Dont 51% de ce chiffre pour la seule Chine.
Voir ci dessous le détail de leur 4 plus gros projets hydrau en cours.
China continues its dominance of the global hydropower market
18/11/2013 Evwind,
ITH 30GW of new capacity installed during 2012, global cumulative hydropower capacity jumped to 1127GW by the year-end, providing an estimated 3524TWh of electricity generation annually.
Thus, this technology is still by far the one with the highest cumulated installed capacity among renewable energy sources.
Just over half (51%) of the hydro capacity installed in 2012 was in China, converting this market into the most active for the year. With the largest installed capacity in the world also, accounting 240.7GW of total capacity, the country is continuing its expansion and currently has 61GW under construction.
The most notable Chinese projects underway are:
- Baihetan (13.1GW), which will be the third largest dam in China when completed and the fourth largest in the world. It is slated for completion in 2019;
- Wudongde and Xiangjiaba (8.7 and 6.4GW, respectively) are located in Jinsha River. Both are scheduled to be finished in 2015; and
- Xiluodu (14GW) located in Yangtze River. This project was temporarily stopped by the Chinese government in 2005 due to lack of environmental impact studies, but construction is again underway.
Meantime after the controversies regarding the location of the Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant in the Amazonas Area, Brazil is surging ahead once again also. Based on projects underway, it will account for 11GW of new capacity in 2015.
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