Heat Storage in the Earth from the Sun

Topics about this forum and the econology in english speaking language for people who are not not understanding french language.
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par Obamot » 31/05/12, 23:35

If only one hole, it's about 20'000.— CHF, estimated here:
http://www.ader.ch/energieaufutur/energ ... index2.php

(16'000€ I guess...) But for a campaign of 2'500 wellbore under contract ( :shock: ) maybe half price?
But I would like to know what's happening from english web site community, about that?

The solar thermic is a free ressource that can be stored in the deep of the earth, for using later in the cold season. At -500m is interseting to store, because of a permanent temperature of 26*C can be found there... So it will be convenient to heat a private house for ever and free of charge! No need to extract schist gaz anymore with a process like this:


Double "U" tube design interleaved:


For real:


Seen on TV ...>

Some other audacious design for a building (but I think, only one wellbore is enough for a private house):

Dernière édition par Obamot le 01/06/12, 00:03, édité 2 fois.
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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par Obamot » 01/06/12, 00:08

I'm agree. So, we must use the rule & actual paradigm of the market: offer VS demand.

alerte.schiste a écrit :What are we waiting for?

Controlling the real efficiency of this technic!

To find out if it's competitive (VS fossil energy).

According to this, obtaining a low price for a wellbore (by an industrial type of process) is crucial...

But if so... if it's well evaluated etc, it don't will change the basis of the problem: changing our minds.

It's just an important step, because it's hurry, no?! :D

PS: here an english edition i.e. previous TV link:

Abstract, glossary and formulas by engineer (applicable to all types of buildings):
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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par Obamot » 01/06/12, 01:13

This can be used:

(Posted by Alain G from Canada)
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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par Christophe » 01/06/12, 09:08

Wow, interessing, dedeleco will be hayppy...but where is the french equivalent sujet? :idea: :?:
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par Remundo » 01/06/12, 09:57

Dédé has posted everywhere "dlsc.ca" :D
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par Christophe » 01/06/12, 10:08

Lol yes yes! But not exactly the same...
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Napo le nain
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par Napo le nain » 01/06/12, 12:46

i think we already have seen this somewhere on the forum

Where ? this the question

I pretty sure dedeleco will know :)
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par Obamot » 01/06/12, 13:08

"Thanks a lot" for killing the sujet of Alerte.Schiste! (By cutting most of my posts and pasting them here).

And "thanks" again for doing it, in a way that doesn't make sense...
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc
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par dedeleco » 01/06/12, 13:21

Christophe a écrit :Lol yes yes! But not exactly the same...

But only projects, often quite expensive, and the big red truck will destroy completely all my garden of my old houses !!!

It is incredible and not fair, that theses links and publications never quote the real working solution since 2007, www.dlsc.ca without problems and with a simple efficient solution, which can be extended anywhere, after geologic study and correction of the ground..

It is very simple technology, and not dangerous like the nuke plants, which sterilize a completel region after a nuke disaster, which will occur, early or late, because humans are not infallible !!

This solar geothermal working in Canada www.dlsc.ca must be simplified so that the price decreases, (the Japanese are more efficient for decreasing the price than us, in France we increase the price, in favor of our nuclear nukes ) very simple inexpensive solar panels, made from simple flexible tube in the summer sun, which send in summer and recover in winter this heat, into or from, simple drill holes of small daimeter, 2 to 4cm, which can be drilled even by hand drilling, in many garden, without destroying the graden with theses big red drilling truck !!

The bore or drill hole must be made not under houses (risk of movement of the ground, like that observed in very hot summer, called canicule in france, and usual un US ) but under the parking and road near these houses !!!
This also can be used for air conditioner, simple storing, into another place of the ground, the cold of the winter, for a better air conditioning.

For me in my gardens, it remains necessary to find the simple hand materail for drilling small hole on 10meters depth.

It is necessary to change the minds on this solution, very simple, to be simplified more, and with no CO2, no pollution, no danger and disasters like the nukes, this perpetually for centuries.
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Inscription : 22/08/09, 22:38
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par Obamot » 01/06/12, 14:06

Please stop this foolish approach.

dedeleco a écrit :It is incredible and not fair, that theses links and publications never quote the real working solution since 2007

Pure syllogism. This is not because they have built this one over there, it was necessarily working well, as YOU reported (only you).. I never seen any independent report who proved that.. It's also a possible fiasco.

dedeleco a écrit :But only projects, often quite expensive, and the big red truck will destroy completely all my garden of my old houses!

If so, it's just a temporary inconvenience (less than a season) for doing only one wellbore! And nothing if doing it after the harvesting.
— Do a grid of multiple wellbore (like dlsc) will destroy your garden? Yes a great surface and for ever!
— Do the gaz plant they use in parallel will destroy your garden, more than just a wellbore? Same thing...

Comme on Dedeleco, maybe dlsc is not bad: but not as simple as you could report...
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“Le “mal” porte en lui-même sa propre condamnation”

Liste de faux-nez présumés en “ignorés”: GuyGadeboisLeRetour,alias: Twistytwik, Plasmanu, GuyGadebois, gfgh64, etc

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