait pour but de lisser la puissance disponible!
Ce serait peut-être une bonne utilisation de l'air!
In a future project you could bind the turbine and the driving of wheels with your trilobique engine / compressor in air which would aim at smoothing the available power!
It maybe a good use of the air!
0 x
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La critique est une bonne chose si ajouté a quelque compliments.
La critique est une bonne chose si ajouté a quelque compliments.
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