Inform yourself on shale gas!

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Inform yourself on shale gas!

par alerte.schiste » 31/05/12, 19:15

My pages dedicated to the fight againt shale gas (gaz de schiste in french).

Page with collection of anti-fracking songs, 242 songs so far: ... anguage=en

Page with diverse photos, 213 so far:

Page with documentations, about 268 pdf-files to download (english and french): ... anguage=en

Page with 739 videos in different languages (241 english, 326 french, and some other language):

I also have a page with articles, but this one is only in french:
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par Obamot » 31/05/12, 21:11

Very good links indeed.

Thanks for sharing!

Do you know how much cost a wellbore, at this industrial level? (average depth of a -500m)

Best regards,
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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par alerte.schiste » 31/05/12, 22:45

Obamot a écrit :Very good links indeed.

Thanks for sharing!

Do you know how much cost a wellbore, at this industrial level? (average depth of a -500m)

Best regards,

No, I'm sorry Obamot, I have no idea!
Does anybody else know the answer?
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par alerte.schiste » 31/05/12, 23:54

Obamot a écrit :If only one hole, it's about 20'000.— CHF (16'000€ I guess...) But for a campaign of 2'500 wellbore under contract ( :shock: ) maybe half price ?

The solar thermic ressource is free and can be stocked in the deep of the earth. So it will be convenient to heat a private house for ever and free of charge! No need to extract schist gaz anymore with a process like this:


Thanks a LOT for this very interesting post, Obamot!!!! :D
What are we waiting for?????

The problem with petrol and gas is not to find an alternative, that we have already, but to be able to fight these all mighty companies!!! :x :cry:
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par Remundo » 01/06/12, 08:26

Hello Friends,

Thanks to alerte.schiste for sharing his work and information, and Dédé and Obamot to join in this sheet.

Here it is the sujet dedicated to shale gas in English.

I have created another sujet on heat storage in the earth if you want to discuss technically about it. 8)

Thanks !

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par Obamot » 01/06/12, 13:24

I haven't seen any post of Dedeleco in here! :shock: :roll:
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

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par Remundo » 01/06/12, 22:14

the ghost of Dédé was here...
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par Obamot » 07/06/12, 06:35

Are you erase it? Because at the date you split, Ven 01 Juin 2012, 07:26, no post from him at all.

By the way, as was to be expected sadly after this sort of unfriendly split of a thread (because without any prior warning) Alerte.Schiste has not appeared again on the forum!

I'm sorry to him.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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