Plastic wastes to oil or fuel conversion (Japan)

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Messages : 79851
Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
Localisation : Planète Serre
x 11319

Plastic wastes to oil or fuel conversion (Japan)

par Christophe » 16/11/10, 11:41

The process isnt very new but (see in French a sujet from 2004: ... vt118.html ) it has to be know and it solves partialy the huge problem of the plastic wastes. Now in Japan.


We are all well aware of plastic’s “rap-sheet.” It has been found guilty on many counts, including the way its production and disposal raises resource issues and lets loose extremely negative environmental impacts.

Typically made from petroleum, it is estimated that 7% of the world’s annual oil production is used to produce and manufacture plastic. That is more than the oil consumed by the entire African continent.

Plastic’s carbon footprint includes landfilling and incineration, since sadly, its recycle rate is dismally low around the globe.

Plastic trash is also polluting our oceans and washing up on beaches around the world. Tons of plastic from the US and Japan are floating in the Pacific Ocean, killing mammals and birds. Perhaps this tragedy is best captured in the TED presentation by Capt. Charles Moore of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation.

In French (india process): ... vt118.html
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Messages : 79851
Inscription : 10/02/03, 14:06
Localisation : Planète Serre
x 11319

par Christophe » 24/02/11, 18:42

Video on Youtube about the process: (japaneese subtitled in english)
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Econologue expert
Econologue expert
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Inscription : 16/01/10, 01:19
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par dedeleco » 24/02/11, 19:59

A ces Japonais qui ont l'art de faire des petites machines individuelles pas chères qui vont se vendre partout dans le monde.
Le four micronde, le baladeur, ..etc.... pour finir à la machine à recycler les emballages plastiques en diesel dans chaque cuisine et économiser sur le fioul de chauffage !!

Il faut leur demander de faire une micro-taupe foreuse pas chère pour économiser tout le CO2 des carburants de chauffage, en stockant la chaleur d'été sous terre pour l'hiver.
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