All my Watergardening Projects in my Garden

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
Econologue expert
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Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
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Re: All my Watergardening Projects in my Garden

par Obamot » 08/01/23, 02:27

Hi / bonjour,

But you had already posted in French here?
It's been a while since we've read you, how are you?

Mais vous aviez déjà posté en français ici? Ça fait longtemps qu'on ne vous a pas lu, comment va Pascal?

Cheers !
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Ministère de la Pravda sous divers second-nez suspects: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc


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