ROBIPLAN and Black Bird in english

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
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pascal HA PHAM
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ROBIPLAN and Black Bird in english

par pascal HA PHAM » 16/11/10, 07:01

Hi Rick,

This new sujet is espacialy for us : you with the Black Bird TEAM and me with the Robiplan TEAM.
With Christophe the web master of Econologie we think it's the best solution.

this sujet begin with this double drawing :


On the right, The « little red bird » with his actual disposition of wings
- this disposition is called “small span / low torque”
- it's this disposition witch is turning on the open road vidéos :

On the left, another best disposition :
Same wings areas but the torque at the starting point is x 2
This disposition is called “great span / high torque”

has you can see the ROBIPLAN WINGS will take différents shapes for différents performances !

"I think very longs wings are better but than, the span become quickly so great to go on the open road"

On my big Silver Bird the shape is "near a square" (1,75 m high and 1,5 m wide):


"With the smile of the wind"


Rick : are you on this picture ?

have a great day

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par blackbird » 16/11/10, 08:05

Thanks! Very nice of you to start a thread in English for us.

>> Rick : are you on this picture ?

Yes, I'm the silly looking one on the right. JB is the sillier looking one on the left. Any time you see someone driving Blackbird - that's me.


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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
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Blac bird in driving position

par pascal HA PHAM » 16/11/10, 08:11

Hi Rick !

very happy to meet you trough thèse two nices pictures !

welcome !

for your runs : what is the name of yhe salt lake ?
is it near San Francisco ?

Link to your web site in mémory for the readers : ... llaro.html


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par Remundo » 16/11/10, 10:15

Hi the Econology's Friends :!:

Nice helmet Rick !

Very useful in order not to take a blade on the edge of the nose :cheesy:

Perhaps the yellow glass are not reinforced enough :P
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
Grand Econologue
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curve ?

par pascal HA PHAM » 17/11/10, 08:34

Epure of the ROBIPLAN movement ? : it's a Viviani curve, or a Clélie of Pappus with n = 1 :

généric moving trace :



have a great day

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par Obamot » 17/11/10, 11:21

I take opportunity of this english sujet by asking something about efficiency. Is it right to thinking that according to his design, the Robiplan have his best efficiency with a rotating wind?

blackbird a écrit :Thanks! Very nice of you to start a thread in English for us.

Not for long as you understand how much some are wrong in english here! :cheesy: (Like me, ha!ha!)

Is the Black-Bird has already been tested in a wind tunnel?
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
Grand Econologue
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Inscription : 30/01/06, 14:56
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english or french ? it's not the subject

par pascal HA PHAM » 18/11/10, 11:06

Hi everybody,

good english ? good french ? it's not the subject
the real subjet is that :

3 minuts for à NICE RUN with a self start of the Black BIRD :

thank' RICK for thèse nices dynamics views



have a great day


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par Obamot » 20/11/10, 02:37

Yeaaaah! Thx.

And have fun !
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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pascal HA PHAM
Grand Econologue
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we will have answers before Christmas

par pascal HA PHAM » 20/11/10, 11:24

Obamot a écrit :I take opportunity of this english sujet by asking something about efficiency. Is it right to thinking that according to his design, the Robiplan have his best efficiency with a rotating wind?

HI Obamot :

We will have serious answers before Christmas !

We do not yet know exactly where is the return of Excellence for the wind aréa of the ROBIPLAN : in what range of wind speed, or in what kind of direction between 0 and 360 degrees. ...
We only know that it starts by himself 100% up / against under relatively low wind ... .. then he can easily take a open road profile that includes short climbs thanks to its "continual adjustment systèm"of impact of the wind.
The canopy installation of BIG SILVER BIRD ends now : it's easier than I thought but i go “slowly”…because I do not mean to rush the thing.
A scoop? : The wing will be mixed with some hard = aluminum plates on the outer half aréa and a portion removable canvas in the second half (inner surface near the axis ... thus with little operation I could move from a low wind to a high wind low wind and vice versa in few minutes and easy modifications.

That's all I can say for you now Obamo .... The next weeks will be probably deliver a rich and interesting observations quantity measured better / best characterized: better quantified.

I took some holidays to finish SILVER BIRD Before the begining of 2011

A +

Dernière édition par pascal HA PHAM le 22/11/10, 07:21, édité 1 fois.
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par Obamot » 20/11/10, 16:03

Since you're at this step, I would not make any suggestion or criticism :? have fun !

Best regards,
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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