Cantarell a produit 700 000 barils/jours en avril...

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Cantarell a produit 700 000 barils/jours en avril...

par freddau » 27/09/09, 14:17

Cantarell a produit 700 000 barils/jours en avril, 500 000 en août. Les exportations mexicaines ont baissé de 15% en un an (Peak Opportunities)

As we last reported, in May 2009, Cantarell Field’s April 2009 production averaged 713,000 barrels per day, down from 862,060 barrels per day in late 2008.

Now, according to a September 9, 2009 article in the Wall Street Journal, Cantarell is down to 500,000 barrels per day. (presumably for August 2009, and not yet plotted on the above graph). This represents a 30 % drop over only 4 months, which far exceeds the last calculated decline rate of 35 % PER YEAR.

A subsequent article in the Oil and Gas Journal, dated September 14, 2009, quoted PEMEX’s recent prediction that total production will average 2.5 MMBO/D in 2010 (Mexico’s total oil production averaged 3.4 MMBO/D in 2004). The article notes that this rate is down 4 % from the first half of 2009, and down 5.7 % from previous estimates. According to PEMEX, actual production was 2.561 MMBO/D in July 2009, so it is difficult for us to imagine that production could average 2.5 MMBO/D in 2010, given the precipitous decline of Cantarell and small increases seen in the KMZ and Chicontepec fields.

The OGJ article went on to state that exports were 1.2 MMBO/D in the first half of 2009, down 14.8 % from that period in 2008.


Sources ... -peak.html
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