Cela devient très sérieux les iles inhabitées disputées

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Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 9211
Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
x 11

Cela devient très sérieux les iles inhabitées disputées

par dedeleco » 04/10/12, 15:45

2 US aircraft carriers deployed in Western Pacific


2 US aircraft carriers deployed in Western Pacific

The US Navy says it is deploying 2 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific.

The US Navy's 7th Fleet announced on Monday that the 2 carriers are the USS George Washington, based in Yokosuka near Tokyo, and the USS John C Stennis based on the US west coast.

It said the carriers are being accompanied by other warships including vessels equipped with the Aegis air defense system.

The US fleet said the 2 aircraft carriers provide a combat-ready force that protects and defends the collective maritime interest of the United States and its allies and partners in the Asia-Pacific region.

Last week, China put its 1st aircraft carrier into service in the area. Chinese government vessels have also entered Japanese waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.

Military analysts say it is unusual for the US navy to deploy 2 aircraft carriers simultaneously in the Western Pacific and it is believed that the navy is trying to keep the Chinese move in check.

Oct. 4, 2012 - Updated 07:57 UTC (16:57 JST)

Il n'y a pas que l'Iran avec portes avions US.

Je mets en entier, car ce texte va disparaître d'internet.
0 x
Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 9211
Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
x 11

par dedeleco » 04/10/12, 20:11

les chinois y sont aussi encore plus près de ces iles, poules aux oeufs d'or.

Chinese Navy fleet sails between Japanese islands


Chinese Navy fleet sails between Japanese islands

Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force says it has spotted a Chinese naval fleet in international waters between two southwestern Japanese islands.

According to the Defense Ministry in Tokyo, the 7 vessels navigated between Okinawa's main island and Miyako Island between 6 and 7 PM on Thursday.

It is the first Chinese naval fleet seen in the area since Japan nationalized 3 of the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea last month.

The vessels were about 110 kilometers from Miyako Island, heading toward the Pacific from the East China Sea when spotted. The fleet is made up of 2 destroyers, 2 frigates, a supply ship and 2 submarine rescue ships.

China's navy holds drills passing through the area in the Pacific a few times a year. It is 200 kilometers east of the Senkaku Islands.

In late June 3 Chinese naval vessels sailed though the area after carrying out drills in the Pacific.

Oct. 4, 2012 - Updated 16:11 UTC (01:11 JST
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Econologue expert
Econologue expert
Messages : 9211
Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
x 11

par dedeleco » 04/10/12, 20:20

La flotte chinoise :

contre deux portes avions US :

0 x


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