Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

Forum solaire photovoltaïque PV et génération d'électricité solaire à partir d'énergie solaire en rayonnement direct.
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Inscription : 28/09/09, 17:35
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par moinsdewatt » 07/11/20, 23:08

Projet du plus grand parc solaire d'Europe du Nord, au Danemark.
158 millions de dollars pour 300 MW.
Les travaux vont débuter début 2021.

Northern Europe’s largest solar farm to be constructed in Denmark.

By Cukia M- Modified date: Oct 31, 2020

European Energy, a renewables developer has announced that they will be constructing a US$158 million solar farm that has been dubbed as the “largest” installation of its kind in Denmark and entire Northern Europe. The Danish company said it had won local council approval to build the 300MW solar project in the municipality of Aabenraa in southern Jutland. The Denmark solar farm is to be installed near future data centers as well as a major regional transformer station, delivering enough green power to supply 75,000 Danish households

Construction of the Aabenraa project is expected to begin in early 2021 with a grid connection to take place before the end of 2021.

https://constructionreviewonline.com/20 ... n-denmark/
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par moinsdewatt » 06/12/20, 18:34

Au Vietnam mise en service d'une premiere tranche de 273 MW du parc solaire PV géant qui fera 831 MWc à terme.

Vietnam’s ‘largest’ solar park completes following LONGi module supply

By Liam Stoker Nov 26, 2020

The first phase of what is claimed to be Vietnam’s largest utility-scale solar project has completed, using LONGi’s Hi-MO 4 Series modules.

The 273MW first phase of the Xuan Thien Ea Sup project, located in Dak Lak, Vietnam, was energised earlier this month. Once fully complete, the Xuan Thien Group-commissioned project will have a total operating capacity of 600MWac/831MWp.

The overall project has a total investment value of VND20,000 billion (US$862 million), and the first phase has been commissioned some five months ahead of schedule. Work started in April this year and module supply agreement was signed with ‘Solar Module Super League’ member LONGi a month later.

LONGi has supplied nearly 2 million modules for the project to date.

Vietnam remains one of the most sought-after solar markets, and Xuan Thien Group has already established plans to increase the capacity of the Xuan Thien Ea Sup project to 2GWac/2.8GWp by 2022.longi

https://www.pv-tech.org/news/vietnams-l ... ule-supply
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Inscription : 28/09/09, 17:35
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par moinsdewatt » 06/02/21, 11:25

Construction terminée pour un parc solaire PV flottant de 181 MW à Taiwan

Chenya Energy eyes floating PV growth after completing 181MWp offshore project

By Jules Scully Feb 05, 2021


Chenya Energy is planning to further expand its floating PV (FPV) portfolio following the completion of the world’s largest offshore solar plant, a 181MWp project off the west coast of Taiwan.

https://www.pv-tech.org/news/chenya-ene ... re-project
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par moinsdewatt » 22/08/21, 15:32

Israel a lancé un appel d'offre pour son futur plus grand parc solaire PV de 300 MW.

Israel shortlists 11 bidders in 300 MW solar-plus-storage tender
Construction of the solar-plus-storage facility is scheduled to take place in the Negev desert in late 2021, with completion expected in 2023.


Israel Ministry of Finance has published a list of the bidders that have been invited to the final phase of the PV tender launched in January 2020 for a 300 MW solar power plant in the Negev desert.

The list features 11 bidders in total and includes Israel PV company Ellomay Capital Ltd. in association with The Phoenix Insurance Company; a consortium comprising project contractor Allied Infrastructure Ltd and general contracting services provider OrmatSystems Ltd; Israeli solar developer Solegreen Ltd in partnership with Norway's Scatec; Israel's Shikun & Binui Energy Ltd; EDF Renewables Israel Ltd, which is the local subsidiary of French energy group EDF; Spanish solar company Solarpack in partnership with Israeli real estate investment trust Keystone REIT Ltd; Invenergy Israel LLC, the local unit of U.S.-based renewable energy company Invenergy; Energix Renewable Energies Ltd; a consortium formed by Shapir Civil & Marine Engineering Ltd and El-Mor Electric Installation and Services (1986) Ltd; Israel's Noy Infrastructure & Energy Investment Fund together with Energy Investments, L.P.; and a group including Israeli insurance company Menora Mivtachim Energy Ltd and Chinese-Canadian solar panel manufacturer Canadian Solar Inc.

In February, the Israeli authorities revealed that 24 bidders had been initially invited to participating in the tender.

Once completed, the solar-plus-storage plant will be the largest PV facility in the country. Construction is slated to begin in late 2021, with completion scheduled for 2023. Israel’s largest operational PV plant is currently the 120 MW Zeélim solar park near the village of the same name in the south of the nation. That project, owned by Shne'or Zeelim, a Shikun & Binui Energy (SBE) subsidiary, and built by its unit Solel Boneh Ltd, in a joint venture with Belectric, was completed in October 2019.

https://www.pv-magazine.com/2021/08/20/ ... ge-tender/
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par moinsdewatt » 22/08/21, 15:33

Engie met en service une centrale solaire de 200 MWc au Gujarat en Inde

Malgré les multiples difficultés rencontrées pendant la pandémie, le deuxième plus grand projet photovoltaïque d’Engie en Inde s’achève dans les délais prévus. Avec ce nouveau contrat PV, le portefeuille d’énergies renouvelables d’Engie en Inde s’élève désormais à 17 projets, représentant plus de 1,1 GWc d’énergie solaire et 280 MW d’énergie éolienne.


ENGIE 200MW Solar Power Plant Raghanesda Gujarat Photo : Engie


Le site s’étend sur 380 hectares et produira près de 546 GWh/an d’électricité. Sa construction a été achevée en 14 mois, soit le délai initial prévu, et a mobilisé plus de 800 travailleurs qualifiés et non qualifiés pour un total de 1,5 million d’heures de travail. Une équipe d’expert a pris en charge les contraintes liées au très haut niveau d’eau constaté dans la nappe phréatique locale, qui posait un défi pour les structures de montage des modules. La conduite du projet a également été confrontée aux caractéristiques sismiques de la zone et aux difficultés rencontrées par le pays et les populations face à la pandémie mondiale. Les modules solaires ont été fournis par les fabricants chinois Jinko et Longi, et l’Indien String, tandis que Huaweï a procuré les onduleurs. Sterling & Wilson a réalisé l’équilibrage des systèmes industriels et sera également le fournisseur de services d’exploitation et de maintenance pour une durée de cinq ans.

https://www.pv-magazine.fr/2021/08/20/e ... u-gujarat/
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Re: Les grands parcs solaire PV dans le monde

par Christophe » 07/09/21, 23:30

Les montagnes solaires :

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